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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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((OOS: What do you mean, the cause? He doesn't need to know the cause. He knows the effects, as per your previous posts. He seems to be sighing dissapointedly at a character flaw of Heimdall's, instead of wondering what could have caused him to toss out his notions of nobility and start slaughtering people. Now, someone like Misae would be willing to assume the worst. But WH Irvine already hasn't assumed that. :p


Not to pick on you, but hey, you picked on me. Vengeance! :D *ducks bullets*))



Officer: You're off the hook, then, but your companions will have to come with me. Sorry, but I can't make exceptions. A group of outsiders is attacking the main settlement...the tavern and housing districts...several families have been killed horribly. The townsfolk are rioting. Your friends will be safer in custody anyway.

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((Well the ways that admirals protraying their characters, they don't present themselves much like royality, but rather jsut arrogant SOBs :D


*dodges bullets from admiral* :D))


RH Irvine "Look, a few of those might be companions of ours, we don't knwo waht happened to them, but they did attack us."

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((OOS: Deac - hold up! :D


The mines are being completely blocked off, patrolled and guarded.


The place where the crystals are has only two entrances: Gortick's tunnel (that he dug) and the wall that opened up when Heimdall put the reforged sword in it.


There is no barred door, and the miners didn't seal it up. It was already sealed up. :D))




*Misae and Guy come up behind Hal*


Misae: The two children flew off elsewhere in the city.


Guy: Someone else is attacking this town. Besides Aidan, Marin and Heimdall, I mean...

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*Svafa gets up and does a quick self examination. She had a few more cuts, and her left ankle was tender and the gash on her forehead was bleeding again. Collecting her weapons, Svafa walks to the edge of the roof, scanning the area she spots the group. Looking at the street below she makes a quick judgement and jumps.


She lands in a crouch with pain shooting through her left leg. She walks to were the group was, each step gave her a jolt of pain but she refused to favor that leg. A stream of blood ran down her face, and onto her armor.


Reaching the group Svafa barely catches what Guy said. Looking over the group her eyes come to rest on Gortick and Matt*


Svafa: Who are they? *nodding to Matt and Gortick as she sheaths her sword*

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((I'm around, been... Jsut couldn't think of anythign to reply with))


RH Irvine *points to Gorlick, then begins to walk up to Svafa* "This seems to be Orthos twin brother, has been living here since they go separated. As for the young one,..." *Once reached Svafa, speaking slightly softly* "He's expectionaly force sensitive, to train it wouldn't require too much time to train. I'll take full responcibility. It's the least I can do for 'em. Too meny people are dieing."


*RH Irvine continues a few steps.*


"You better get that looked at, looks a little swolen."

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RH Irvine *smirking* "Fair enough, but I'm still going to take the responcibility."


"Have you been in contact with Idun lately? I'd understand her reasons for her unwillingness to land on the surface. I was wondering if it would be possible if she could scan from orbit to figure out who else is attacking the city, besides Heimdall and our two shape shifters."

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*Hal walks up to Ivrine and Svafa.*


Hal: Ivrine, you will NOT train him. He is too old and I sense that he is already too coloured by a harsh life. Consider this, Obi-Wan did what you now intend to do, the results were catastrophic.


What will you do if he falls to the dark side? I expect I will have to kill him, then Svafa here will probably kill you.

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RH Irvine *Speaking softly not to let matt hear* "You say it like that hasn't crossed my mind when I stated, I will take full responsibility... Even if I seak counciling once in a while for training, I'll still take it. And if I do fail, I'll preform the deed myself and put down my saber for good. I'd rather attempt such, giving him a chance to live and help recitify this situation we have in the universe, then for him to die a needless and fearful death."

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*Svafa looks Matt up and down*


Svafa to Matt: A quick learner you say? Perhaps, but that doesn't really matter. You and your would be master will have to prove your worth to us before we even think about taking you off this planet. That goes for that one as well *pointing to Gortick*. To avoid any confusion, the us I refer to only includes the Aesir, and our decision will be final.


*speaking to the rest of the group*: As you may now know, Idun will provide no assistance to us. Our primary objective at the moment is to capture Heimdall, Marin and Aidan. If capturing is not possible we kill them. The second objective, assuming capture is to find a way to cure them if no cure can be found in a reasonable amount of time we kill them. Third, and final extraction.


Regardless if we have cured or killed them, extraction will happen like this. I will contact Idun and request that she examine us, at some point come to the surface in a fighter. Now this is important, she decides whether or not we are who we say we are, and are not infect like Heimdall and the children are. If we pass then we decide on those two, assuming they survive. If we fail, the planet is destroyed, the Asgardreid returns home and a new group will try and salvage the quest.

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Svafa: Well if you didn't run off then perhaps you would know, but even I don't know exactly what happened. What I do know is that part of my original brother remains in that body and is fighting what ever has taken control. From what I sensed it is can be compared to a disease and there could be a chance to cure them, otherwise they die.

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Misae: Go ahead, let him train the boy. It isn't as if Irvine is a true Jedi anyway. What harm could he accomplish?


Guy: It is possible the children and Heimdall touched, triggered, or ingested something that infected them, possibly even put there by the makers of this quest. They did lag behind at one point. Whatever it is, it is magical, and altering their minds. This means there is a chance to cure them, even if it means wiping every neuron of their minds to eliminate the magic. In any case, it would be best to avoid killing them. We don't know what effect that would have on our quest on whatever mechanisms, magic or otherwise, that are running this quest. Also, we hold the only map, and the deserted trio holds the only key. If we are all destroyed, and especially if you have this planet destroyed, there won't be any way for another group to complete the quest.






*Marin and Aidan fly over the housing districts, which are variously burning, smoldering, and melted. Dense clouds of smoke cloud their vision*


Marin: <Someone's been trashing our playground.>


Aidan: *Hissing* I hear something.


*Buzzing metallic silver objects zip out of the nearest cloud of smoke. The objects are spherical in shape, with sets of insectlike pincers protruding from their fronts and sides*


Aidan: *Drawing a sharp intake of breath* Drones!


*He swoops out of the path of the objects. They turn and fire a stream of bright red beams at him. He dodges, and sends a stream of lightning in retaliation. The objects caught in the stream shatter and nosedive*


Marin: <What are those things?>


Aidan: Scree drones. Bombing droids, controlled by remote. Someone else is here, someone from our dimension...

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