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What do the colours mean?


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Hi does any one have the meaning of the different colours of the lightsabres?


I thought that the blue were padawans, green for jedi masters and red for sith.


But then episode two comes and mucks up my brain! In the scene when Obi-Wan goes to Yoda, the kids have blue and green. Red has kept with sith but then a purple sabre comes into the equasion for Mace windu - what can this mean?



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Originally posted by guybroom

And where do they get the crystles from?


How are they made?


If a jedi had a red sabre would anyone care, considering that it is just the crystles that people get/make?


Are there only the 4 colour of sabre?


Well I always include EU in my arguements that dont contradict the GL offical Universe.


Anyway in short it would not matter what color the lightsaber was to other Jedi. Leia has a crimson lightsaber for example and she isn't evil at all. HOWEVER if a Jedi used a Sith Crystal or a crystal that was created with the aid of the "darkside" it would be frowned apon and they may even be made to get rid of it or be expelled. As for the saber color well there can be endless possibilities as every crystal is different and make different colors. However I dont think that black would be possible or shades of it.


Usually Jedi find crystals to use by letting the Force guide them to the crystals.


As for how they are made I do not know but I have read somewhere (have to find the link) that they are created in furnaces. Appearently Luke created his crystals for his RotJ lightsaber.

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In Knights of the Old Republic, the colors represent your jedi class:

Blue:jedi Guardian-consentrates more on lightsaber skills rather than the force(still uses the force though)


Yellow:Jedi Sentinell(maybe spelled wrong) Dont remember its description, i think it was the kind of jedi which focuses more on stealh, finding weaknesses in the oponents battle tecnique(somethin like that)


Green:Jedi Counselar-Uses the force more than the lightsaber,meditates and would rather try to turn someone to the lightside rather than to fight.


I might be wrong on the description on each class but it was something like that...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I thought-


Blue-For Learners

Green-For Jedi/Jedi Knights

Orange-For Freelance Jedi

Purple-For Great Jedi (like Mace Windu)

Yellow-For Freelance/Great Jedi (In a picture of Yoda, the colours were all mixed up so I thought he held a yellow saber)


Then EP2 sorta broke this theory.

JK:JA destroyed it.

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actually, in Knights of the old republic Blue sabers are fighters,

Green sabers are force users and orange is in between.

but as you go adventuring you can alter the colour by inserting other crystals, including red and purple.

sith make artificial crystals for their sabers, and they always turn out to be red.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yea, and dont get me started on purple, orange and yellow- thats a whole other ballpark. You ought to try playing some kotor


first of all: The whole thred is for all the colours. I know that i did not mention yellow when I started this, but i did not know there was even a yellow lightsaber. And also, I have played KOTOR. But I have got it VERY recnetly so I did not know about the other colours.


Speaking of KOTOR, the sith seem to have red lightsabers, but also some have purple - Mace Windu has a purple lightsaber and I don't think he's a sith (I have not seen Ep3) but what is going on there? Is there a change of traditions? What's going on!?

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GL, or canon, says blue, green for good. red for bad, and purple as a favor to samual L. Jackson (mace).


as for E.U., any color is possible (except black) but i think GL should put some more colors in the movies.


KotOR just elaborated on what each color meant for each type of jedi for that time period and doesn't necesarily mean the current jedi council uses that system. plus i thought all sith in kotor had red sabers, i might be mistaken though. If they have purple sabers, they might just be the common dark jedi.

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Here's a quick run down of sabers and where they have been seen:


Good guys:


Green- Classic, New Trilogy, Expanded Universe,Games


Blue-Classic, New Trilogy, Expanded Universe,Games


Yellow-Expandd Uinversem, Games


Purple-New Trilogy (per Sam Jackson's request), Expanded Univers, Games


Orange-Only games to my knowledge


Bad guys:


Red- Wherever bad guys are seen.



Originaly, only green or blue are for jedi, but in AOTC Sam Jackson requested a different color (you can see this happening on the DVD) Yellow sabers were invented in the expanded universe and translated into games.


Thus far, orange to my knowlede has only been seen in the Jedi Knight games and KOTOR.


The color doesntr have any special significance. The idea is how ever, red is a more powerful type of crystal that can break thru other blades, this explains why Obi Wan's blade was so funky in ANH.




Hope this helps

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