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Darth Malak

ksk h2o

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The original grayfox was based on the shadow trooper as the readme pointed it out.


By now, the body has been merged/modified, remodeled quite a bit. The abdomen section's mesh remains very much like the original shadowtrooper although it is deformed in order to fit the different shoulders, arms, chest etc.


Here's a acreenshot of the various body meshes now included. They are of course based all off the original grayfox which itself based it's body on the shadowtrooper.



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Originally posted by Eldritch

First of all, any reskins based off the Grey Fox model by ksk that I've found have had their download disabled or they have been removed.


Let me break down the conversation between you two, so you can see what I see.


He saw you say that you needed permission from him before PCGM would re-enable the download.


By "I can't do anything about that," I presume he means I won't give you permission (please, correct me if I'm wrong here, ksk).


However, I've said it before and I'll say it again: if ksk gives permission for your recoloring of his original skin to be distributed on PCGM, I'll re-enable it. Until then, I consider the matter closed.


Sorry for the hijack, ksk - nice work on Malak.


Oh great another nerd fight. Can you two break it up?

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heh, I actually had to google Lobot (don't stone me now).


First let me get these five body meshes in game and skinned. From what I remember in the movie and what I saw in online pictures, he's a bald skinny dude with loose garbs. Doesn't quite go with the buff husky bod we have here. One thing is that he's bald...


I have to get this guy in game as is, I could then do one more mesh, I was hesitating about adding a samurai armor mesh... It'll be a toss up between the two.

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Originally posted by ksk h2o

heh, I actually had to google Lobot (don't stone me now).


First let me get these five body meshes in game and skinned. From what I remember in the movie and what I saw in online pictures, he's a bald skinny dude with loose garbs. Doesn't quite go with the buff husky bod we have here. One thing is that he's bald...


I have to get this guy in game as is, I could then do one more mesh, I was hesitating about adding a samurai armor mesh... It'll be a toss up between the two.

:o DO SAMURAI ARMOR! I'll even help you with a skin in you want. I've been wanting a samurai for, forever.
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Swankified @ Malak model


And if need a decision on things, do a good samurai armor. Never seen one, and it'd certainly be a lot cooler than Lobot >.>



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Originally posted by Eldritch

I believe his answer was "no."


It's hardly a reskin if all you did was change the colors. That can be done in 5 minutes.


Whoa! Whoa! Now hold on a minute. It could take you eldritch 5 minutes. But it could take other people 30 minutes. (Man this not why I'm going to Full Sail to be a Game Dev. People there going in cool,and come out arrogant. No Offense) Look eldritch I don't care If the skin sucked or diden't look right. IT IS STILL SOMEBODYS WORK!! And you don't seem to have any respect for peoples work. Haven't you ever heard the term? "you learn from your first work" My first map sucked. But I learned from it People will not learn is if you keep doing that. And I don't like your attitude towards Zappa. Now knock it off.



Oh yeah keep up the good work on Malak.:) :) :)

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Originally posted by Casper

But it could take other people 30 minutes.

I don't care how long it takes. You're missing the point... again. The point was that he didn't have permission from the original author to make the skin, not how good or bad the reskin was.

(Man this not why I'm going to Full Sail to be a Game Dev. People there going in cool,and come out arrogant. No Offense)

And neither am I. I'm not in the Game Development program.

And you're not going to Full Sail for a few reasons:

- You're still in high school

- You'd get beat down for being a dick (no offense).

Look eldritch I don't care If the skin sucked or diden't look right. IT IS STILL SOMEBODYS WORK!! And you don't seem to have any respect for peoples work.

You're missing the point again - it has nothing to do with their work. And I have respect for people's work - it's because I respect the ORIGINAL AUTHOR'S work that I disable files that don't have permission from that author.

Haven't you ever heard the term? "you learn from your first work" My first map sucked. But I learned from it People will not learn is if you keep doing that.

I'm not running a school, here. People are welcome to practice and learn all they want but if they submit something to PCGM that contains something they don't have permission to use, I'm disabling it.

And I don't like your attitude towards Zappa. Now knock it off.

Oh, well isn't that just too ****ing bad.



Sorry mods, but I've been trying to deal with him without breaking any forum rules for a long time now, and I just can't take it anymore. If you guys aren't moderating his behaviour, I don't see the point anyway.

