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Take a Wild Guess !!


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I am doing the Holo Grind and I want you to try and guess what you think my next Holo Profession will be :)

So far I have Mastered these.....


Master Scout

Master Marksman

Master Creature Handler

Master Image Designer (1st Holo)

Working On Master Armorosmith "2/1/1/1" (2nd Holo)


What do you think my third Holo will tell me ?


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Originally posted by Leemu Taos




*tries to hold back own views about all this holo chasing*



I Agree that the Holo Chasing is completely GAY !

And I swore that I wouldnt do it, but I figured I might aswell do the professions the Holos want me to do and get it out of the way :)

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It randomly gives you a profession to master to achieve 'enlightenment'...in my own opinion, it's a horrible way of unlocking your FS slot...I mean c'mon, I'm not giving up professions that I've worked on for months just to take up another and give that one up for another and so on and so forth.

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i couldnt agree more

i worked for months to get Master pistoleer. especially the combat xp is a BIATCH!



im becomming a mayor right now.

and that means i have to give up my doctors skills.

and its hard to give up something you LOVE doing.


so this holo grind is emotionally unstabeling me :) so i wont go after it EVER!

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Originally posted by JediMasterEd

It randomly gives you a profession to master to achieve 'enlightenment'...in my own opinion, it's a horrible way of unlocking your FS slot...I mean c'mon, I'm not giving up professions that I've worked on for months just to take up another and give that one up for another and so on and so forth.


Well, that is why becoming a Jedi is hard. It helps limit the number of Jedi.

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I heard somewhere that the holocron thing would make ppl try as many professions of the game as possible... as that would be a good thing. I mean force ppl to do something they might not want do. Look at me. I am about to be Master BH... my Holocron said to me that I have to be Commando. I say WTF! I don't wanna go around in this game and slaughter monsters and NPCs forever. I mean advancing in BH and Commando is not that big of a difference. Except that BH is more fun...

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Wait, so when you master the said proffesion, another holocron tells you to do something else? How many times do you have to do that?


Anyways, I think it's all stupid. When I bought the game, I pretty much knew what kind of thing I wanted to do. So I'm doing that. I don't see the point in actively seeking the FSS. Jedi. Yay. Now I can't let anyone know and I get to disrupt Star Wars continuity.

I want to be a rodian weaponsmith/pistoleer, not a jedi. I can be a jedi in every other freaking star wars game on the planet.

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Originally posted by JawaJoey

Wait, so when you master the said proffesion, another holocron tells you to do something else? How many times do you have to do that?


Anyways, I think it's all stupid. When I bought the game, I pretty much knew what kind of thing I wanted to do. So I'm doing that. I don't see the point in actively seeking the FSS. Jedi. Yay. Now I can't let anyone know and I get to disrupt Star Wars continuity.

I want to be a rodian weaponsmith/pistoleer, not a jedi. I can be a jedi in every other freaking star wars game on the planet.

*cheerrs for jawajoey* YAY!

i agree man :)

but some people.... well they are easaly bored :)

so they go holo grinding as they call it :) to become the so called jedi :) and if your on the Starsider server ... you'll soon be dead :)


an ex member of mine killed 2 of the 3 jedi a while back :)

the third is an arrogant A hole and he got suspended from game for letting his bio creatures all over a town on Tattooine :).


dont know how many became a jedi tho :)

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So far.......


Master Scout

Master Marksman

Master Creature Handler

Master Image Designer - First Holo

Master Armorsmith - Second Holo

Master Musician - Third Holo.

Master Entertainer - Fourth Holo


Master Dancer <------ Working on this to get the Entertainer tree out of the way.


The funny thing is that I was going to do Master Entertainer before I clicked my next Holo just to get it out of the way since I was so close. I decided to click the Holo anyway and it said Master Entertainer :).....I thought that was very wierd.

Also having 3 of the 4 holos tell me to do Entertainer Professions was very odd aswell :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Once you open a holo do you automatically get that profession? to master??? ( I never had a holocron.)


It just tells you a proffession to master. Once you master it on your own, you need to get another holocron to tell you the next thing to master and so on.

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My Update.....


So far.......


Master Marksman

Master Scout

Master Creature Handler

Master Image Designer - First Holo

Master Armorsmith - Second Holo

Master Musician - Third Holo.

Master Entertainer - Fourth Holo

Master Dancer

Master Artisan

Master Medic

Master Brawler <--- Doing this one now to finish the base


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