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Just got an email from Steve Purcell


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Holy Crap! I don't know if everyone else gets these, but Steve Purcell just sent me an email with these words of encouragement... (i'll paraphrase since he didn't give me permission to share it)


- Thanks for letting LucasArts know how you feel about the cancellation

- He didn't know if the preorder was gonna get their attention more than the cancellation


- He's sure that Lucasarts is surprised by the fan response


- He's happy to see the petition number growing past 20000


Let's keep on writing pr@lucasarts.com and grumbling really loudly.

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Well it would be a shorter time frame for them to turn around if it wasn't illegal for me to be beating the crap out of who ever halted the game. But who knows if they were crazy enough to deny us this game in the first place maybe they'll be crazy enough to stick by their stupidty.

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I just sent the following letter to pr@lucasarts.com expressing my disappointment in the cancellation of Sam & Max 2. Here's hopin' it helps:


Re: Sam & Max 2 cancellation


I only just recently found out that you've decided to shelve "Sam & Max: Freelance Police" and wanted to write to let you know how terribly disappointed I am.


I'm not a big gamer. But without question, my favorite videogames ever have been the LucasArts Graphic Adventures (i.e. Monkey Island series, Grim Fandango, Full Throttle, Day of the Tentacle, original Sam & Max, etc.) I've bought and played every one that you've released, and there's never been games that

have made me laugh out loud or that I've enjoyed playing so thoroughly.


Those are also the games that, in my opinion, have set LucasArts apart from other game companies. Lots of different producers have created action-ers, shoot-em-ups, RPG's, etc. But nobody's ever come close to creating a graphic-adventure puzzle-based game that

can compare with the LucasArts titles of the past.


When I'd heard that a sequel to Full Throttle had been shut down, I was disappointed. But I took solace in the fact that the original Full Throttle didn't have the same humor as most of the other LucasArts G-As, and that there was still the sequel to Sam & Max to look forward to.


Now that Sam & Max has been scrapped as well, I guess I won't be buying any new games at all anytime soon.


Should you ever choose to make it available, even if it was only through mail-order or online, please let me know and I'll buy it in a heartbeat.


With my most sincere regret,


Ron Friedman


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Don't forget to send snail mail!


Send the mail to

Mike Nelson, Acting General Manager and VP of Operations


P.O. Box 10307

San Rafael, CA 94912


I recommend strongly, however, that you word your letter in a somewhat professional fashion. That means using proper grammar, spellchecking, punctuation, full words (never use 'u' for 'you', etc) and an appropriate letter format, either block or indent style. Even if you wish to keep the tone of your letter negative (as I did), avoid profanity.


You can see the letter that I sent at this URL:



You can find examples of the proper formatting for business letters at



Be sure to include your address at the top (as indicated) and your full name at the bottom.


You can find examples of the proper formatting for envelopes at


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there arew people who like to impale gnawers onto a stick and burn them in a niced fire of old tires until the fur is gone. then they pull out a BIG pack of vaseline, rub it all over that creature and shove it right up their rectal opening.


this is called anal rat fetish. and it seems like it happens to you every day, twice.




your fur is growing fast, eh sean?

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