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Bandon **possible spoliers**

Captain LeChuck

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I had some trouble with him the first time through, when I met him on Kashyyk. It took a few times and some strategy.


My general 'tough battle' advice:

- Take out the toughest one first.

- Use the 'pause and activate' feature liberally. For example - after a turn, press 'i' for inventory, and choose the 'usable items' page (makes it easier to find stuff) and you can use a medpack or stim or even activate a shield without using a combat turn.

- Micromanage your party's actions. Yesterday I found Bastila thinking it was a good idea to use heal two turns in a row mid-battle after I had stepped on a grenade and then taken a hit from a grenade. I had Drain Life stacked and had already taken back ~50 points ... I put her on Master Flurry where she belonged.

- When in doubt, make sure you have cast all buffing spells and applied all stims before the battle begins.

- This should be obvious, but also micromanage your party's armor and weapons. Maxamize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses.


Hope this helps,



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Originally posted by Captain LeChuck

I always do those things.:(


What level were you, anyway? Im 11.

My first time I was pretty close to that. My next time I did more planet-hopping, so I was higher. This time I'm level 16 and haven't seen him yet (coming soon, though).


What is your class config and level split? Saber crystals & party config? Any info should help us help you ...



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I first met Bandon in the shadowlands on Kashyyk and he didn't use drain life at all, though I did have Force Shield on. I took out the two Dark Jedi first, they were easy, then I ganged up on Bandon and he died, eventually. Have Bastila, if she is with you, stun him, while you hit him with your saber.

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Originally posted by Captain LeChuck

I would stun him, but it would appear his close to immune to Force Powers. I have never succeeded in doing any Force Powes on him.

I think you need at least 2nd level powers to hit. My last time through I was level 14 or 15 and had Force Wave (must have been 15, come to think of it) and barely had to ignite my saber ...


Bottom line is that the earlier you meet him, the harder he is to beat, as his level stays the same.



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When I did it on Manaan (I had Zaalbar and Jolee)


I found it easier to take out his dark jedi buddys with your semi melee fighters and and get your main melee on him, the dark jedi are easy and they should die quick then focus everyone one of him, as soon as he leeches he has lost quite alot of health

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When I did it on Manaan (I had Zaalbar and Jolee)


I found it easier to take out his dark jedi buddys with your semi melee fighters and and get your main melee on him, the dark jedi are easy and they should die quick then focus everyone one of him, as soon as he leeches he has lost quite alot of health

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When I did it on Manaan (I had Zaalbar and Jolee)


I found it easier to take out his dark jedi buddys with your semi melee fighters and and get your main melee on him, the dark jedi are easy and they should die quick then focus everyone one of him, as soon as he leeches he has lost quite alot of health

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Do you have Force Suppression or Force Breach yet? I'm pretty sure I gave him a little of that first and then I basically did what Mike has already suggested: Micro-management. My party used a lots of area effect force powers all directed at Bandon; his lackys never even came close to hitting us with anything.

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If I got a screenshot I'll post a link tomorrow, because I just met him and his two cronies on Tatooine.


I was alone, because I was ... um ... up to something.


I killed them all in about four turns (counting my Knight Speed). I'm level 16 - 5Soldier & 11 Consular. Dark Master.



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... bummer ...


I knew I hadn't changed EnableScreenShot to '1' on one of my laptops ... apparently it was the main one ...


I was surprised - I was looking for someone else, turned around in a cave, and saw three guys at the mouth. Turned on Knight Speed, and hit them with some waves, then after a few of those the henchmen were dead, Bandon was down to ~25% health, and he hit me with a Drain Life for ~30hp. I responded with a stack of Master Flurry. It took me two rounds to kill him, and he hit me for 8hp in between (ouch ... not).


It was the easiest 'major battle' I've had ... at least one that ended in death.



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