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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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*Aidan fights the fog in his head, forcing himself to speak*


Aidan: Heimdall...don't worry. What you did...whatever you did...it worked.


*The sword lies where Aidan had dropped it. He picks it up*


Aidan: Was I...right? Was it the sword?

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Aidan: Hard to remember...but it's there, oh it's there...God, I'm a murderer...we all are. We have blood on our hands!


*He looks furious for a moment, then the fire in his eyes dies out*


Aidan: Marin doesn't know. Marin was the first...and she did it to the two of us...in the caves, she found something. Crystals. Touching them...changed us somehow. Try to remember! I can't, it's too hard...

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Misae: Trust them? Are you insane? I'll bet you anything, that if we follow him, it'll be right into a trap...


Guy: We should follow him anyway, before the trail gets cold. We need to find Svafa, and confirm whether or not she was infected, or if this was a trick played on us through Raschel.


Raschel: She tried to kill me!


Misae: Ya, she did. Then again, what sort of litmus test is that with beings who destroyed eighty percent of the intelligent life in this galaxy not a year ago?


*She shoots a glance at Matt, then Gortick*


Misae: That's right, you two don't know about any of this, do you...

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Heimdall: Calm yourself, let me think.


*Heimdall walks back and forth he looks at Aidan holding the sword and the wounds Aidan has. A lightning strike seems to occur with in the blade*


Heimdall: Yes, the sword is the key. Remember when it was reforged it spoke of reinforcing a persons natural inclination towards good or evil. Your cuts and what you have told me, indicate I attacked you with the sword.


If that is correct then I would not have handed over my blade, which leads me to conclude that the wounds of the sword are enough to cause reversion.


We need to find Marin, and....


*Suddenly a realization hit Heimdall*


Heimdall: Aidan take the sword and find Marin, she may be able to sense a change in you so I would suggest attacking her out right. A couple of shallow cuts should do fine. I need to find a comlink.

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Mine Entrance


Guy: Let's move, then.


*Marin's thought-speech suddenly echoes in everyone's minds* <Sorry, but I can't have that.>


*As the words echo, Guy sees Raschel in the corner of his eye pulling something out of her belt pocket. He recognizes it instantly. But it was already too late.


The object in Raschel's hand glows, and immediately the entire group is blasted back ten feet. Each one is knocked against the nearest surface and held immobilized there by an invisible force. All except Raschel, who stands in what was the center of the blast.


Her form begins to change. Her snout flattens. Her eyes shrink to human size. Her reptilian green skin turns brown, and her mane of white hair turns an even darker brown. With the sound of bones cracking, her entire frame shifts from Raschel's six-and-a-half feet to one of less than five feet. The morph completed, and the face was now Marin's*


Misae: *struggling to move* You...demon child...how...


Marin: *carefully setting the still-brightly-glowing device at her feet* Guy always carried a failsafe. Now, here's what we're going to do...

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*Guy's scanner is beeping an alarm*


Guy: So...the signature couldn't be detected when you were in another form...


Marin: *picking up Raschel's belt, which had slipped off her waist when her body had shrunk* Yes, and I lied about the Futhark cloaking it. Which means somehow Aidan's been stripped of the power I gave him.


*She takes the cluster of purple crystals out of her pocket*


Marin: Perhaps it wears off, or Idun found some way to remove it...or Svafa freed herself and did it. Either way, I'm not taking any more chances.


*She holds up the crystals* These confer power, the power to be like me. To be above all the unpleasant questions you have to keep asking yourselves, above the moral conundrums that inhibit you all from taking the power you deserve. A simple touch will do it.


Misae: You stay away from me, you brat child. If only I'd let Svafa cut off your head. Do anything and I swear---I swear I'll---


Marin: Understand I'm not giving you a choice in the matter. I need you. Unfortunately, I can't give this power to Guy, at least not right now, but for the rest of you... I want you to begin to understand.


*She approaches Misae, holding out the crystals in her hand. Misae's face contorts into a mask of rage, and she presses all the Force power she can manage in Marin's direction. She only succeeds in making the air ripple and glow in front of her*


Marin: It will all become clear soon enough.


*A silvery glimmer streaks through the air, and Marin is knocked to the ground. Heimdall's sword, lightning flashing across its form, lies embedded in her gut*


Marin: Aidan...how could you...


*The crystals in her hand seem to to swell. Lightning shivers around them, and they crack and shatter into tiny pieces, which evaporate into mist*


Marin: I...


*Her eyes glaze over. Aidan emerges from the scrub surrounding the mining entrance*


Aidan: Sorry, Marin, but I had no choice...you would never have given up the crystals...


*She blinks and looks at him, but doesn't answer. The lightning in the blade quiets. Aidan hurridly pulls the blade out of her*


Marin: We...we really killed all those people, didn't we...


Aidan: Don't think about that. Morph! Morph or you'll die!


Marin: *whispering* I don't deserve to live...


*Aidan whirls and smashes the glowing device Marin had placed on the ground. The invisible bonds holding the others captive release*


Aidan: Save her! Please! Now!


