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Cantina 6: PTH Part IV, Dark Surprises

Admiral Odin

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Guy: Not to worry. I can call my ship out of yours if it becomes necessary.






Raschel: You're asking me? ...Well... *She looks at her comlink* I can call Idun, and have her pick us up, I suppose. *She dials on the comlink, then stops* Wait, what if she's 'changed' like the Heimdall and the other two?

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Originally posted by Deac

Orthos: We'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it. Any idea what they found down there?


RH Irvine "I have no clue, i guess we'll have to see when we get there I suppose. But I think we should at least attempt to find and regroup with the others first. Maybe we could get Guy to bring Matt with his ship onto the Asgardreid. I'm sure Idun can look after him, and maybe we can treat anyone if they are injured. I wouldn't doubt that after what I attempted agenst Heimdall, that those three wouldn't of not done something to the others in order to get away from them."

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Orthos: That sounds like a good plan. We should get back to the ship and regroup. I hope Elella's ok


Gortick: Elella?


Orthos: Our cousin.


Gortick: Is she one of the evil ones?


Orthos: Strangely, no.

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*Over the town, three figures fly*


Marin: <It looks like they've mobilized whatever defensive forces their town has looking for us. How charming.*


*AT-STs and older hovercraft vehicles, by the looks of them old Imperial surplus, meander about below amongst firefighters and panicked citizens*






Raschel: Fine, I'll call Idun...but who's your friend?

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RH Irvine "Oh yes, this is Matt. It might not have been the wisest decision to have been made, but I sense a presence in the force within him, with time he can be trained. And be quite useful in our endeavorer, in time of course."


"It'll be something that I'll personally will take the responciblity. But in anycase he'll have to stay on the Asgardreid, and whilist assisting Idun incase there are wounded, she can fill him in on the story."

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Raschel: Okay...


*She picks up the comlink and calls Idun*






Aidan: Sure. *He forms a ball of lightning in his hand and throws it at a vehicle below. The ball hits and explodes, throwing energy everywhere. The vehicle, a robotic hovercraft, cracks into its component pieces and falls apart. The smaller components are melted, charred, or ripped off.


A group of militia wearing pieces of ill-fitting stormtrooper armor runs toward the area. They fire their blasters at Aidan, who flies higher to avoid their shots.


Marin flies down, a gigantic bird of prey, and rakes the exposed face of the nearest trooper*

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*Idun and Gerd had moved to the upper lounge where Gerd was busy eating when Idun's comlink beeped*


Idun: Yes?






*Heimdall being a smaller bird flew down into a group of soldiers. Looking for something to have fun with. Flying around for a while he finally see one soldier with an exposed high explosive gernade. In the confusion caused by Marin and Aidan Heimdall manages to pull the pin.


Dropping the pin, Heimdall quickly flies towards saftey, ten seconds later the gernade detonates killing and wounding a handful of the militia.

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Idun: I would fight back if I were you, and before they do it might be wise to find Svafa. All I know is that they've been infected with something that has altered their minds. Whether it is permanent I do not know. I also don't know how it is transmitted, it could be an airborn agent which also could mean that you may be infected.

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Idun: And I'm to take your word for that? You could easily be trying to decieve me. Svafa warned me about Heimdall and after observing some of what happened in the town I believe her. Now since then she could have also been infected. If she isn't then she is probably your best bet for survival. You take a risk either way you go.

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*the comm unit picked up Irvine's comment*


Idun: Do what you have to. I must tend to the girl, and I'll be watching what happens on the surface.


*Idun turns off the com and returns to Gerd*





*Svafa pauses listening to the noises of the fighting*


Svafa: I'm going to bet that they are the cause of that commotion and that they might still be there.


*Svafa begins picking a path through the rubble towards the fighting*

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