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An Awesome Battle


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I was in Krayt city and i hear someone yell Krayt to the east. so i hop on my speederbike and race over, jumped off and saw the krayt. I HAD no idea they were that BIG.

so i started shooting at the big @$$ Mofo. and i ran to a dune behind it to get a better shot and when i went over there was another Krayt. so i called the warning and it chased me back. We eventually killed the first one and then we all started on the 2nd one.

there was about 30+ people here and it still took forever. when we killed the 2nd Krayt i set a camp up and started healing people. after maybe 5 minutes someone yelled another krayt! so i disbanded the camp and ran like hell to the Krayt.

this one didnt last as long but we did get him. when he fell and died i took a trophy shot. (last pic.


and i figure this must sound like a goose chase story & no one would believe i helped fight & kill 3 krayts. SO i took Screen shots. they are posted in order of occurence.














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