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Where's the ffa these days?


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Originally posted by Master William

I dunno man, I am so tired of JA, I almost hate it now... it sucks so damn hard now, I have been playing way better Star Wars games like KOTOR and SWG, and JA feels like a piece of crap now... All I know is that the same kind of persons make their huge posts in threads like these, so blah blah blah as usual...



I have to disagree, the multiplayer offers much more diveristy than you can get in a sigle player game. Granted, kotor is much more polished but it cant sustain interest as long as JA can.

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I agree the best servers for real FFA are amidalas and kurgans meatgrinder..


i was in the clan sith FFA the other day where they all stayed in one place with saber off and when you come in they would spam force powers with saber off then you kill them they call you a lamer and kick you....


they are not the only fags that do this ive seen several servers like that- they know who they are and unfortunately nothing can be done about it except not going back to the pre-pubescent brats server


thats why the 2 I mentioned are so great- can do anything you want without reprocutions


--Nalukai {KoP}

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Originally posted by Master William

I dunno man, I am so tired of JA, I almost hate it now... it sucks so damn hard now, I have been playing way better Star Wars games like KOTOR and SWG, and JA feels like a piece of crap now... All I know is that the same kind of persons make their huge posts in threads like these, so blah blah blah as usual...


So....why even post to this thread then, go play Kotor or SWG.

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Originally posted by saurumonk


they are not the only fags that do this ive seen several servers like that-


--Nalukai {KoP}



First off, dont use language like that around here, it's derogatory and offensive to everyone.

Second, alot of server including my clan's dont run around mindlessly killing eachother because it's a training server for lightsaber duels. Before you go around lamming, make sure its permissable.

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Originally posted by Autobot Traitor

Second, alot of server including my clan's dont run around mindlessly killing eachother because it's a training server for lightsaber duels. Before you go around lamming, make sure its permissable.

Just two suggestions:


1. If you are having training sessions with your clan or a group of regulars, put a password on the server during those sessions (you can always take it off later). That will prevent unwanted disruptions.


2. A good way to train for Dueling is to run the Dueling or Power Dueling gametype instead of the FFA gametype. You can have an instructor and one or two "demonstrators". Everyone else is forced to pay attention because they are in Spectator. They can view the lesson from any vantage point in the map, or from the point of view of the instructor or demonstrator. Then they can take turns being the instructor or demonstrator, if desired.


It also avoids confusion causing by running a Dueling server under the FFA gametype. People looking for FFA won't go to your server and find out it is something other than what it supposed to be.


And again, if you are looking for genuine FFA, avoid saber-only Force-disabled admin mod-running "FFA" servers. They are likely to be Dueling servers in disguise.

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whoa whoa johney stop riiight there, first off....if it is not one of 7 words that are considered by the FCC as derogatory ill feel free to use it whenever i feel like it...


and second off when you sit with your saber off and throw out a force grip to help someone else that has a saber on youll get a blue lunge in the ass- that is not "lamming"-get your stuff straight before you come at me with that crap.


i understand there are lightsaber training ffas out there and got no problem with that. end of conversation


thank you, drive through.........

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fag- (noun) old english derivitive of faug

1. a bundle of sticks

2. a single cigarette

3. a slang term for a homosexual

4. somone who abuses or contributes to the abuse of someone trying to have fun

5. sith clan

6. any others that participate in the same actions as them or takes up for them considering there are alot worse things said here

7. ....:D

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

You are the only the second person to complain that the Force regeneration is too fast. The other is probably the best all-time Chop Shop FFA player (JK2 and JA), so....


How about this: I changed the FFA settings to the same as the CTF server. Saber damage is 4x (I really think the single-saber needs it to balance the other saber types, and for sabers to balance against the range and power of gunners) and Force regeneration is 2x normal. Dismemberment changed to 50% probability.


People who have played on my server should try it and let me know what you think.


I assume you refer to me there, since I almost always win and have mentioned my distaste for the super force regen. If so, thanks for the compliment (And people wonder why I'm an arrogant bastard).