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Hell, I'm going to back up Eldritch here. I've had enough of Casper's continuous flaming towards him.


Eldritch is right in what he says; if you make something, that's okay. if you distribute it, without permission, you're breaking actual laws. Especially you should know that, after you spammed Force-Temple because they had AOTC:TC material up there. May I remind you that it was Eldritch who took those files down at PCGameMods? Thank you very much.


You also seem to like to use other random things when you're angry at people, hell, you just make those things up most of the time, which shows when you say Eldritch is in the Game Development program at Full Sail - it's just a hobby of his, for crying out loud! You also state that people who go there are "cool" first, and come out as arrogant. Frankly, I don't think Eldritch is arrogant. He's right, and able to stand for that. if he would be arrogant, he wouldn't be willing to accept any help from others, not willing to listen to them. However, he does.


And if you don't like his attitude towards Zappa, which probably has a reason, then let him take care of that. I don't think it's any of your business, really.


That's about it, I think. If you don't get the point yet, I'll add the following conclusion to this post:


Grow the hell up. NOW.

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Well I'am sorry if I misinturpruted. If it was stolen then it should be taken down. Okay. I apologize for that. And no I don't get beat up in highschool I'm the one that does the beating up. And how long have you been dealing with me? Not long on my watch. Now please clean up your attitude. And I will clean up mine. But I don't like you knocking movies.

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Originally posted by GothiX

Hell, I'm going to back up Eldritch here. I've had enough of Casper's continuous flaming towards him.


Eldritch is right in what he says; if you make something, that's okay. if you distribute it, without permission, you're breaking actual laws. Especially you should know that, after you spammed Force-Temple because they had AOTC:TC material up there. May I remind you that it was Eldritch who took those files down at PCGameMods? Thank you very much.


You also seem to like to use other random things when you're angry at people, hell, you just make those things up most of the time, which shows when you say Eldritch is in the Game Development program at Full Sail - it's just a hobby of his, for crying out loud! You also state that people who go there are "cool" first, and come out as arrogant. Frankly, I don't think Eldritch is arrogant. He's right, and able to stand for that. if he would be arrogant, he wouldn't be willing to accept any help from others, not willing to listen to them. However, he does.


And if you don't like his attitude towards Zappa, which probably has a reason, then let him take care of that. I don't think it's any of your business, really.


That's about it, I think. If you don't get the point yet, I'll add the following conclusion to this post:


Grow the hell up. NOW.


Okay Gothic boy Time for a little lecture


1. Zappa is a good freind of mine. Anyone who crosses him, Crosses me.


2. Force temple was never spammed. I warned them to take aotctc's files down. so what you said there was major BS.


3. Im not flaming him. I'am telling the truth and some times the truth hurts. If you can't take critism get out.


4. Yes he is Arrogant and no offense so are you. A good example is the GAME logo.


4. I think the one that needs to grow up is you. (well hey atleast I don't watch Tellatubbys. So you need to work on you maturity level.

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Originally posted by Casper

Okay Gothic boy Time for a little lecture


1. Zappa is a good freind of mine. Anyone who crosses him, Crosses me.


2. Force temple was never spammed. I warned them to take aotctc's files down. so what you said there was major BS.


3. Im not flaming him. I'am telling the truth and some times the truth hurts. If you can't take critism get out.


4. Yes he is Arrogant and no offense so are you. A good example is the GAME logo.


4. I think the one that needs to grow up is you. (well hey atleast I don't watch Tellatubbys. So you need to work on you maturity level.

(Quoted so Casper wouldn't go deleting posts again.)


You were flaming him. As well, if you're close friends with Zappa, I see, but it should still be his call.


However, your spamming at Force-Temple was definitely there, as Inferno said he was "fed up with you spamming the boards". So yeah, goodnight.


Oh, before you start to say stuff about people who are arrogant, you'd need to know what arrogant is, first.




n : overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors [syn: haughtiness, lordliness]


SO, people like Eldritch and me, who teach others (beginners, actually) how to map, we're arrogant? because we treat them like we'd treat a friend? Oh, yeah. I see.


Now, for your point 4, we're going to see some irony. Because you managed not to be able to count to 5 properly. Real mature. As for stating things about "Tellatubbys", I can only assume you mean the kidshow "Teletubbies", which is, indeed, mentioned as my favorite TV-show on my Digital Core profile. I suppose you're unable to comprehend humor then, eh?

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