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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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Svafa: You need to understand that they at the moment are dictating the engagements. At first sight we blindly run up to them giving no thought to a plan of attack. This will lead to our defeat. Successful capturing of them will only occur if we control the placement of the engagements.


You are also again focusing on one individual. Look around the field, notice who are missing, anyone of them could be their targets. Guy is a logical target but why would they be after the others that are missing?

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Irvy "Thats obvious, becuase the ones that are missing are most likey alone. Raschel shoudl be with Guy, Irvine is there, but I sense his presence in that direction..." *points towards the buildings* "... and as for Hal, I have no clue where he wondered off to. Perhaps they might attempt to track him down as well?"

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Svafa: Hal no longer concerns us. He decided to leave the group and if they do kill him, it is out of our control and I really don't care. As far as the others, my question is why would they attack them and not Guy? Why is it logical for them to go after Raschel or your clone first?

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Irvy "No, this had to have been a diversion. If anything, if they attempt to recruit him, they have alot to gain from him becuase he offers technology that no other in this dimension could offer. And if anything he ship could be means of escape this planet. But yes I do agree, Raschel and my clone would be more easily converted. But I doubt it if they'd go willingly."

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Svafa: At least you are thinking, but you forget some major facts. One, my brother would kill your clone before converting him. Second, they believe this to be a game. I'll ask you again why would they go after Raschel, and Irvine before Going after the stronger ones of the group?

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Svafa: My point is that while Guy is a viable target, the trio may also be culling the group. They believe this to be a game and weak opponents do not pose a challenge, or much fun. They may even try to take one of them and use them against use. For instance what if they took your clone held him captive and for his life we had to fight each other or the towns folk. You need understand everyone is a target and why they are.

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Irvy *sighs and shakes head* "Forget it, I should have thought of that to begin with. The only way I can think of winning this game is to basically not play it, and do so right infront of him. If he finds no pleasure, whats the point, other then him attempting to kill who ever backs down, of course."

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Marin: <That's his own web he's stuck in. I can't open it, but maybe a lightsaber can. What am I to stand in the way of a Jedi? Go ahead, cut him down. I won't stop you.>


*She steps away from Guy, no readable expression on the "face" of her short rock creature*

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Hal: Well, no. *Suddenly the ground gives way beneath Marin's feet and the earth dessintegrates into quick sand. Marin is left sunk up to her waist.*


Hal: You should pay attention to what you're standing on. Especially when you're made you stone.


*Hal picks up Guy and slings him over his shoulders.*


Hal: That should hold you long enough for me to get back to the others.


*Hal sets off in the direction in which he senses Svafa at a run.*

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*Marin makes no attempt to follow Hal, watching until he is out of sight, then demorphing*


Marin: Tsk. Careless, Hal.


*She holds Guy's equipment, except his scanner, in hand*


Marin: And I didn't even have to turn him...


*Aidan and Heimdall arrive*


Aidan: What happened? Where is Guy?


Marin: That didn't work out like I wanted. *Holds out the equipment* But I'll settle for second best. Let's go. I'll explain the rest on the way.

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