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The Official RotS Spoiler Pictures Thread


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dokuu is also into the deathstarr you know from EP2 he nearly din't get the plans to palpatine


palpatine makes the ppl beliefe its made for destroying unhabbited planets for mining


but instead he made it to kick the living hell out of evryone :D


and i still need a screen that shows me how a jedi gets killed by palpie's blade :p

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Originally posted by Lord_Kabal

What could this gigantic structure be?



If they started that early building the first Death Star (assuming tis is the first one of course) then that means it takse a long time to build one. It also means that the second D.S. was started very early on as well.


Of course once the Empire was fully in place, then Palpatine had more control of what he could do with resources and it would seem logical to speculate that the 2nd DS could easily be built at a quicker pace.

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Originally posted by Nairb Notneb

If they started that early building the first Death Star (assuming tis is the first one of course) then that means it takse a long time to build one. It also means that the second D.S. was started very early on as well.

At first I thought the whole thing was crazy, but thinking about it some more perhaps it is not. I don't think taking 20 years to build such a structure is that outlandish. It is, after all, the size of a small moon. Not only that, but it isn't just building the surface. It's all the interior as well. And even if it took less than 20 years to complete the construction, I can see the test plan taking years as well. So many systems and so much integration...


Also, it may make more sense if the second DS was under construction before the first was destroyed. Then it removes the, "why the hell are they making another one after the first was destroyed?" On some level it makes sense that a fleet of DS is more effective than one.


Just a thought...

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Originally posted by TK-8252

George said it himself it'll probably be PG-13. And he's not going to fight it.

Oh. :indif: I didn't know that. It's just that they've all been PG, so... :fist: Not that it matters. I wouldn't mind if it was R. ;)

Well, thanks for telling me!

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