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Single saber hit limit


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The single saber has a swing limit on the yellow and the red stance.


Why don't the other two saber types have a swing limit?


Dual saber and staff look really random with the constant swinging in all directions.

Adding a 5-6 swing limit would fix that almost completely.

With that done, the sabers would almost be balanced.


Exept the dual saber backstab, staff butter fly and singel saber yellow stance


The dual saber backstab can do 100/100 damage.


the staff buttlerfly only hurts at the very end of the move and is abit strong.


Yellow stance is pretty much useless against staff and dual. (can't get thru defences) and the yellow dfa needs to be switched back to the way it was in Jk2.



do all this and the game is balanced.

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Originally posted by Sam

Yellow stance is pretty much useless against staff and dual. (can't get thru defences) and the yellow dfa needs to be switched back to the way it was in Jk2.



do all this and the game is balanced.


Yeah, the new JA DFA is harder to hit your opponent. Jk2 is easier.

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It's very rare to see the Yellow DFA used now, hm. Oh well, who cares? It's a SPECIAL. Specials should never be a main mode of attack, their name says it all.


I do agree the other two saber types need a chain limit to keep fools from holding the attack button.


And erm.. It's not like blue can get past defense, though if you use that little side swipe at the start of their swing it has a high chance to do damage. Yellow will crack against the staff/dual saber most of the time. I think the reason this is because the single styles were designed in a time to combat single sabers, and it does this well. They probably should've been tweaked.


Just use red. Sure you're open, but master the timing and you are a death machine.

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Yellow dfa was never a main mode of attack.

It would be nice for it to be useful somtimes though.


I mainly only use red against dual and staff. Simply becasue its the only thing that works, but against someone who times there attacks they will allways hit you because they dont have a swing limit like a single saber user does.

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There's still lots you can do... like the Backslash/Stab (and the two handed version of the Black Slash).


With Saberdamagescale 2 even regular horizontal slashes will work, just time them so they hit as the person is kicking or swinging.


Or wait for them to do a Kata or twirl and just sneak your attack in on their undefended part(s).

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I beg to differ. I use medium stance exclusively, and have little

problem vs. any other saber class/stance. Medium isnt a very

offensive stance vs. dual and staff, thus all of your bad

intentions depend on parries. If you do anything other than

tap-motion based swings and/or chain excessively, you

prevent the manifestation of those parries. There are a

magnitude of 'rules' for medium that differ when fighting other

classes and stances; however, none are more important than

timing and coherent tap-motion based swings.


Medium isnt everyone's ball of wax, though. I use it because

its challenging, versatile, and rewarding.

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When some one has a staff and is running at you holding down attack and pressing diffrent directions , its practicly impossible to kill them with out using red stance or some kind of kata. Adding a chain/swing limit on the other saber classes would ultimatly balance them pretty well.

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Yeh, I think both DFA for Red and Yellow should be the same as JO. The new yellow DFA makes me sick. I can't watch myself at all. About the swings, I also have a hard time getting in with a single saber with people that just run at me with their duel/staff.


And I know this is off topic, but do the guns fire slower now? Or is it just me w/ lots of lag?

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Yellow, is ALL about timing. Where staff and duals can just spam, yellow has to do one shot and then run or try to block (usually not very successfully). Blue... I don't use blue much, but from my experience it is completely useless unless you're just doing a strafe right+left, not including lunge of course. Red is the only thing that can really kill consistently. Neither DFA is very good.


I have LOTS of experience with single saber, don't believe me ask me to a duel, odds are I'll win 9 times out of 10.


I think slowing down the swings for staff and duals just a LITTLE would help greatly. Right now, in my eyes, they swing at single saber blue stance speed, and I think they should be changed to yellow stance speed. A fast swing, but it takes a second to start the next swing, I'm not sure if a chain limit should be put on, but if one is it should be high, something similar to single saber's yellow stance.

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the red stance damage is just too random

ive had duels where im facing a red stancer and ive been killed in one hit and ive also only taken 1 damage and eveerything inbetween

singles have a big element of suprise

when i used to use singles i only used yellow or blue

when a spamming dueler/staffer comes running at u just do a blue kata they just run right into it and get killed (ive won many duels like this) and yellow i think is good overall and plus dont forget the singles side cartwheel jump thing cuz its unblockable;)


i think staff should have a 3-5 attack limit and duels should slow down (seen anakins fighting with duels its much slower)


i have my own tricks for every saber that can take people out at the right moments

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Originally posted by Syzerian

the red stance damage is just too random

ive had duels where im facing a red stancer and ive been killed in one hit and ive also only taken 1 damage and eveerything inbetween

Perhaps this is because there is location damage (i.e. arm hits don't do as much damage as torso hits) and checks to see how long the saber was in the collision box (the more time the more damage), and at what point of the swing the hit occurred (e.g. there is a lot more damage in the middle of the swing that at the end). Those variables are there all by design.


The other issue is lag. With lag the game may not get an accurate idea of how the hit occurred. Since it goes by frames, with lag the time between frames is longer. So it concludes that the length of time for the collision was less, and so less damage.


But the damage is not completely random by design.

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