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Cantina 12: The Republic Strikes Back


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[Cliffhanger time! Oh goody! Everyone set yourselves up for one...cause part 13's going to start soon!]


*Deac enters the ship*


Deac: Come on then. Only one Darkstar remains, and if she dies the corruption in the republic dies with her.





*A Nebulon-B Frigate races toward a Super Star Destroyer, the Republican Flagship*


Comm Officer: [Republic, On The SSD] Jil! You've no escape! We have gravity well projectors in our CC700's online. You won't get out of the system alive. You have 1000 people on board that ship! Don't throw their lives away!


Beler Jil: [Rebel, on the Frigate]I will not give up my ship, Imperial. I have 1000 soldiers willing to die for the True Republic, and if our deaths are required to end your regime then so be it.


*The Frigate increases its speed and rams into the bridge section of the SSD, causing it to explode as the reactor cores become unstable*

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*Irvine gets off his speeder and into a well gaurded republic facility.


He force chokes each of the guards as he gets further and further into the builing.


He reaches the Office where Reletha resides...


The doors burst open.*


Irvine "Reletha Darkstar, I sense that you're still here..."

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Irvine "You're under arrest for collaberating with the Imperial Separatists. Either you willfully surrendering to me, or your death, either way its easy."


*Irvine pulls out his twin crimson lightfoils.*

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*Reletha smiles*


Reletha: You're going to arrest the Supreme Chancellor alone? On what authority? Guards!


*A squad of elite guard surround Irvine. A panel in the wall opens and Reletha's chair is shot back through it, and the panel then closes*

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*Irvine crosses his arms, then throws them out to each side, creating a sort of force shock wave, throwing the gaurds in all directions from him.


He then ignites his foils and runs stright at a guard and stabs into his armour, then decapiatates another guard getting up.*

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Kal: Okay, lets go then. *Heads towards the cockpit.*




Flax: I see no reason to keep you further, you may go. Remember what I have said.


*A page bows to Nereli and hands him a folded piece of flimsiplast bearing the seal of the Wolf.*




*Dasken, Greer and co. round a corner to be confronted by ten armed gaurds.*


Corporal: Where are you going? There's no maintainance sceduled here till tomorrow.

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Nereli: *taking the flimsiplast* Farewell, Lord Flax. We thank you for your blessing. Perhaps we shall meet again in the future.


*The Blades leave. Outside, Nereli smiles at Rwos*


Nereli: The ruler of this land, your friend?


Rwos: I've made many connections here. Just as the Council instructed.


Nereli: Naturally. Yet you've taken sides in the political matters of this galaxy without Council approval.


Rwos: I didn't seek to do that. If you wish to accuse someone, accuse Luck, or Fate, or both.


Nereli: Hm, but you didn't seek to avoid it, did you? No matter, though. Your many friends have already argued your case for you in the Council. Now, shall we go?


Rwos: To where?


Nereli: To the planet Ulna Shardes. You are familiar with this place, yes?

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*Deac's commlink from Rwos bleeps. He picks it up*


Deac: Rwos?


Voice: Mr Starkiller? This is from the universe you visited some time ago. I have a message from Lord Syrnl. He says go back to the portal planet and we'll pick you up from there.


Deac: Why do I need to go back there?


Voice: He wants to see you...he's dying.

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((You don't know? :D


Cantina 6: Postlude to Holocaust (PtH) is an alternate reality that takes place between Cantina 6 and Cantina 7 (this being Cantina 12, obviously). Whatever is in PtH is paralleled exactly in this universe except for one thing...in the PtH universe, 80% of the planets populated with intelligent life were destroyed. Here, that event has already been undone using the time travel device that the characters in PtH *now* are trying to get.


Complicated, eh? ;)))

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((And sometime during the PTH countinuty, WH Irvine travels back in time *somehow*


bumps into the c6 group in the past, but is obviously left behind


he gets back to the normal time line through the old fassioned way, waiting it out... :)))

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((Sort it out? It's already planned out...I sort of dragged it out because I wanted to see if any of you wanted to add anything else to the plot XD


Now Admiral's going to tell me: "told you so" ;)


You know, I made that old discussion thread for a reason...:p;)


[unless you want to get AIM, Deac :D]


*Will post later as must run off*))

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*Irvine makes it to the end of the tunnel, a gust of wind blowing agenst him as he sees Reletha smiling in the elevator high above, nearing the awaiting ship.*


Irvine "No, am I too late!!?"


*Irvine looks around for obsticles,...


A crane, passing speeders, cables, a platform, and the power cable on the elevator...


He curses as he desides he'll try continueing his pursuit.


He runs up a catwalk and leaps onto a tall steel crane, near the top he makes a large bound off and hops back and forth from speeder to speeder.


He then leaps grabing the cable swinging onto a another platform underneith another catwalk. He runs down it as the elevator gets higher up.


he makes it to the end of the catwalk and makes a final forcejump for the elevator...


Just as he's inches away he reaches out for it, but he'd already achived the apex of his jump as he starts falling down...*

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