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Map Borrowing or Stealing?


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I had to ask you mappers out there something, I'm making a Geonosis map, and have placed .map files of Sand Arena 2, Geonosis Hanger Duel, and Geonosis Droid Factory from JK2 in the map I'm making. If I list the original mappers names in the credits of the map, would I be allowed to release the map? Or is there a certain "mapper" code of life to abide by?


Thank you :confused:

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Yeah I agree with Thrawn. It could be a map that you have poured hours and hours of planning, effort, design and scripting. Some wank can come along this map and think, 'Gee I could really do something good with this', and in less than a few hours, creates something that's totally awesome which kicks your original map's butt and they leave you no credit. This can be extremely frustrating to the creater of the map.

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Which is what I would do. I'm not modifying the levels in any way,

just placing them in my map. I always give credit to people. My Rebel vs. Imperials map had the Duality and Snowspeeder ships in it, and I gave credit to the two makers. I'm not like that ass Belog on pcgamemods that ripped off Onibi's Christmas level.

That was shameful

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Yeh, its a tough question. You're obviously not from the "swipe first, ask questions later" school, so thats good. Hmmm, if you can't get hold of them to ask their permission, I'd honestly say don't use the maps. That may seem rather prohibative, but it gives you the credibility of saying that those you did use, you had full permission to do so.

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There are many mappers who have used ORIGINAL default material from JK2 or even JA and have NEVER asked Activision or RAVEN or ID to use any of those files. Not only have they used the material but they have ALTERED it slightly which is a MAJOR NO NO!! Give the credit and thats good enough. Don't make me give examples of pure unadulterated plagerism. Just provide the CREDIT notes and it's all cool.

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Originally posted by lauser

There are many mappers who have used ORIGINAL default material from JK2 or even JA and have NEVER asked Activision or RAVEN or ID to use any of those files. Not only have they used the material but they have ALTERED it slightly which is a MAJOR NO NO!! Give the credit and thats good enough. Don't make me give examples of pure unadulterated plagerism. Just provide the CREDIT notes and it's all cool.


Ok. The game assests of Jedi Academy: the sounds, models, skins, textures, sprites, effects, etc. are Raven's work. I dunno where you think Activision has a say.


And I believe Raven allows their assests from any Raven game to be used in any other Raven game. And considering many Raven people post on forums - even these forums, and tell us how to do this and that, I'm pretty sure they would give us permission if we take up their time to ask. :rolleyes:


Id. The software that belongs to Id is the base engine and base code - which you can't just modify and release anyway! What is released that can be modified - the MP SDK - is likely mostly Raven's code, or in any case, would be something Raven would be allowed to release of Id's work, and between Id and Raven.



Oh, and please do post examples of "pure unadulterated plagerism." It would be good to know for this thread, I would think.



Personally, I wouldn't use anything if I didn't have the author's permission, just out of respect for them and their work. Don't assume it's "all cool" to just have a few credit notes, when it may in fact not be.


Of course, most author's are reasonable, and wouldn't mind you using their work as long as they do get credit - but still, you shouldn't automatically assume so. Get the permission, and if the author has in fact dropped off the face of the Earth, then just the credit would be alright.


But using a piece of someone's map, I dunno... I mean, if they wanted their map (or parts of it) used by others, maybe they would have released the .map file, maybe?


I see it as taking the easy road... paste together other people's maps into one and say "I r uber-leet mappr!!!!!!111" - make your own versions of all the areas and the map yourself, and you'll really have something to be proud of. :)

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I can tell you now if someone decompiled my map and used parts of it without asking me, I'd be angry. I don't mind people asking if they can use some of my textures/models/sounds because I usually say yes but my maps are my own and I like it to stay that way. It is only in rare instances that I will say "sure you can use that part of my map" and then I'll release the .map file.

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