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Lego Melée Island


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I'm builiding a replica of the entire Mêlée town entirely made of Lego pieces. The project is fairly advanced and I've tried to stay as true to the look of SOMI as possible, although some liberties had to be taken and some places and buildings had to come from my imagination. I estimate that Melée town, when ready, will be comprised of around 40000 lego bricks (maybe more). When I'm done with Melee Town, I'm planning to also build the entire Melee Island (including Woodtick from Scabb Island).

I would like to ask all of you if you get me all the pictures, screenshots, concept art and fan art you can find of Melee Island and Melee Town. Your contribution would be much apreciated. In a few weeks, I'll try to post on http://www.scummbar.com a few pictures of how the project is progressing and to get some feedback from you guys.


Thanks for reading and for your suport.

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The very center of Melee Town is nearly done (with the clock, the map seller, the men of low moral fiber, international house of mojo, etc). I'm working on the minifigs now (Guybrush is done, so are the men of low moral fiber, but having a bit of trouble with the voodoo lady). It is not a point by point exact replica of what we see in SOMI, but it's pretty close I think. I made some changes to some of the houses (some really necessary, other by a matter of personal taste), but so far the reaction of the people who have seen the construction itself is that it does capture the spirit of the game. In a few days I'll post some pictures. I hope you guys will enjoy them. But this is just the very beginning. There is still a lot to go (the rest of Melee Town, the shop, the church, the prison, Scumm Bar of course, etc).

I don't have a digital camera, but I'll try to get some photos as quick as possible.

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I'm builiding a replica of the entire Mêlée town entirely made of my anal hair. The project is fairly advanced and I've tried to stay as true to the look of SOMI as possible, although some liberties had to be taken and some places and buildings had to come from my imagination. I estimate that Melée town, when ready, will be comprised of around 40000 anal hairs (maybe more). When I'm done with Melee Town, I'm planning to also build the entire Melee Island (including Woodtick from Scabb Island).


We'll see how it comes along!!!

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Originally posted by Merkel

The very center of Melee Town is nearly done (with the clock, the map seller, the men of low moral fiber, international house of mojo, etc). I'm working on the minifigs now (Guybrush is done, so are the men of low moral fiber, but having a bit of trouble with the voodoo lady). It is not a point by point exact replica of what we see in SOMI, but it's pretty close I think. I made some changes to some of the houses (some really necessary, other by a matter of personal taste), but so far the reaction of the people who have seen the construction itself is that it does capture the spirit of the game. In a few days I'll post some pictures. I hope you guys will enjoy them. But this is just the very beginning. There is still a lot to go (the rest of Melee Town, the shop, the church, the prison, Scumm Bar of course, etc).

I don't have a digital camera, but I'll try to get some photos as quick as possible.


Are you building interiors to the building too, or just the outsides?

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Originally posted by The LeChuckie

I'm builiding a replica of the entire Mêlée town entirely made of my anal hair. The project is fairly advanced and I've tried to stay as true to the look of SOMI as possible, although some liberties had to be taken and some places and buildings had to come from my imagination. I estimate that Melée town, when ready, will be comprised of around 40000 anal hairs (maybe more). When I'm done with Melee Town, I'm planning to also build the entire Melee Island (including Woodtick from Scabb Island).


We'll see how it comes along!!!


Your not funny.

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Well the anal hair project has gone down the drain when I ran out of my own hairs and for some reason no one would lend me any of theirs :( If anyone is interested in bringing the project back to life then you can send me your anal hairs in an envelope to this address:



29 Monkey Avenue




Cheers... I look forward to the post.

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Originally posted by turbo)(death

im making a replica melee town out of my own semen and also urin (for tactful parts) and partially my own disreptantiant.





u all suck.


nah im kidding. wot a 'cool' idea.


ur so not funny.



well done Merkel, i think that sounds really good,cant wait 2 c the pics!

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You know .. you(lechuckie) are really ruining this thread.... and for what ? An anal hair joke ?! That is so immature ....


I'm actually really looking forward to seeing pics of this project (the lego one, that is). Merkel you are putting alot of work and I applaud your determination in such an extensive project : ) Keep up the good work ... show the danes what you can do with lego's

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While it's no secret as to my disagreement with this "project", I am still intrigued to see these pics... they might change my mind... ya never know :rolleyes: . I don't see how it ruins the thread, I am simply arguing the pointlessness of the task, try and lighten up a little, I'm sure in his own world Merkel is very sane :rolleyes::rolleyes: .


P.S If you want to complain about turbo)(death (who isn't me) then all E-mail can be directed here zerovortex@hotmail.com (sorry Mike)


P.P.S you are spot on about me being immature.... heh, anal hair *snigger*

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