And if she dies now, it'll be my fault...

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*Elella rushes frantically over*

Elella: Gortick! Can you heal people with your power?


Gortick: I don't know- I never learnt to control it...*looks at Orthos for help. Elella meanwhile places her hands on Marin and tries to heal her, but she is unskilled at force healing*

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*Heimdall walks into a clearing and suddenly his belt begins to beep. Reaching behind him, he finds a comlink, the same one he had taken from Svafa*


Heimdall: How did that get there, *turning it on* Hello


Idun: Hello Heimdall. Please stay where you are, I need you to take a test.


Heimdall: Alright....



*Minutes later, the Asgardried comes into view of the group. It picks a spot among the rubble, and gently sets down. As the ramp descends the sky starts to lighten. Idun with a hurried step, rushes down the ramp and towards Marin, her cape billowing behind her.


The sun becomes visible once again as Idun reaches Marin. It bathes the group in warm light.*


Idun to Elella: Excuse me.


*Idun kneels at Marin's side. Placing one hand over the wound, with the other she takes Marin's hand. Speaking in a low voice Idun castes a spell.


A beam of intense white light emanates from the hand Idun was holding above the wound. The light begins to regenerate the cells, healing Marin. The process however, is a little painful.*

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Misae: What is this? What is going on? Someone explain!


*She looks at Guy, but Guy is absorbed watching something on his scanner*


Guy: The magic is gone. We are safe for now. We should, however, leave this planet as soon as possible. Where is Raschel?


Aidan: She's still unconscious, but we...she isn't hurt. She's in a cave in the woods. I can show you...


Misae: You mean to say that after all we went through...just like that, everyone's back to normal? Just like that? All we had to do was stab them?


Guy: Don't you recognize that sword? Now we know the reason for it, at least...


Misae: How can you take this so calmly? Those three tried to kill us! And Idun threatened to! Are you all just going to let everything go?!

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Heimdall: Idun was following orders, and no we are not going to just let what happened here go.


*Heimdall walks down and joins Idun by Marin. Idun's spell having just finish healing Marin's wound*


Heimdall: First, we have the issue of the group turning on Svafa and being ready to attack and kill her. This as Idun has informed me nearly cost Svafa her life. I do not know or remember the exact reason for this turn. It does show an inherent lack of trust and resentment. Due to this I'm now restricting the access to the bridge to only Aesir. The Cargo hold can still be used for training, and the lounge.


Idun: Speaking of which... Come here


*The gun which had been following the group flys towards Idun and howevers over her.


Heimdall: While we are on the topic of restrictions. Marin and Aidan will hence forth have access to the upper level of the Asgardried.


With that out of the way, we can now turn our attention to those two *pointing to Matt and Gortick* and to Hal.


Idun: Aidan tell the Asgardried where Raschel is, the ship will send out drones to retrieve her.


*While this is being said the missile Idun fired can be seen flying back towards the Asgardried. When It reached the ship, a compartment opened and it was pulled inside. The compartment quickly shut*

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*Aidan tells the Asgardried as the others talk. Marin lies with her eyes closed, unmoving*


Misae: Do murderers deserve trust? *at the comment on Marin and Aidan* Of course. Now that they've killed as you've killed, they're practically one of you, aren't they?


Guy: We aren't exactly finished. Svafa was ready to kill another member of the group, someone harmless to her, and someone who was - for all we knew - tricked by the enemy. It was equally as bad as the reaction to turn on her, but if she had kept her head that would not have happened. If we are to work together, it is supremely necessary that we avoid harming each other at all costs. We all may be needed to finish this quest.

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Heimdall: Misea, they and I were not in our right mind. I will not hold them responsible for any actions carried out in that state. And Guy, yes we are done with this matter, what I have said will not change. For the record Svafa made the right decision. The lies that Raschel...Marin said could have been deadly in an enviroment where both time and standing still work against you. Raschel...Marin's death while regretable would be a price worth paying if it ensured the survival of the main group.


Now Hal, *turning to Hal* you abandoned your comrades during a crisis because you had a disagreement. If not for your father, and the fact that according to Idun you returned to them when they needed addtional help I would with out hesitation leave you on this world. Because you did do that I'm not however...you are showing a dangerous lack of control over your emotions *glances at Misea*. You don't like us, or the way we do somethings fine, it's your choice. If you have any interest in saving this galaxy from a horrible end, you need to get over that. Think we are corrupt for destroying most of the galaxy? You need to get past that as well since we are also trying to save it.


So all of you know, we destroyed those worlds so the people would not have to suffer when Fenrir and his forces came and devored them. We much rather have them die painlessly then endure a slow and agonizing death. This is something you all should think about. Consider that you knew everyone in the galaxy was doomed to die a horrible death, in a relatively short period of time. Now you could ease their deaths, and stop them from suffering or you can do nothing and allow them to die slowly and painfully. Perhaps after you have thought about that for some time you will understand us better.


Now those two, *gesturing to Matt and Gortick* Why should we bring them along?

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