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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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Guy: How are we going to do that? The crystals are what cause it. We'd have to go out of our way to become infected. Back to the caves. They know we'd never do that. Besides---


Raschel: Wait...something else I overheard...


Misae: What? What else?


*Raschel bows her head and rubs her forehead in thought* I'm trying to remember...I was barely conscious at the time. Something about...outsiders here. Some other aliens...with technology like Guy's...Marin wanted to get their ship.


Guy: I was afraid of that. I found demolished search-and-destroy robots lying about in the rubble of the city, and they weren't mine. The three must have passed over there. Let's hope it's a coincidence the others are here...


Raschel: She said they were investigating the caves...the caves where the others became infected in the first place...where they found the strange crystals...

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Hal: I don't know why they hate us.


Okay, first things first, get that armour off. We've seen they can disolve it right off you, they can probably kill you with it as well. It's more a liability than a protection. We know they still have their own amour so we need weapons that can cut through it somehow.

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Raschel: *eyes wide* I didn't even think about that...


*She hurridly strips the armor off, and deposits it a safe distance away*


Guy: I have weapons that can get through their armor...on my ship. Which means if I try to get them, Idun may kill us all. Marin took everything that would suggest even a small possibility.


Misae: That leaves us right back where we started. Their armor is laced with cortosis, so Hal and I can either try to hit the chinks in their armor - and missing by even a little will short out our lightsabers - or aim for their heads, which will surely kill them.


*Unspoken in her tone is "Assuming we don't want that"*


Misae: Oh yes, and not only can they use the Force to fight like us - they have this Sithspit Futhark as well.


Raschel: Guy, what if we go back to the caves, and the outsiders are still there?


Guy: Hope I can convince them to help us. If they don't try to kill us outright. If they do try...we'll have to improvise. Either way, if we do nothing we may die in twenty hours. Even if we make it off the planet in time, the others will die, the key and the map will be lost, and our mission is destroyed. Let's go.

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undisclosed location (far from the group)


*Svafa was sitting on the ground with her back up against a something hard. When a beep from her comlink wakens her up, she opens her eye's slowly to an all envoping darkness*


Idun: Svafa, are you there?


Svafa: Idun? What's going on? Where am I?


Idun: I'm not positive, I can't get a lock. Can you see anything?


Svafa: No, it is to dark.


*Svafa then tries to move*


Svafa: I also can't move. How did I end up here?


Idun: Heimdall, and the children took you at the start of the fight.


Svafa: Great, now I'm going to be executed. Those fools believing that traitor.


Idun: I don't think Raschel is a traitor, this had to be engineered by Heimdall, and the kids.


*As Idun says thats, a fire springs up in front of Svafa, revealing that she was in a cavern bound to a stalagmite. Heimdall stands at the edge of the light cast by the fire. Svafa's weapons were laid out in front of her.*


Heimdall: And the prize goes to Idun.


Svafa: You Bas****.


Heimdall: Is that anyway to talk to your brother?


*He walks over to Svafa, picks up the comlink and turns it off*


Svafa: Your not my brother, not anymore.


Heimdall *laughing*: You were very entertaining back there. I don't know which was funnier, watching Raschel repeat the information we allowed her to overhear or your reaction and the group turning on you. And my that was a violent reaction.


Svafa: What did you expect?


Heimdall: Oh, I expected that very much, I actually counted on that. You always blamed yourself for Balder's death, always thought it was your fault that you didn't discover that Loki was evil and had turned on us. That is why your always so hostile towards them, can't let them get in under your guard where you might miss something.


Svafa: Why don't you just kill me


Heimdall: Must be tiring to always be on alert, only trusting fellow Aesir and there's not to many of us on this trip. It doesn't help that you are also a Valkyrie. I would bet you blame yourself for father's death as well. Very foolish since you had no control over either of those two events.


Svafa: Just kill me.


Heimdall: So Eager to die are we?


Svafa: I'm not afraid of it.


