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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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*Hal works through the woods broading. Suddenly his father appears before him.*


Flax: What are you doing Hal?


Hal: I'm leaving them to their doom.


Flax: Very meladromatic. Why?


Hal: I can't tollerate them anymore.


Flax: Their father was a good man, he had good children.


Hal: They don't believe in credit for who your father is. Besides, they destroyed the galaxy.


Flax: They thought they were doing what was right.


Hal: Was it?


Flax: No.


Hal: They have no honour, they don't measure themselves by a code and they do not respect life!


Flax: You have a choice. Go with them, die later or die now.


Hal: I'll die now.


*Halren Flax lies down and breaths his last. Before they others even finish talking his body has disapeared.*


Flax: Wrong choice my son.




((All this will eventually be explained. Here's a clue; I've been reading Quenta Silmarillion recently.))

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*Those who had gone with Guy [as opposed to Svafa] walk further into the city*


Guy: They've gone over the city in flight, but of course we're going to have to do it on foot. We need to go quickly, but avoid their peace officers...


*The sound of yelling and other noise come from the direction they're headed in*


Misae: That isn't them. They've probably passed over. But the civilians are rioting.


Raschel: Great...

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In fields outside of town


*Svafa and those that accompanied her, were in the fields outside the town. They were the same fields the group had crossed ealier when they first arrived at the town.


Approaching the area Idun had mentioned Svafa sees an object that appears to be glowing. Moving in closer Svafa finally is able to identify the object as Heimdall's sword. It's blade glowing from the internal lightning. The sword stood straight in the ground with the tip imbedded into the ground.


With a slight yank Svafa is able to free the sword and looks at it. She turns up the comlink with her free hand*


Svafa: The object you detected in Heimdall's sword. I wonder why it is here, I was sure it was destroyed when it was used in the mines...

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((Uh, I know, Scar, read my post :p


Oh! I forgot Gortick. Heh.))


Guy: We'll need to go around the rioters. We might temporarily lose the trail, but it's a necessary risk. We're just fortunate this isn't a magic-dominant plane, or this would be completely impossible. *He looks at his device* They seem to have split up around here anyway...


Misae: So, what, this is where we split up?


Guy: No. We need Svafa to deal with her brother. Besides, I'm not sure which trail belongs to which person. We stick together until we run into either Aidan or Marin. If it's Aidan, you and Irvine take him. Raschel and I will deal with Marin. If we find Heimdall first, we stick together and lead him towards Svafa.


Misae: This is really unnecessarily complicated.


Raschel: This whole Force-forsaken mess is.


Guy: That's strange...


*He holds his scanner over a twisted, charred metallic object*


Guy: I think Aidan did this.


Raschel: What is that?


Guy: Something that's not supposed to be here.

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Marin: *in her moth morph* <Hard to hear from this distance, even in this morph...but I'd say he's found the flying drones that attacked us earlier. He recognizes that Aidan destroyed it. Well, now we know for sure he didn't have anything to do with those.>


Aidan: We can worry about those later. After we're finished with them.


*Marin demorphs, and morphs into the giant bird of prey she'd been earlier*


Marin: <Let's go, then.>




Some Distance Away


Guy: *having abandoned the metal object and walked on* My scanners are picking up fresh signals. We may have found them...


Raschel: Or they've found us?


Misae: There! *She points into the distance. Aidan and a giant bird are visible, flying towards them*


Guy: Yes, it seems as if they've found us. On the other hand, it looks like Heimdall is still apart from the other two. Good.


*Guy readies his blaster, and attaches a long cartridge to it*

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Guy aims his gun. Misae ignites her lightsaber. Raschel raises her gun, but looks clearly unwilling to do anything with it. Then, suddenly, the bird and the gargoyle sharply turn away from the group, Marin heading towards the countryside to the right, and Aidan heading towards the city, to the left*


Raschel: I guess they weren't expecting to run into us so soon...


Guy: Split! *as he starts off* Wecan't lose sight of her, or she may land and morph again!


*Raschel quickly follows Guy, still looking troubled. Misae swings her lightsaber and runs in the direction Aidan took, towards the city*


Misae: You! Irvine! Time to prove just how much of a Jedi you really are!

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WH Irvine *running after Misae* "Well as my counterpart tells me I still got quite a bit to learn, regaurdless what I've learned in the four months!" *being typically arrogant* "Force speed and flank em?" *smiles*

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Misae: Sithspit, he's leading us towards the riot. Hope you can jump, Irvine...


*As the edge of the town's building clusters looms in front of them, Misae takes a flying leap, assisted by the Force, and lands atop a building. As she does so, the crowd below notices her and roars*

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*Heimdall sits down on a hill overlooking the action. He quietly chats a spell. Soon a ball of fire forms in his hand with a flik of his wrist he sends it flying after Misea and WH Irvine. Another ball of fire forms and he tosses this one again, and continues to do so.


The balls of fire land around Misea and WH Irvine exploding on impact sending flames and rumble across their path.*

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