Annnyway. I've been to it today (And have so far been called a fag and a pussy for tearing the residents apart. Ironically supposedly I can't duel, but tell that to residents of Old Folks Home.), and I approve of the lowered force regen greatly. Pity it doesn't detract from pretty much the only technique that beats me in Chop Shop (Lovingly mentioned in the "which saber is more powerful " thread. Heh.). Oh well, can't have everything.


As it stands, Ami and Kurgan have it down. Sith Academy used to be an awesome FFA server, but it's gone now. Same goes for Kaiasowapit's server.

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

Just two suggestions:


1. If you are having training sessions with your clan or a group of regulars, put a password on the server during those sessions (you can always take it off later). That will prevent unwanted disruptions.


2. A good way to train for Dueling is to run the Dueling or Power Dueling gametype instead of the FFA gametype. You can have an instructor and one or two "demonstrators". Everyone else is forced to pay attention because they are in Spectator. They can view the lesson from any vantage point in the map, or from the point of view of the instructor or demonstrator. Then they can take turns being the instructor or demonstrator, if desired.


It also avoids confusion causing by running a Dueling server under the FFA gametype. People looking for FFA won't go to your server and find out it is something other than what it supposed to be.


And again, if you are looking for genuine FFA, avoid saber-only Force-disabled admin mod-running "FFA" servers. They are likely to be Dueling servers in disguise.



Excellent suggestions, and if it were in my hands, I would probably implement them, the only thing is that there is around 12-16 members around at a time and to do 1 on 1 duels would take a very long time making it less than practical. The general concensis is we do lock the server on weekends, where most members come along. During the week it runs under the banner of (server name) Training server-All welcome.

When the map loads, the rules are displayed for all to view.

Unfortunatly, there are alot of padwans and other ffa'ers who come along. Most of them respect what they are told and train like we would. Other times, they dont, and one of our many admins has some fun with his or her wide range of admin command


:D :D

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Originally posted by Lathain Valtiel

I assume you refer to me there, since I almost always win and have mentioned my distaste for the super force regen. If so, thanks for the compliment (And people wonder why I'm an arrogant bastard).

Um, no, actually I wasn't, LOL.


Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

You are the only the second person to complain that the Force regeneration is too fast. The other is probably the best all-time Chop Shop FFA player (JK2 and JA), so....


You are very very good but I don't think you played on my JK2 server.

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Originally posted by Autobot Traitor

During the week it runs under the banner of (server name) Training server-All welcome.


Unfortunatly, there are alot of padwans and other ffa'ers who come along. Most of them respect what they are told and train like we would. Other times, they dont, and one of our many admins has some fun with his or her wide range of admin command


With all due respect, this is a prime example of exactly why these misunderstandings occur....


Your server name says "All welcome", but that isn't really true, now is it? (False advertising). So-called "lamers" (actually, people who were looking for an FFA game and who were unfortunately lured to your "FFA" server) aren't welcome, are they?


Unless your admins enjoy luring in poor misled souls so they can "have some fun" abusing them with their "wide range of admin commands" :rolleyes: I think a better sv_hostname would be "(server name) Training server-No laming!" or "(server name) Training server-No FFA!" or "(server name) Training server-Dueling only, no FFA!" or "(server name) Training server-Lamers not welcome" or "(server name) Training server-Dueling only, go to Kurgan's or Amidala's servers if you want REAL FFA" if you really want to be truthful, honest, clear, and "honorable".

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Hey Amidala, I play on your Chop Shop servers from time to time. I've seen on your server, that one strike could kill no matter how weak it is. The dual sabers and staff have a huge advantage over single sabers because they usually hit first due to having two blades.


The damage on your servers are far too high. The ffa that goes on in there isn't about real saber skills, but about jumping and running around like crazy. In any other server without 5x saber damage, an experienced single saberist can beat any dual saber or staff users.

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Originally posted by Frank1212

Hey Amidala, I play on your Chop Shop servers from time to time. I've seen on your server, that one strike could kill no matter how weak it is. The dual sabers and staff have a huge advantage over single sabers because they usually hit first due to having two blades.


