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Plaze Halp!


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Ok I have been enlisted by my friend to help his little sister with an html project for school. And can you guess what she is doing it on...Star wars :) (she had to draw it out of a hat, I know, not too much fun). And of course my friend goes to me for star wars images and the related.


But heres my problem, I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING GOOD ON GOOGLE OR ANY OTHER SEARCH ENGINE!!! I told her I would find some things by saturday for her, and I haven't found anything.


Maybe I'm just dumb, but since I know the people here are nice enough to point me in the direction of some good backgrounds and clipart (preferably a background that is black with the stars). I would very much appreciate any help.


and for those who are wonder "Well why doesn't he just make some...". Well I would, IF I KNEW HOW TO USE PHOTOSHOP/ had it.


So its up to you swamps, work your magic :cool:

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Not to mention that if you look at the kinds of images Google pulls... well, they're just not that impressive.


You can also get some decent pictures off a P2P networ. Just a crapshoot where you download everything "Star Wars" and delete the crap. Though, I suppose that is in the same situation as Google Images.

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