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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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*Misae is momentarily surprised when her lightsaber is blocked by Heimdall's blade. She leaps over his counterattack, his blade swinging beneath her feet.*


Where did he get that from?


*She strikes again on her way down, dodging his blade. Her lightsaber fizzles out against his armor*


Sithspit! Cortosis!

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*Heimdall is kicked in the back by Elella*


Elella: I might not have been trained, but I know jedi look out for each other!


*Gortick leaps under the flames and heads after Orthos, who is also moving to help tackle Hemidall. Gortick comes in close behind him*


Gortick: Nor do family

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((Now I regret killing my character, so............... Really shoddy writing here we come.))


*In the vastness of a higher plane Hal argues with his father.*


Flax what you did was irresposible!


Hal: But....


Flax: I'm sending you back.


Hal: I'm dead, you can't send me back.


Flax: I can, thats the great thing about the apocalypse.


*Punches Hal, he flies backwards and dissapears.*


*Hal reapears in the Forest, with no memory of what just happened.*


Hal: *Picking up the ealier conversation.* Why should I go back to them?


Flax: They're in trouble they will need your help. Consider your honour.


*Hal closes his eyes, turns and sets off at a dead run.*

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((XD tsk, tsk, BD ;)))




*Guy is lost in a tangle of trees. He is alone. Raschel is nowhere to be seen. She'd fallen hard near the outskirts of the forest. She would probably be okay, in her Aesirian armor.


He walks cautiously, holding his gun ready, his hand on the bulky cartridge attached to the end.


Marin's telepathic voice echoes in his head from the trees*


Marin: <Foolish 'Guy'. I expected more from you.>


*Guy looks around, trying to gauge where her voice was coming from. Unfortunately, with telepathy it was only possible to guage distance, not direction...*


<Should I drop the charade? I know what you really are. I know your true name. The only thing I still don't know is what you're doing here.>


*No sign of movement around him. No surprise; she wasn't close.*


<They say you can see the future. Of course, they say alot of things about you. They say no being can see into your mind. They say no man can hurt you, that you'll live forever. I know that's not true, at least; I've seen you injured.>


*She was getting closer. The volume of her thought-speech was increasing, ever so slightly.*


<I heard about you when I was a slave. Many of the others believed you were a god. They firmly believed that one day you would ride in with shining white armor to free them all and bring justice to their masters. Too bad. You must've been too busy hiding among their enemies to get to that.>


*Guy hears a peculiar noise. He turns in the direction of it, gun raised*


<But why did you come to us, Guy? Did you see our future in your visions? Is that it?>


*She was definitely getting closer.*


<Don't believe I blame you, even if what they say about you is true. I'm a very understanding person. In fact, so much more now than I was before. If you really can see the future, maybe you know what I'm talking about already.>


*Another noise, in a completely different direction. She was circling him.*


<I understand the universe for what it really is now, Guy. A plaything. Everything in it is a plaything, to be used and discarded by those with more power than they. The things you call morality, ethics and conscience are only tools that keep all the toys...toys. They make the difference between gods and humans. You don't have to be a plaything, Guy. But you certainly won't choose to rise above that, just as I wouldn't have chose it in my previous state of mind. So I'll choose for you.>


*Marin is suddenly in sight through the trees, looking right at Guy. The brown shape of a man-sized, spindly-legged bird with no neck and a ludicrously large, big-eyed head. It resembling a cross between an ostrich, dodo, and baby chicken. Guy's mind registers what it is, too late. He had fired the canister. It was a clean shot.


But it didn't hit her. The canister reverses its path in midair and shatters. Guy is instantly covered in an immense gooey net that rapidly hardens. He falls backward*

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*As Elella kicks Heimdall, he utters another spell. This one forming a flaming wip at his left hand, with a flick of his wrist it wraps around one of Elella's ankles, and acting of it's own accord it yanks her hard.


Heimdall: Are they also prone to wasting breath on useless words?


*As Heimdall says this he fients a thrust against Misea, turning it into an upward slash aimed at her thigh, it connects but Heimdall quickly draws the blade back leaving only a minor wound.*



Svafa: I rather have one you cannot think and runs blindly to their death then one who's thinking is medicore and risk the killing of not only himself but others as well, and don't assume anything about me or the Aesir.

