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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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*Hal ducks, rolls and comes up with his sabre, deflecting five bolts before the rifle retreats, he throws an energy ball which simply impacts the top of a tree.*


Hal: When this is over someone's head is going to really hurt. I gues we go to the explosion.

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((Irvy and Cracern just sounds comedic. :D


Either Irvine could be "Irvy" anyway, so it's not much better than WH Irvine/Irvine ;P


Also, doesn't help the group talk to them, since they're still stuck with "Irvine" ;)


I know, I'm never satisfied ^_~))



Raschel: *from behind rubble* What was that?

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*A small ship was landing far to the east, near the mines. Another ship was just hovering above the demolished mining town. Small shapes - probably more drones - were returning to it. Scout ships? Scouting for what?


Aidan stood atop a tree, watching them. He had viewers pressed to his eyes, very good viewers that Marin had taken from Guy. Just below him was the rest of Guy's equipment, carelessly thrown in a pit. A forest animal was currently marking its territory on them, but Aidan was much more interested in what he was watching through the viewers than anything taking place below.*

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*A little while after Idun brought Svafa back to the Asgardried, she leaves the cabin. She leans against a bulkhead exhausted, she walks towards a refresher to clean her blood stained hands.*




*Heimdall walks through the woods, from time to time bringing his hands up to his head as if trying to ward something off. He comes upon Aidan from behind. Gripping his sword tightly a look of vicousness crosses his face. Silenty He approaches the tree Aidan was in*

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*Aidan continued watching through the viewers. The ship the scout drones had returned to was now landing as well. A third ship came into view as it set down.


Marin had to be told about this, and Heimdall as well. Aidan lowered the viewers and leaped down off the tree. He clipped the viewers on his belt, and turned his attention to Guy's equipment, which he would need to cover up again. He wrinkled his nose in distaste at the strong smell the animal had left.


He suddenly notices Heimdall, and wonders at his expression*


Aidan: What's the matter? Has something gone wrong?

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*Heimdall stares at Aidan his hands jerking about. With no warning Heimdall stikes out with a diagonal cut. During the swing Heimdall hands seeming to fight with his own mind change the angle of the blade so that Aidan only gets a minor but somewhat long cut across his left thigh*

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((OOS: The below post was co-written with Admiral to save space.))


*Heimdall Charges with a thrust aimed at the stomach, the sword wavers as Heimdall's hand continue to shake.*


*Aidan throws blue-white energy at the sword, turning it away. He lashes out with his other hand, in a closed fist.*


Aidan: Have you gone mad?


Heimdall: *through clench jaw* Se seeing clearly now


*Heimdall continues his attack with a sweeping swing at Aidan legs*


Aidan: *leaping away, the sword slashing across his right leg, leaving a shallow cut* You are mad! You don't know what you're doing. Stop this.


*Not pausing Heimdall with the jerking movements becoming more sever brings the blade back in a low guard for a upward cut at Aidan's arm*


*Aidan dodges again. The sword misses this time. Aidan leaps backwards, once, twice, three times*


Aidan: I'm warning you, if you don't stop I will hurt you.


*Heimdall walks towards Aidan the sword wavering back and forth with even more violence then before*


Aidan: *frowning* Fine. I'll show you this is pointless.


*Aidan stops dodging, stops moving altogether, and his entire body flares up and is swathed in energy. He waits as Heimdall approaches him*


*Heimdall smiles then frowns and smiles again as he stops and comes into a middle guard, his knuckles are white form his grip on the sword*


Aidan: Good. Now will you explain? Are you angry because of the insults I have heaped upon you and your friends since we met? Think nothing of them, they were spoken with childish petulance and had no meaning. Are you angry because of my threats? They were smoke and mirrors. I was afraid of you and ashamed of my fear. My lack of cooperation? I tell you, all those faults were born from silly emotions that are now...washed away! I've been elevated above them as surely as you have been elevated, by the gift we found in the caves. Heimdall, you have nothing to fear from me.


*Heimdall says nothing and waits*


Aidan: Come now, say something!


Heimdall: The mist is fading from my eyes....less the dark light is.


Aidan: What? What mist? Surely you cannot be doubting?


Heimdall: prepare yourself


Aidan: For what?


*Not answering Heimdall brings his sword up into a high guard*


*Aidan frowns and studies Heimdall, energy still flaring around him*


*Heimdall looking at Aidan, the shaking in his hands begins to lessen*


Aidan: Coming to your senses?


Heimdall: Finally I am.


Aidan: Good. Now put your sword away; we need to find Marin and warn her.


Heimdall: Marin time will come, the mist needs to be removed from you.


Aidan: Stop speaking in riddles. What m...


*He stops and blinks. He shakes his head*


Aidan: What...what is this I feel?


*He shakes it off and looks focused again*


Aidan: What did you do?


*He looks at the cuts Heimdall had given him*


Aidan: You've...poisoned me?


Heimdall: I'm removing the mist


*Heimdall hands stopped shaking and he heaves hsi blade at Aidan before collapsing into a nightmarish sleep


*The weapon hits the energy around Aidan and is repelled. Aidan instinctively catches it by the blade as it falls, the energy around him vanishing*


Aidan: What is this? The sword that Svafa threw him...


*He turns it around, examining it*


Aidan: It's the blade he forged from the shards we searched so long for, the blade put into the wall. The ones he said emanated...No! *His eyes burn suddenly with rage, and his hand squeezes the blade tightly. He realizes his mistake as the edge pierces his skin. Immediately, he feels power flowing into him, and he casts the sword away* I will not have this! I'm poisoned, indeed!


*He moves towards Heimdall, and stumbles and falls* What am I to do now? *His eyes dart round madly* The caves...I have to get back to the caves... *He bounds away, on all fours, and disappears into the trees*

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Hal: I... sense something, conflict. *Shakes head.* Lets deal with those turrets.


*Hal throws both his sabres, the sounds of blasters firing, follwed by explosions can be heard.*


*When the group look out all the turrets are decapitated.*

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*Guy is looking at his scanner*


Guy: One of them is approaching this area, fast. Gargoyle... Aidan.


*Misae brings up her lightsaber. Raschel's eyes widen*


Guy: Wait, something's different. The magic signature he's had since he's left the caves is fading rapidly...




*Aidan stumbles as he rushes through the forest*


Something...something's wrong...


*He hears Marin's thought-speech in his head, muffled as if coming from far away*


<Aidan! What are you doing? What's wrong?>


*His head is filled with fog. He stumbles around, tumbles over and lies face up*


<Aidan, I can't come to help you. Morph, so you can answer me. Aidan! Aidan?>


Marin? Where was Marin? What was happening? He struggled to remember.


<Aidan, morph and answer me. Guy can see you. Aidan, please, have you been hurt?>


He had been trying to go somewhere. The caves. Why? Something was very wrong, that's why...but what?


Heimdall...the sword...


Oh. That was it, wasn't it...


Aidan turns around, and runs back in the direction he came from, Marin's thought-speech still in his head.*


<Aidan, Aidan, they're coming for you...>

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*With a sharp intake of air Heimdall wakes up, He quickly gets up and looks around.*


Heimdall: *thinking*How did I end up here?


*Heimdall reaches for his sword to find it missing from his side*


Heimdall: Let's see, the last thing I remember is the caves...and something with Svafa.


*Heimdall continues to survey his surrondings tyring to figure out what happened*

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