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War of the Ring PC game


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Though I've never played it, I've seen lukewarm reviews about it. One thing I read that didn't seem right to me is that orcs and men are evenly matched and both are produced at the same rate. Anyone who's seen any of the LotR movies or read the books knows that men tend to fare better in battle than orcs on a one-to-one ratio. It's only with their sheer weight of numbers that orcs win. It would have been better if the player could create orcs faster than men, but make them weaker than men.


I also heard that the graphics weren't what people expected it to be, kind of a Warcraft III style more than a LotR style.


In closing, I would say War of the Ring is probably just a Warcraft III clone. The gameplay sounds like it could've been so much more, but it falls short in the end.

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