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*As Heimdall cuts her thigh, Misae slashes at his face. The pain causes her to jerk back enough to miss her target, leaving only a small horizontal cut across the bridge of his nose. She had been trying to blind him*






*Aidan smiles at Irvine. He spreads his arms and fingers. With one hand he throws four separate streamers of pseudo-lightning at Irvine. His other hand sends one streamer of pseudo-lightning at the roof around Irvine. The roof shatters and collapses.*






*Guy hangs upside down from a tree branch. The web he had shot at Marin holds him firmly in place. Marin looks him in the face, now demorphed*


Marin: You were stupid to think you could come after me alone, even with a useless tagalong for "backup". Unless...it is true that you can see that future, and you saw that this would have to happen? In that case, you certainly deserve this. Your mind triumphed over your morality without even needing to fight.


*Guy doesn't answer, not that he could. A piece of web had covered his mouth. Marin takes out the violet crystals she had broken out of the cave earlier*


Marin: You see these? These are power. The power to see things for what they really are. This is my gift to you.


*She presses the crystals to Guy's face, watching his eyes.


Nothing happens.


Not understanding, she presses the crystals harder.


Nothing at all.


She breaks the contact, moving back, almost stumbling.*


Marin: No. It didn't work. That can't be...unless...unless.


*Her eyes narrow. She begins to morph, her skin turning rock hard* So it's true then. What they said...I shouldn't have forg...


*Her mouth, changing shape and shrinking, stumbles over the next words. She switches to thought speech* <I forgot. One of the most popular slave myths was that you were able to hide among your enemies because no one could see into your mind. No one could touch it, or change it. Not even you. Now I see it's true. Your mind is under lock and key.>


*She has become a short rock-thing with burning, malevolent eyes and huge stony arms. She cocks back a massive fist*


<You are useless to me. I'm sorry it has to be this way.>


*The fist rams Guy's head. He sees blackness, then slides into unconsciousness*

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*Elella is sent flying, but Gortick uses the force to slow her. As Orthos distracts Heimdall, Gortick plants his feet down and begins summoning his vast power of the force, and gradually begins to lift Heimdall*

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*Aidan sends more streamers of pseudo-lightning around the area, collapsing rubble on top of the caved-in roof*


Aidan: That should hold him long enough...


*Aidan turns and glides towards the hill where Heimdall is being attacked, holding his arms and legs back against his body for greater speed*

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Irvy "So why are we standing here? What point are you trying to show?"




*WH Irvine throws the rubble off of him, annoyed and brused. He stands with slight trouble as he notices that he has a cut on his leg and upper left arm, they weren't bleeding too badly. He picked up his lightsaber and went to the nearest window to see that Aidan had left to aid Hiemdall.*

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Svafa: It is simple, Heimdall is toying with them. Those spells he has used to this point are simple and not that dangerous. He knows much more powerful and deadly ones. He isn't using them, let's see if you can draw a conclusion from that information.





*Idun, sits in the bridge of the Asgardreid watching the fight with Heimdall. Gerd was wondering around, recovered from her ordeal that brought her to the Aesir*

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*Misae manages to ignore the mist stings, even though the pain is compounded by her burns. She still sees Heimdall through the force, and she rushes at him, swinging her lightsaber, but slowed by the pain.


Then a streamer of energy stabs through the mist at her. It vaguely resembles Force lightning. She catches it on her lightsaber as its source swoops down, contacts with Heimdall, and lifts him off the ground.*




*She attempts to follow, but a swath of pseudo-lightning through the stinging mist prevents it. She senses other streams of lightning being sent at Ellela and Gortick as well. The Force signatures of Heimdall and Aidan recede down the hillside, and blur and vanish as they leave her "range".*

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*As Aidan sends his lighting into the mist Heimdall flexs his right hand leaving the flaming wip around Gortick's neck. As he is being lifted off, almost as a last gesture he summons another fire ball and sends it towards Matt*



Svafa: You need to stop thinking about just one person. Think larger and try to think about tatics if you can.

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Irvy "That they distracted us to give enough time for Marin to what ever needed nessesary to perform what ever their goal was. I wouldn't doubt that they are preplaning their next moves based on how we are attempting to capture them."

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((Moments later, BD? She stopped attacking Guy a while ago, and strung him up...))




*Marin, the rock-creature, turns away from Guy, who hangs motionless in the hardened web*


Marin: <I thought you might be along when I didn't see you with the others. You're a bit late, I must say. And alone...I wonder, whatever could you be planning?>

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Misae: *having left the mist behind* How are we going to find her without Guy? We need to follow Aidan and Heimdall, quickly. They went into the forest. That's where Guy chased Marin.


*She is already on her way down the hill, in the direction Aidan had flown*

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