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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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Orthos: We're all going?


Elella: Sure thing. We have to help them


*Gortick looks around*


Gortick: Me? Oh...well I'm sure I'll meet your friends. I bet they're great...when they're not evil, of course....

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Guy: *to Orthos* We have to all go. Not all of us are a match for our three former allies, but there aren't any safe havens around here. Each of us may be targets and there's safety in numbers. *to WH Irvine* No, Matt can't come with me as I'm going after a shapeshifter that I have no special way of protecting him from. *to Matt* You're not one of us, so you may not be a target - you alone have the option to leave. If you want to, you should do so now. If not, then you should go with the Jedi.


Misae: How are we going to split up the trio, anyway?


Guy: Heimdall should be easy enough. Svafa can draw him away. As for the other two, we may not need to split them up. We can attack them in concert, or attack whoever we find first. We need to do all we can to draw them apart, and if we succeed, we break up according to how we've planned.


Misae: Who's going with you? And why are we - *motions to herself and Hal* - going after Aidan?


Guy: Raschel can come with me, because she's wearing armor and has a powerful weapon. As for Aidan - you and Hal are Jedi Force users, and Aidan is a gargoyle that uses a form of lightning as a weapon. As I've seen, Jedi are hard to hit, and your lightsabers can block energy attacks, including lightning. Any other questions?

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Hal: Svafa, you are going to have to learn to trust us. As to which one we go for first, divide and conquer works both ways. We have the disadvantage because we want them alive. We can iliminate that disadvantage, but I don't think any of us is quite ready to yet.

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Hal: Your argument is week, we have fought with you, helped you, we have spent two months with you and you still think we have something to prove. If you aren't willing to trust perhaps you are not trust worthy.


We both know that the quickest solution is to kill them. I'm beggining to think that if Heimdall wasn't one of them then thats probably what you'd do.


You are morally bancrupt, and you tread too close to the Dark Side. Maybe I'll see you again some day.


*Hal turns and walks away.*

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WH Irvine "Interesting, he knows that he's tempting to leave himself practically stranded on this planet?"


RH Irvine "Maybe, but he's good man, he just is a little too strong on the morality bit. Svafa, I'll do what ever the hell you ask of me. But can you do me the favor of at least letting him think his actions through before we abandon him? I doubt that it's too much to ask. But we are down one Jedi, if he leaves."

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*Svafa shakes her head*


Svafa: That is the problem with you humans, you think two months is a long time, when in reality it is just a barely a blink of the eye.


*she looks at RH Irvine*


If he thinks throwind a temper tantrum will get him anywhere with me, he is sorely mistaken. I will not make any allowances for him, and of the Jedi I knew, he is a poor example of what was a honorable, and valorous order.


But we have tallied to long over talking. I'm going hunting come if you wish.


*Getting her directions, Svafa goes off in the direction that Idun recommend she check out*

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Elella: Svafa, to us humans it is. A lifetime can only be measured by one who lives it. How long is a day to a mayfly? A lifetime. Don't blame Hal for being hasty when we have so much less time in this world than you...

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*Svafa turns to look at Matt*


Svafa: Think about this young one, what makes humans so special that everything must be judged by your standards? Even by your standards two months is not a long time except for a child. If you do not like how we do things you can leave right now.


*Svafa resumes her course and leaves the group*

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Guy: *to Svafa* Find us after you've investigated Idun's readings, if you would. We'll need you once we find the others, especially your brother. *He starts off in the opposite direction, scanning the ground as he goes.


In the trees close by, a small insect-like creature with large feelers and four wings veers and flits away.*




*Not far off, the insect lands and begins rapidly growing, twisting into humanoid shape. Behind the transforming insect, Aidan emerges from the trees. Heimdall is close by. The insect finishes changing its shape, revealing it as Marin*


Aidan: Did you find the intruders?


Marin: No, I didn't. But I did overhear something you two might find interesting...

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Marin: I unexpectedly came upon our old friends. We're foremost on their minds, it seems. Guy and the others have concoted a plan - they would like to "divide and conquer" us. Guy and Raschel for me, the Jedi for you *pointing to Aidan* and Svafa for you. *pointing to Heimdall* The others will hide behind their backs, I suppose.


Aidan: You mean they stopped arguing long enough to agree on this?


Marin: Heh...not exactly. Svafa and a few of the others - including the Irvine twins - went off to investigate something. What, I didn't quite catch. But it might be interesting.


Aidan: Anything else?


Marin: No. Well, they do seem to have picked up a local, who is following them around like a stray dog. But I don't think he'll be a problem. So, what do you say? Shall we play?

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((So she got a bit confused. ;)))


Marin: Let's go after them now, while your sister's away. She's the only one who's willing to kill us at the moment, so I think we ought to deal with her last. Guy wants to find me, so I'll give him me. Then I'll turn him. As for the others...I have more interesting things in mind for them.


*She begins morphing* Come. I'll explain on the way.

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