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Roots of Humanity


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"A connection to the Force is something that is a very natural thing to have," Kuu'Ra explained. "The fact that you do not have it could mean one of two things. First, you may have come from the past, where the Force had not come into existance. Second, you may be from the future, after the Force has been destroyed. The last option, you must admit, would be very distressing to those of us who have never lived without it."

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“First,” Kuu’Ra said, “the Force provides our very life. Second, if a person is very connected with the Force, they can learn to use it as a very powerful ally.”


She removed her lightsaber from her belt and tossed it down the corridor. Using the Force, she brought it back to her hand. “You see?” she said. “The Force is a very powerful ally, if you learn to use it correctly.”

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Craig was walking along behind Roman and Kuu'Ra, and a large Force energy was around him. As a student and Knight at the Academy, he had a very strong connection to the Force, and at times, even after he became a Knight, he had a hard time hiding it, this being one of those times. Craig went and calmed the rest of the people down, then returned to following Kuu'Ra and Roman.

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Tepe looked snake. "You've seen this too?" Tepe asked as Sanke's cigarette started to float away from his mouth and then to the wall and turn itself so it wasn't useful anymore for anything. Tepe looked snake's amazed look and walked infront of him


((Ok, ok. Maybe I got too carried away in the first post of mine, but let's forget allmost everything on it :p ))

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"Damn that smarts, and you've made your point, but if you ever do that again, i'll cut off that hand of yours so you can't wave it anymore, you understand?" Roman replied, clearly angry about what just happened. "Anyways, after this is all over, i'll have to contact my superiors on Earth."


Nobody has ever heard of a planet called Earth (other than the shuttle crew), and they are clearly confused about what Roman is talking about?"


"Also I wanted to ask what is that cylindrical thing you're holding" Asked Roman pointing to the Alien's weapon.

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After he saw one of the jedi threw another one on the floor, he was impressed. The other man made Elezar hitting himself at the head. He didnt want think about beating this men in a battle, even if he had his guns and all his weapons. The lightsaber was very dangerous he thought and looked at the others to follow them to the docking bay.

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The group continued the travel and Tepe heard Elezar asking something. "You mean this..." Tepe asked, pointing at his blaster and continued: "...or this?" he asked and took his lightsaber under his tunic. "This, is a lightsaber. Used by the jedi's, Dark jedi's and the sith's" Tepe answered, igniting his lightsaber. Then he unignited it and put it back under his tunic.

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"Interesting" Roman replied. Meanwhile he took out his EM dissapator unit, turned it on.


"Here is why energy based weapons are unreliable, try turning on your lightsaber again."


To Roman's surprise, the weapon functioned normally


"That is very odd, this EM dissapators should have distrupted your power source, they are used to neutralize energy based weapons, that is why we had to go back to projectile weapons, such as pistols and shotguns." Roman said. "Maybe you can give me a spare lightsaber to find out what makes it immune to my dissapator unit, if its possible."

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Aal'Kazar saw the one man showing his saber. Finally he got enough of all those posing jedi. He took out his mini stouker and showed it to them, looking at the indicator which showed the energy of the weapon. "This" he said slowly "is a stouker. One shot and you are dead, if you get hit. And be sure, i hit all my targets." The Jedi seemed not to be very much impressed and the cäptain already knew the powerful weapon, but he still feared it. Only thing Aal' reached was silence for a short time.

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