Heimdall: We shall see....

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((Admiral, I think thats the only legend I remember. Something about some missaltoe and winter?))


Hal: My sword will punch through mithril, only if I use half swording though, so I have to get pretty close. I think our best bet is to see if there is any heavy weaponry in the town.

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((Admiral, I think thats the only legend I remember. Something about some missaltoe and winter?))


Hal: My sword will punch through mithril, only if I use half swording though, so I have to get pretty close. I think our best bet is to see if there is any heavy weaponry in the town.

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((Admiral, I think thats the only legend I remember. Something about some missaltoe and winter?))


Hal: My sword will punch through mithril, only if I use half swording though, so I have to get pretty close. I think our best bet is to see if there is any heavy weaponry in the town.

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((Scar: I was online when he made those posts. LF was screwing up majorly. ;)


JM: Briefly, Hal rescued Guy from Marin, Guy went to find Raschel (who had fallen and been left behind earlier) and brought her back. Raschel accused Svafa of turning evil by magic like the trio (Marin, Aidan, Heimdall) have, saying she overheard them talking about it. Svafa was about to attack Raschel (and anyone who would protect her) when the ground exploded and she disappeared. Now the group is discussing how to get to their former allies and change them back to normal.


Not sure if that even makes sense, but it's okay for Matt to just be confused; he IS a newcomer, after all :D))



Guy: I think that would be a waste of time at this point. The townspeople already mustered all their best weaponry when Heimdall, Marin and Aidan attacked them. I doubt there's anything left to salvage. Aidan and Heimdall seem particularly good at destroyed weaponry, in any case.


Misae: But the most direct route to the mines is back through the town. We should at least look on our way.


*The group [or some of it anyway] continues moving, over the hill and approaching the town*


((Hm, another one of the few times in these RPGs when one could actually make a consistent map of the area the group is in ;)))

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((OOS: If no one's going to reply, I'm assuming they're still following ;)))




*The group reaches the main street of the mining town, now deserted. Charred rubble and twisted metal blankets the ground. Destroyed Imperial weaponry lies about*


Misae: Old equipment. Surplus from the era of the Empire...

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*Irvine walks up and crouches at some of the E-11's that dell relitively close.*


Irvine "Well, if anything, they might be some use, that is if they have interchangable parts..."


*stands up and looks up at the buildings themselves*


Irvine "I really don't like all of this, we should be really doing this more carefully. For all we know Heimdall was waiting for Svafa to leave to pick us off one by one."

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Raschel: But what happens if we run into them there?


Misae: *sarcastically* Protect Irvine. Er, whichever Irvine Heimdall said he would kill first. Perhaps their secret weapon is that both the twins have the same name...


*The group advances through the town and comes within sight of the mines. They are, by now, deserted and closed off. Only automatic weapon emplacements remain, their barrels moving about threateningly, scanning the area for intruders*

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Raschel: *taking cover* On the bright side...it looks like the outsiders aren't here. Maybe they've gone...


Guy: Remember, it's extremely important that you directly touch nothing if we're going to go through with this ruse. Use gloves or straps of cloth to protect your hands if you touch anything at all. Ellela, this is your plan. Going to share any more details?


Misae: And Gortick? Where was that side passage you took when we escaped from this place earlier?

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Cave: Still far from the group


*Heimdall looks at Svafa, he tried to shake his head trying to rid a ringing from his mind. He draws his sword and walks up next to Svafa. Svafa stares at him definantly waiting the killing blow*


Heimdall: You are my sister and I will not kill you outright.


Svafa: What are you going to do then?


Heimdall: Give you a chance to defend yourself.


*Heimdall cuts Svafa's bonds with his sword. He turns and picks up Svafa's sword while Svafa cautiously stands. He toss her the blade which she deftly catches.


