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Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)

Fred Tetra

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lol, The instruments and guns must have the same holding poses or it is just one of the devs form of a joke.

In my roamings though KotOR's files I saw that those instuments are quest items.


Which leads me to wonder how many other game elements are unused. So far I have learned there was plans for a second LS ending where Carth turns a female DS Reven back to the light on the starforge. Then stay there as it burns in the star. someone noticed there was an unused level in the vulker base and there is pretty much atleast 1 unused file per module some contain several, unfinnished models and I think some unused textures.


sorry went a little off topic. looking forward to the next release of Kotor tool :)

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Originally posted by Shimaon

Speaking of devs form of a joke... look through a texture pack and find nun.tpc...


You see where this is going...



:p thats just funy , but i can see bastilla in a Nun custome running around proclaiming her goodness

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Originally posted by tk102

Version: KotOR Tool v1.0.1502.18035

Symptom: Arithmetic Overflow upon the following treeview navigation:



- Rims

- - global.rim

- - - appearance.2da (double-click)


This occurs because this particular 2da file does not follow the same file format as every other one I have ever come across.


Internally, the file format uses tab characters (ASCII 9) to separate field and row names, and each list is terminated with a null (ASCII 0).


This file uses nulls in place of tabs so when I look for the end of the list, I find it too soon and the wrong number of rows is calculated, hence the error.


I checked the file against the version in the BIFs section and they are otherwise identical.


Thanks for letting me know.

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Ha ha, sloppy sloppy Bioware! Put that in the same category as the duplicitous field indices. Do you think Bioware ever reads any of these forums?


I hope someone from Bioware does. This is the first game I have really ever dug into and Im a little surprized by how much junk and unused content their is. It almost makes me wonder if that is the only reason they won't support Modding Becuase of the sloppyness. It could be a contributing factor.

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I would like to use the Kotor Tool but I am getting the following error every time I try to expand the tree :


The currency separator information specified in the NumberFormatInfo is ambiguous for parsing


I assume that the win98 installation I am using has a currency separator different from the default, but since I am in a netcafe with some options locked I cannot do anything for that.


Is there anything that can be done? i.e. allow the separator used be determind in the xml file?


kotor tool v 1.0.1502.18035

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Originally posted by Naver Drolmai

I would like to use the Kotor Tool but I am getting the following error every time I try to expand the tree :


The currency separator information specified in the NumberFormatInfo is ambiguous for parsing


I assume that the win98 installation I am using has a currency separator different from the default, but since I am in a netcafe with some options locked I cannot do anything for that.


Is there anything that can be done? i.e. allow the separator used be determind in the xml file?


kotor tool v 1.0.1502.18035


I'll bet you're not using a us-english version of windows....


Microsoft's .NET environment, (which KT is coded in), tries to do a lot of globalization things for you (the programmer, that is) but sometimes it gets in the way. I'll bet this is one of those times.

If you send an email to the address in the readne.txt with the Exception text, I'll see what I can do.

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New version released - v1.0.1521.38639 (2004-3-1)




* View GFF file(s) as Syntax-colored Text (File | View GFF Files...)


* Open and Edit UTC (Creature) files (ONLY!) including inventory/force powers/etc.

Other GFF-based files open in Text Viewer. (File | Open GFF Files...)


* Both of the above allow you to select multiple files in the Open File dialog.


* Treeview now has leaf nodes organized by type (most resources) or initial (textures in TexturePacks)


* You can now turn off building of the "Models" tree under BIFs to speed up overall building. (Tools | Options...)


You can download this new version from the links on the first post.





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I just wanna add a small note for the inventory editor in the utc editor(npc's) If you add a custom Item to the inventorylist It must be typed in lower case letters or it won't work in-game.


Thats all :) oh ya and the new Treeview organizer is Awesome :D


I can't wait to see what you add next Fred.



EDIT:now that the files are organized, I found a file called partymember.btc and when I open it with the gff editor I looked the fistname[CExoLocString] and it read as "Badger" and under the description[CExoLocString] IT says "The common Badger is a small but fierce mammal. Its strong forelimbs are armed with long claws, used for both digging and self-defense."


When I think of how out of place this seems I just had to laugh. :D :D :clap2:

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

I just wanna add a small note for the inventory editor in the utc editor(npc's) If you add a custom Item to the inventorylist It must be typed in lower case letters or it won't work in-game.



Actually, you can't enter anything but lowercase letters in the item slots custom editor, but you can in the grid. I'll fix that in the next release.


Now that the GFF class (which all of the ut* files use) is done, other editors should be easier to do.


I didn't mention it in the readme.txt (not that anyone reads it :) ), but if you double click on an equipped item slot in the inventory editor, you can set it to a custom item's ResRef.

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Originally posted by Fred Tetra

Actually, you can't enter anything but lowercase letters in the item slots custom editor, but you can in the grid. I'll fix that in the next release.


OOPS :eek: that is what i meant to say. I thought I implyed that the way it is done is by dopping an exsisting item in the itemlist then deleteing the slot contents and entering your own Item.

My bad.

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This tool will become the nwn tooset for kotor.


Now I feel like a real heel for asking ( due to you working so hard at this fine program) but any news on the update to modify .git files?

Only thing thats prevents me from creating new worlds ( with new content )


I feal bad even asking you....

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Thank you; I hope it helps your efforts.


To quote something I said before:


"After determining that doing the Area editor would require some really good design decisions, I figured that I'd rather make my mistakes on something simpler. Not that dealing with GFFs of any sort is easy (just ask tk102!), but there is less to deal with (from what I can tell) in Creature files. Area definitions would benefit from a graphically-based object positioner and lots of other non-text-entry type GUI elements that I don't feel like dealing with until I feel comfortable with the GFF class implementation and interface methods."


Well, I did the UTC editor, but I am still revising the GFF class to make the whole thing more object-oriented. (This means less redudant code in each editor, like that for setting a text box from a GFF field value, for the non-programmers otu there.)


I could write an editor for GIT and ARE files, but it'd be all text entry, which doesn't work well for placing items in a 3D environment. Thus I have decided to hold off on that for now.

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Here's some screenshot links from the upcoming Item (UTI) editor, shown editing a lightsaber from the module sta_m45ac_s.rim:


General tab


Properties tab


Description tab


When you double-click an existing row in the Property table, you get an editor:


Sample 1


Sample 2


You can also add new properties by double-clicking the "*" row header:


Sample 3



Testing is just about complete - thanks to T7nowhere for his testing so far!


If you're interested in helping, email at the address in the readme.txt file.

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Fred your tool keeps getting better and better with every release :D


this item editor will make for some fun new items ~rubs hands together~ i already have ideas forming in my head ...


i can already see some unique items that only one character can use , yes , that should be easy to do

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I finally looked at some of the light sabers in the game and discovered that they use an extra field of data to indicate which upgrades give which bonuses. Once I have this new discovery incorporated into the editor, I'll be releasing it.

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Fred, the editor looks awesome, I can't wait for it since it oughta make custom lightsabers much easier. Also, in terms of file structure, the lightsaber upgrades work the same as any other items upgrades, they just have alot more fields, at least thats what I've gotten from it.


BTW, if you ever need anyone else to help test I'm always glad to help.



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:) I knew about that. I guess I just took it forgranted sinse I knew it was there. You mean the upgradetype which referances the upgrade.2da and upgrade types. That is just one more thing that makes upgrading weapons a little more complex. :)
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