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An Idea That's Tastier Than Buttercream! ("Guns Only" server)


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Originally posted by Kurgan

Amidala: Interesting.



Update: Okay I think I found a somewhat better solution (not perfect though).



g_maxforcerank -1 (yes, that's right, negative, it will show up in your MP setup as "Uninitiated," ie: no force points)

g_forcepowerdisable 262143 (this way they can't try to assign force points to anything, period).


However, there is a bug in that players will ALWAYS start with Level 1 Force Jump, Push and Heal (with with Force Balanced teams as if they were on the "dark side").


Of course those latter two powers don't do much good since you only heal 5 hp's and can't push back projectiles or push somebody very far.


The above will disable sabers completely though (giving you melee instead).


And if you add one more setting:


g_forceregentime 9999


Then once they run out of force, they are pretty much stuck without it. And since there are no force boons, you'll be in "no force land" very soon. ; )


Originally posted by Kurgan

To sum up:


g_maxforcerank -1

g_forcepowerdisable 262143

g_weapondisable 0

g_forceregentime 9999


= Virtually No Force and No sabers.

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

Yea, Gunning without force isnt fun at all i dont think. Its the force Gunning in these games that makes them the fastest gunning experiance ever (for me anyway). To play this game with guns and without force, just seems silly to me, and most of the gunning community, but hey, if thats your thing, by all means, go for it:D


You must not like Siege then, right? Or do you just play Korriban?


; )


Original posted by Prime:

We already have that option. It's called every other FPS out there.


Yeah and we already have another option too, it's called 'every other melee combat game out there'.

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Originally posted by backup7


I think that a tasty gameplay option would be to disallow sabers. Imagine a CTF or FFA game minus sabers and force...

Ohh, how delicious! Everyone would fight it out with just guns :mob:, opening up a whole new (and refreshing) style of play.

(Harking back to Raven's ELITE FORCE, which had amazingly sweet, fast paced CTF games) I was surprised upon discovering the inavalibility of this option in both JK2 and JKA. :eek:


Also, IMHO, this buttery gameplay option would help draw players away from the disasterific admin mod servers, and make it more actual-gameplay oriented. ;)


Hmm, what do you think?


id software makes this neat game called Quake III Arena. Its right up your alley.

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I love siege, so don't get this wrong. But Seige is not FFA, Siege isn't CTF. Siege has you take a very specific role, with set mission objectives. It's a unique gametype all it's own.


But replaying to a thread like this with "Go play another game, then." Is exactly like telling someone who wants to play sabers only, "Go play Soul Caliber instead!" It's like telling people that want to play duel games to go play that crappy Star Wars fighting game from several years back.


Replying to threads like this with comments like, "Well, that takes away the Star Wars feel' are equally rediculous for the same reasons already pointed out, there were very few force users in the Star Wars universe, so giving everyone force powers and lightsabers is far less Star Wars-like than a guns only game.


And it's not like the guy that suggested this is telling everyone that they should play guns only, he merely suggests it would make a nifty option for those that wanted it.


Heck, I'm with Kurgan and like Jo/JA servers that don't limit any of the game's options, and yet I still can see backup7's point of view.

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Yeah, there's a place for everything.


Dueling hones your saber skills (against other sabers anyway). That's another reason why I'm not a dueling master, since I don't duel very much. But I still whip out the saber and use it quite often in games.

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Yes this is JKA force powers and sabers are not needed ever heard of DARK FORCES it is the mother of the JK games and it only has guns no sabers no force powers just you and your guns and it was a sweet game if you ignore the bad graphics;) so JKA without guns would be FUN not NO FUN belive me this is all true!:):D;):cool:

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What about us weirdo's who like to gun WITH force powers :) everyone goes 'go play Q3 or UT if u like guns' where in those games can i speed around, pull weapons, push FC's off cliffs, heal/energize my FC, block/push shots. the list goes on, forces added depth to gunning like ive never seen :D

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

What about us weirdo's who like to gun WITH force powers :) everyone goes 'go play Q3 or UT if u like guns' where in those games can i speed around, pull weapons, push FC's off cliffs, heal/energize my FC, block/push shots. the list goes on, forces added depth to gunning like ive never seen :D


Ya man you are right.


I just realized thats fun.

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Listen DARK FORCES is not multi player so it would be nice to have a game with the same weapons in multi player without force powers dark forces was a great game so how a bout two mods one with guns only with force powers and one that is guns only without force powers!

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that have disabled some forces and removed some of the weapons from the maps. All these changes can be done by changing the config file or something( I must admit I don't know the specifics) so if somebody "wants" a server a certain way it is possible to tailor it to your preferences. Personally I never take a sword to a gunfight,lol.:fett:

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