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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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((Scar, you need to change one of the Irvine's names or something :p))


*The fireballs scatter the crowd. Misae leaps over them*


Misae: Sithspit! Heimdall.


*She turns her gaze in the direction the fireballs came from. Before she can move, a streak of lightning from Aidan pierces the air. She catches it on her lightsaber*

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((I was going to get to that eventually, having just RH Irvine jsut being called 'Irvy' or something))


WH Irvine "Damnit, they must have been watching us all this time, waiting for us to split up! You're more experenced, go for haimdall, I'll go for Aidan!"


*WH Irvine runs and leaps at Aidan, overhandedly swinging.*

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*Svafa and her group were walking north when the sky suddenly lite up with Heimdall's fireballs*


Svafa: Well this makes things easier, Heimdall is that way.


*Svafa points to the top of a hill where Heimdall figure can be seen as he launches more fireballs at WH Irvine and Misea*

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*Heimdall hears the sound of a drawing sword and turns to look at the source fo the sound and sees Orthos, Svafa, Matt and the rest. A grim smile spreads across his face.


Heimdall utters another spell and out stretches a hand towards deac. Fire leaps from his palm landing a couple of feet from Orthos. It quickly spreads and surronds that group in a thick wall of fire.*

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*Misae is off like a streak after Heimdall before WH Irvine even finished talking. Moving impossibly fast with Force speed, she is out of the town and halfway up the hillside in a few blinks. She charges towards Heimdall, lightsaber raised.


Aidan aims his lightning at WH Irvine's hand holding his lightsaber*

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*WH Irvine's hand gets hit, he grits his teeth as he drops his lightsaber, it falling down, and WH Irvine lands on the next building.


WH Irvine glares at Aidan as he force pulls the lightsaber back with his un-injured left hand, and reignites it.*




*RH Irvine sees Heimdall throwing the fire, and Misae charging at him.*


RH Irvine "Svafa, you know Heimdall alot better then I do, and he wants me dead, supposedly... Should I follow her or act at your discretion?"

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*While Gortick tries to dissapate the flames, Svafa draws Heimdall's sword, with a swing of her arm she launches it at Heimdall. It arcs through the air the blade glistening with it's inner lightning.*


Svafa: He has only begun. Go if you do not value your life.



*The sound of Misea's lightsaber draws Heimdall attention and he quickly swings his hand that is still issuing fire in an arc in front of him.


A few seconds later the sword lands at Heimdall's feet, clenching his hand, the fire stops coming from it and Heimdall grabs takes up his sword.


The sound of thunder could be heard as he does this*



*The flames that Gortick spun into a wheel continue to expand and ever grow larger*

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Irvy *smiling* "Of course." *smiles wider* "Quite childish of me." *changes to a more serious tone* "So, obviously a head on attack is much impatient, and reckless agenst someone like Heimdall. My question is, do we just observe his actions, or be patient and find an opertunity to detain him? Surely if he is restrained first, the other two would not be so hard."

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*Misae runs headfirst into the wall of fire, at full speed. A normal fire would have been extinguished by lack of air as soon as she was no longer in contact with the source, but this fire apparently did not feed on air. Misae's clothes catch fire.


The fire was too solid to be natural. Misae could feel it in the Force, and she concentrates and telekinetically lifts it off her body, detached from the pain in a near-automatic trance.


Unfortunately, all her muscular coordination was lost the instant she stopped concentrating on her movement, and she tumbles hard.*




*Aidan almost casually throws his pseudo-lightning at WH Irvine again*

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*Svafa gives RH Irvine an glance*


Svafa: What hidden knowledge brought you this information? Marin can change into who knows what, and Aidan is another wild card who may have abilities we do not know of. This could make them equally as dangerous or more so then Heimdall.




Heimdall to Misea: Come to play young padawan?

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*Misae regains control of herself, stopping almost at Heimdall's feet. She quickly leaps up. Burns criss-cross her face, body and clothing. Her dropped lightsaber she quickly calls back into her hand as she takes an offensive stance. The teal blade ignites, and she hisses at him*


Misae: Even as a Padawan, I am more than you will ever be.


*She swings the lightsaber blade at his head*

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*WH Irvine glares at Aidan as he blocks the lightning with his saber blade.*




Irvy "Everyone had gone through their own degree of change on those four months,..." *looking at Misae* "...with my counter part more confident with himself in wielding the force not as recklessly as he did, not to mention him learning quite a few things at that. Just one example out of us all. I'm even certain even regaurdless as you Aesir seem ageless, I'm sure of it that you changed in someway in that brief moment of your exsistence."


*Irvy pauses.*


Irvy *slightly firmly, but to reassure of what he'd just prior* "Am I not credited to my own to at least think even somewhat strategically, even if simple or medicore? You wouldn't want to walk into a battle with someone who'd run into it with out at least some form of intelligence to not get himself killed?"

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