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Cantina 12: The Republic Strikes Back


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Hal: Well, Yes... and I don't mass judgement on my elders.




*The X-Wing scans Ivrine's ship*


GolonIII: This is Golon III 3-T-745, you are cleared.




*The Gaurds escort Hirst and her group back to their ship.*

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RH Irvine "Thank you GolonIII, I'm on my way."


*RH Irvine pilots the ship forward on normal propulsion until he gave himself enough distence away from the check point before he jumps back into hyperspace.*

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*Stormbaltz enters the medical room that has been prepared for Malice. She is held in a cryogenic chamber against the wall*


Stormbaltz: Why? Why does he want you alive so badly? For what purpose do you have?


*He exits, shaking his head*




Elella: Whoa. Sorry. Guess I got some issues, huh?

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((Red, I'm waiting to do a time skip so we can kick this into gear. I need Deac and Rwos to arrive first. In the meantime.......))


*Tar Redris paces a conferance room deep in the bowels of the Imperial Palace. The Room has a circular table with a holo projector and twelve seats around the table. Redris' cabinet sit in the seats.*


Redris: Taklin Flax has been allowed to escape, our weapon discovered and the shipyard destroyed and now Admiral Ackbar has joined this new Rebelion. Why was this allowed to happen? Answer me!


((Need some evil ministers here guys!))

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[Evil Ministers you say? Hmmmm. Why not?]


The Council chamber


*A woman stands up to answer*


Reletha: We took too long to mobilise our forces! Also, we have friends in the Imperial Seperatists! I recommend we join with them!

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Redris: If we join with the Seperatists how easily could we control them?




*Over Agamar.*


Control: Attention Termand Rwos. You are cleared for the Palace Landing Pad, a med team it waiting there to take the Colonel to the Infirmary.

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Coruscant Control: Unknown Shuttle, transmit your identification codes now.




Redris: Yessssssssss..........*Manic smile.* You will travel to the Seperatist base and convince them to join our cause.


((Yeah, bad idea, I know.))

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SSD Lucifer


*Stormbaltz walks around the command deck. He is hailed by a comm officer*


Comm: Sir, engineering wants to know where 40% of our power is going. They say life support just kicked out in one of the cargo bays.


Stormbaltz: Probably trying to make another superweapon. I wouldn't worry about it. I'll be in cargo bay 87. I have a feeling about something...


*Stormbaltz enters the cargo bay. He sees Malice, still in her tube, floating peacefully. He sighs and turns to leave, then notices the light switch is off. He switches it on to see if they still work, and is shocked by what he finds.


Several growing embryos in surrounding tubes, illuminated by a glowing blue light*

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*Behind Stormbaltz comes the sound of boots making their clatter on the metal floor.


F. Irvine was dressed in an all black uniform that combines an Imperial generals uniform with Sith robes.*


((Think of Mual's pants with an Imperial top, cloak w/ no hood))


F. Irvine "I have got to pay my taylor more."


*F. Irvine walks forward towards Stormbaltz with a smirk*


F. Irvine "I never have doubted that you'd eventualy hear abou the power consumption. None the less, I was going to tell you anyway..."


*F. Irvine turns and walks towards Malice's chyrogenic chamber.*


"You see Cybereyes left meny unfinished projects, meny files, files that had to do with meny things about the force and cybernetic enancements, and of course most of all, cloning, the Human Genome, etc, etc..."


*He rubs his finger accross the glass, then looks at it.*


"Lokpihet desided to have himself turn completely cybernetic, and to infuse his consciousness onto all the data bases in the galaxy." *sighs* "It was his downfall, Deac cut him down. Although from that experience I did have a premonition,..."


"...Its not the body that needs improvement through cybernetics, its the mind. Syrnl dispite how meny time's he has managed to become resurrected, he has retained a strong link with the force. So I did a little research, and developed a way that by sacrificing most of the motor abilities of the body, to improve the mind's capibility to perform meny times faster then the typical Sith or Jedi can ever. But thats just the tip of the iceberg, Malice is the catayst of what I had planed. Alas, I need more power and space in order to continue my 'project'."

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F. Irvine "Yes, you may. Oh and if you wondered about why I wanted to go to Ulna Shardes, I want to investigate something, should take up the time for those probe droids to find a suitable location, don't you think?"




((Oops forgot about this...))


Irvine *to the comm* "Coruscant control, this is cargo shuttle Tiberium, transmitting now."


*Irvine then again transmits the manifesto.*

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((Another shuttle name pun, goes over thy heads... :| ))


*Coruscant, Orbit*


*Irvine goes into the planets atmosphere.


After an hour of flying the shuttle around in attempt to lose any Coruscant patrolls and tracking droids, etc, he lands in an Imperial friendly airbase.*




*SSD Lucifer*


*F. Irvine, after several moments looking at Malice, he turns and walks out of the cargo bay and to his quarters to meditate.*

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((Scar, that wasn't a pun, and I think we all got the reference :p))


Rwos: Thanks.


*He brings the ship into Agamar's atmosphere and lands where directed. He opens his cockpit and gets out, dragging Deac with him, looking around for familiar faces*

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((okay, okay, so i exagerated the situation


least i got a better reaction in this, then saying that the cause for Darth Malak to wear his mask was apart of the s1138 countinuty


((If i am correct about such :D))))

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((A pun is when it has a double meaning. As a rule the its an English thing))


*As Rwos exits a group of medtechs run foward with a gurney.*


Tech: Sir, we've been ordered to take him straight to the infirmary.



((Scar why would there be any "Imperial" Airbases? Get a grip, work with what you've got or work around it. Also, you're on Coruscant if the authorieties want to find you they use a satilite. Since Ivrine has acted so strangly his ship has been checked again, recognized and cover blown.))


*As Ivrine exits his shuttle he is confronted with a company of 100 security tropps and five ominous cloaked figures.*


Figure 1: Ivrine Crackern, you will come with us. Now!

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