Heimdall takes a middle guard, while Svafa takes high guard. They stare at each other, until with silent agreement the fight begins. Starting off slow Svafa takes a daigonal cut to Heimdall's chest which he easily sidsteps and counters with a low cut aimed at Svafa legs. She hops back onto her twisted ankle causing a slight stumble. Heimdall thrust trying to keep her off balance but Svafa parries and regains her balance.


They stare at each other again for a second then resume the deadly duel. This time they moved faster. For the two combants it was a continuous movements of thrust, parry, cut, dodge. In one instance Svafa would push Heimdall back only for him to regain the advantage and push her back.


As time passed Svafa previous injuries began to give Heimdall a permanent advantage. In a thrust to Svafa head she dodged but still took a cut across her check. Pressing Svafa, Heimdall cuts to her ankle. She hops back onto her bad leg and stumbles forward. Heimdall quickly cuts at the back side of her knee. The armor gave some protection but such was the force of the stroke that the mail was pierced and the blade cut into Svafa flesh.


She quickly turned to face Heimdall with now only one good leg to stand on. The ringing was intensifing in Heimdall and for a moment distracting him. Svafa thrusts at Heimdall who quickly parryed her blade into a lock. With a savage twist Heimdall removes Svafa's sword from her hand and kicks her backward inot a wall. Quickly coming around Heimdall with all his strenght thrust his sword at Svafa's gut. The blade pierced the Mithril and slide into her. Heimdall quickly pulled the blade out so that it did not enter far he intended to draw it back for a daigonal cut at her head when the ringing drew to a new level.


Heimdall clutched his ears, it felt as if his head would explode. He staggered a few passes back and looked at Svafa then at the blood on the tip of his sword. A look of horror quickly crossed his face and in a staggering run he left the cave clutching his ears as the ringing continue to increase.


Svafa stood dumbfound her hands cluching her stomach. Looking at her hands she sees crimson blood drip from the gauntlets. She takes two haulting steps foward before falling to her knees and then finally collapsing face first to the ground.*

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*Elella scratches her head*


Elella: I've still no idea how we change them back..., but to get to them...we need something...some blood


*Eyes up Irvine, and draws a small knife and grabs Irvine's hand above a cloth*


Elella: Stand still and this won't hurt as much...

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*Irvine ignores Elella, taking two steps away, looking about in all directions as if he was searching for something that he might have heard or seen.


WH Irvine seeing this quickly motions to the group to be quiet.*


Irvine "I have no clue of which direction where, but I no longer sense Svafa's presence. Misae have you been keeping track?"

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((Scar, would you PLEASE either always indicate which Irvine spoke (i.e. "RH/WH" or "Red/White" or "P./C." or "Palpatine/Cracern"), or change one or both of their names already. Maybe one of them can use their middle name. :p But calling one Irvine and one WH Irvine is annoying, and it doesn't help the other characters when referring to each other ;)))



Guy: *to Ellela* Wait, what exactly are you planning on doing?


Misae: *to whichever Irvine* Since when can you ever sense the Aesir? They mask their presences in the Force.

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*The cieling of the cave which Svafa lay suddenly detonates exploding up and out with a fire ball that could be seen for miles. Moments later Idun slips into the cave. She walks quickly to Svafa and turns her over.*


Svafa *In a rasping breath*: How?


Idun: The com signal, now hush save your strength.


*Idun mutters a spell, transporting her and Svafa to Idun's cabin on the Asgardried. Idun immediatly stips off Svafa's Armor and begins casting spelling desperatly trying to save Svafa*


Mine Entrance (aka where the group is)


*The Aesirian rifle that Irvine had thrown had followed the group and with the explosion at the cave it decides to attack. The gun sprays the area with bolts not aiming at anyone in paticular more intrested in causing havoc. It then quickly retreats and hides out of sight again*

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((Damnit, and i so wanted to keep the 'dropped' RH


Drum roll please...))


*before the rifle*


Irvy "I,... um..."


Cracern "Isn't that the rifle?"


Irvy "?!"


*Irvy pulls out his saber and deflects one of the random shots in his direction.*

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