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The Official RotS Spoiler Pictures Thread


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Originally posted by Chase Windu

Do you know if the girl comes with the subscription?:confused:


do they ever? /sigh


for once if i ordered something and htis hot woman delivered it then proposed to me :D




and that picture of Padme with her eyes open, infact beleve it or not i think im beganing to side with STTCT.. maybe she did fake it but then was killed on Alderann... or died at age 50 on Naboo or something

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last pic, i bet i can guess what the line is. its either.


"Anakin, you have a Robotic P-"


"Anakin, whats wrong?"


"Anakin, what are you doing with that knife?"


i think its number 2, but you never know :)


btw i just got into Hyperspace and wow alot of new pics not on his thread. am i alloud to put them on here or is it like, against the rules or something?

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hmmm, maybe there was some icky eye bug going around. and anakin and palpie gave it to eachother. cause notice neither of them have those creepy eyes in RoTJ, but most almost 9.99% likely that anakin lost them after being redempted by his son.

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well notice that Anakin fell to the darkside much sooner then the mustafar duel, where i assume we first see his red eyes, maybe its like an on off thing, because when hes going to kill the jedi, his eyes are normal.


now some classic captions with the latest Pics...


(Originally Submited by Chase Windu)




Yoda: "what is that smell, i wonder?"




Obi-Wan: "Oh those droids over there are having a birthday party!"




Anakin: "You got a what?!?!"




Bobo: "How many times are we going to see referances of Episode I in Episode III?


Anakin: "Master, Destroyers!


Obi-Wan: "woah, deja vu..."




Bobo: "Ow ow owww! did that crush obi-wan's legs?! and tell me this, how come Obi-wan is always getting beat or knocked down by the lame, and weak dooku but he kicks Anakin's @$$, and anakin destroyed all the jedi and dooku hasnt really killed any jedi single handedly?"




Bobo: "Whens this? it cant be the fight where Mace comes to see Palpie, because this looks like Day, and that happens at night. Hmmm."


Anakin: "You better not be lying about that power, you old hag!"




Bobo: "How anakin really destroyed the jedi...."


Anakin: "You want to kill yourself."


Jedi: "I want to-" *jabs lightsaber in the chest*




Mace: "Oh god is that guy peeing?"


Obi-Wan: "Forget them, check out the chicks in that hotel, heh heh!!"




Bobo: "Why do the droids even try? its not worth the battery power. they should just stand there and die. lol"




Anakin "Nooo! the Green is going to get me!"




Anakin: "No one will ever find me in this room of blues."

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Originally posted by Prime

I think he just needs a hug.


hug my butt. he just needs his head tooken off


and wow pics are sweet. one of those, we see the action of :vadar: choking :amidala: ! whee lol.


Then the other one i see C-3PO is walking up steps! hmm i never seen him walk up steps.


then theres the pic of :ben: doing goo goo gah gahs at luke lol.


and then that one pic of the :trooper: :trooper: in the jedi temple hanger blasting shots :blueblas1


lol Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Smilies.


Question: How come the clones take out so many jedi in episode III, but 20 years later, one jedi and like 3 rebels can take out entire legions of stormtroopers? are

:ewok: :ewok: stronger then :wan: :wan: ?

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Originally posted by Bobo

Question: How come the clones take out so many jedi in episode III, but 20 years later, one jedi and like 3 rebels can take out entire legions of stormtroopers? are

:ewok: :ewok: stronger then :wan: :wan: ?


If the stormtroopers are still clones 20 years later I would say they suck at shooting because they are crappy watered down clones of clones. Since Jango is dead. It's like they are inbread.

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Originally posted by Hannibal

If the stormtroopers are still clones 20 years later I would say they suck at shooting because they are crappy watered down clones of clones. Since Jango is dead. It's like they are inbread.


They're clones, just not of Jango.


Anyway, in the Star Wars universe, good guys can shoot straight, bad guys can't shoot straight. :p 'Course... the Clone Troopers aren't exactly being "good guys" by killing the Jedi... it's just that they're brought up being good guys, so they have the good guy skills when they turn bad. ;)

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