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Very Confused


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I recently managed to get my hands on Monkey Island 1 and 2. After playing nothing else for about 2 1/2 weeks I finished them both, (finished the 2nd one last night).


Monkey Island II Is the weirdest ending to a game I have ever seen in my life. So imo it seems like the whole of MI2 was a theme park attraction. And he's a kid, but LeChuck is disguised as his brother.

I once thought the beginning of of MI3 followed srtaight on from the ending of MI2 but thats obviously not the case. So when did MI1 happen too. I'm even making it sound confusing.


I did play the games in this order MI3, MI4, MI1 and MI2. So maybe thats why I'm confused. I'm only 17 and became a MI fan when 3 was released, I remember mmy parents playing the first too but was to young to understand it :). oh.. actualy.. I still don't understand it, thats the whole point of this thread.


Can someone please explain it to me. :confused:




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Originally posted by gavinpape

Monkey Island II Is the weirdest ending to a game I have ever seen in my life. So imo it seems like the whole of MI2 was a theme park attraction. And he's a kid, but LeChuck is disguised as his brother. I once thought the beginning of of MI3 followed srtaight on from the ending of MI2 but thats obviously not the case.


Well the first thing to remember (or realize) is that MI and MI2 were both created by Ron Gilbert, whereas MI3 and beyond were not. Gilbert's eventual extension of the games would have followed a different path than MI3 did (as Gilbert has stated a few times). As for following MI3 following MI2... actually, it did. There's a bit of a time jump where Guybrush manages to escape the island and regain his adulthood, so we just see him as he's floating along. Of course, we learn a bit more about what happened to him at the end of MI2 when we return to Big Whoop at the end of MI3. Following MI3, Guybrush's "waking up as a kid" was part of a voodoo spell cast by Le Chuck to confuse/torment Guybrush and ultimately get him out of the way. We see this as Guybrush is again put under the spell in MI3, but of course he knows the truth this time and doesn't fall for it.



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  • 1 year later...

Sorry but I really have to say, I don't like this theory or this ending (presented on the scummbar-site)....I don't like the imagination that guybrush is just a kid running over a amusement-park thinking of great adventures....

Sorry but I fu*** hate this theory

Although the authors of the games are not the same there must be a causal connection between MI 2 and MI3...

There MUST be a other theory


Please help me, I'm near crying....



Maybe he just got cursed by le'chuck, because at the end, chuckie have this evil grin...with this red eyes.

But IF he got cursed...how did he escaped? ****! I MUST understand this...I can not belive that my childhoodhero is just a kid...


This ending just don't suits to the rest of the game....I hope this guy is wrong...


But what is the secret of monkey island...

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It's been stated by someone or other who worked on the first 2 games (Dave Grossman?) that one idea was infact just Guybrush being a little kid running around a themepark the entire time thinking he's a 20 year old pirate. Remember, Gilbert got the whole idea from the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney World, so it kinda makes sense. Ron himself wasn't consulted on the making of MI3, so the makers would have had no idea how he had intended the story to go on, and have just gone into their own branch of how the story might go on.

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Have you ever read a book and in the end they wake up and it was all a dream... But then they see something from their dream and you think "was it real or was it a dream?" that was the ending to MI2. If you want to keep it like that, then that's fine. But then they made MI3 and gave this idea: LeChuck gets his power from big whoop. When it smashed, LeChuck used its power to create the Big Whoop theme park, and fool Guybrush into thinking he was a little kid, when it was a curse. In COMI, it starts after he escapes the curse. Since actually figuring out how to get out would be a little trippy, they decided to start the game back in reality or if you want, Guybrushes imagination, both ideas work, little kid Guybrush could have started daydreaming again, and his lines at the start are cute when you think of it this way, but I follow the other theory.

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