The damage on your servers are far too high. The ffa that goes on in there isn't about real saber skills, but about jumping and running around like crazy. In any other server without 5x saber damage, an experienced single saberist can beat any dual saber or staff users.

What about guns? With normal saber damage a good gunner will own all saberists. Watch oE|Eidolon on my server, he owns all without ever using a lightsaber.


I originally increased the saber damage on my JK2 server to balance sabers vs. guns (the 1.04 patch made sabers almost useless). There are only single sabers in JK2 (without mods) so it was simply a matter of balancing single sabers vs. guns.


Jedi Academy made it more complicated by adding the somewhat overpowered saber staff and the dual sabers to the mix. I decreased the saber damage from JK2 levels because of that, but it is still increased to give saberists a fighting chance against gunners. What you are saying would be true if my server was for Dueling or even saber-only FFA (yawn), but it isn't.

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Awww.. Shame Ami. Pity I uninstalled JO, i might try it sometime and see how I do against singlers armed with the less anal on the aim flipkick.


Really, as far as I can tell the only really viable trick to use against supergunners is PullThrow.. since not even Absorb and Speed combined stop it from stopping you a good one will likely win against a gunner unless said gunner is really damn fast with the rockets or repeater secondary, or in JA's case add the Concussion to the list, though it's rate of fire is slow. This assumes the gun isn't ripped out of his/her hands.


However this is FFA we're talking, and due to generally limited force the supergunner will likely win since Speed lasts awhile and you can bunnyhop to go even faster. Don't mention Rage.


[Memory]I miss Nutri on ProMod servers.. He made me scared of the bowcaster. I remember this one time where he bounced a bolt off the walls of FFA Star Destroyer and hit me in the back, killing me instantly. Beautiful by all counts.[/Memory]


Frank is kidding himself by the way. There's a reason a staff user is #1 on Old Folks Home, however I do agree on technical terms.


By the way..


Ami, you may want to ask for an idle saber damage modifier. When gun damage was ramped to one hit kill on Kaia's old Forcemod II server, you couldn't really try to swing at gunners as one poke with a bolt was death. The only real option was running into them with saber drawn to get the idle damage kill in a lot of cases...


But that's just my rambling.

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

With all due respect, this is a prime example of exactly why these misunderstandings occur....


Your server name says "All welcome", but that isn't really true, now is it? (False advertising). So-called "lamers" (actually, people who were looking for an FFA game and who were unfortunately lured to your "FFA" server) aren't welcome, are they?


Unless your admins enjoy luring in poor misled souls so they can "have some fun" abusing them with their "wide range of admin commands" :rolleyes: I think a better sv_hostname would be "(server name) Training server-No laming!" or "(server name) Training server-No FFA!" or "(server name) Training server-Dueling only, no FFA!" or "(server name) Training server-Lamers not welcome" or "(server name) Training server-Dueling only, go to Kurgan's or Amidala's servers if you want REAL FFA" if you really want to be truthful, honest, clear, and "honorable".



I'll agree with to that, but just so you know, the "lamers" aren't abused. Admin chat is used to let them know that the behavior is not acceptable, if they persist, the are put to sleep while the admin confurs with them privately. If they wish abyde, they stay and everyone has a good time. Otherwise, they are asked to leave and are advised to check out your server.

Don't get me wrong, we understand the difference in gameplay style and we try to send people where they should be.

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The thing is, if you're going to kick and ban somebody anyway, what does it matter if they get a few points killing people in violation of your "rules"?


If people are just dueling on your server, it can't be that big a deal since JA doesn't count deaths against your score, and you respawn ready to go.


To me, "Admin Mods" are pointless abuses of power.

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Well imagine for a second that you and so and so want to duel somewhere. You get there and hit "k" and go into a duel. Some padwan comes at you while you are dueling and slashes at you in blue stance. It doesnt damage you, but they get in the way of the duelers.

Our server isnt all dueling; we mess around alot with shuttles and ties. Were not heartless as you might think because especialy on friday night, anything goes.


And Kurgan, you remind me alot of Methos:p

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