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Does game length matter?


Does the length of a game matter?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Does the length of a game matter?

    • YES! Any decent FPS should be at least 20 hours!
    • No! It is the quality of the 8 hours that matters!
    • Unsure - I like longer games but not at lower quality
    • Yoda!!!

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Originally posted by Siv

have you done the bonus chapters which you can download from the official site?

That is *SO* not the point ...


Great - grab a level here or there ... whatever.


The game is too short. *MOST* games these days are too short, and the gaming media is adjusting their ruler and becoming apologists for short games.


Jedi Academy took me longer than Max Payne 1 & 2 combined.


Jedi Knight II took me longer than MoHAA & CoD & Max Payne.


Deus Ex took me longer than MoHAA & CoD & Max Payne 1 & 2 combined. Same for Jedi Knight.


I'll not compare 'action-RPG' like Dungeon Siege or 'real' RPG like NWN or KotOR to FPS, which are inherently shorter.


I would like to see a major game site say ' any SP FPS game shorter than 15 hours loses 5points, and shorter than 10 hours loses 10 points and 5 points for every 2 hours less' So MoHAA and CoD would have capped at 85%, for instance.


MoHAA was such a glaring example of a game that was just too short, perhaps because of the unsatisfying finish. That last section was tense, and then ... credits. You destroy stuff and go home. At least CoD has an ending.


And I'm tired of the - hey, you pay $8 for a 2 hour movie, so $50 for a 8 hour game is just great. Besides the fact that the math doesn't work, movies and games are very different entertainment experiences.



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I don't mind shorter games I just can't stand to not be able to play them again, I played FOCOM four times running before I stoped to take a breath I'v played JO so many times that I don't like to count, GBG was okay some of the time but... the ex pack CC was just to much, and it went away for good. I also played X-Wing and TIE fighter for more than a year before I got FOCOM.


I really like SW gaming.

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Replayability is a very subjective thing for a SP experience.


Some FPS games have replayability designed in - I would put Jedi Knight, Deus Ex and Jedi Academy in that category, along with basically all RPG's.


That is because they allow you to basically act as a different person when playing the game each time.


Most FPS don't have that, so there has to be some other hook.


Maybe for you it is the gritty realism and tension of Stalingrad in CoD ... good for about 10 minutes of fun (like every other level in the game :rolleyes: ).


Maybe it is the weapons and hit zones of SoFII (that is actually one of my more replayed games for some reason)


Maybe stealth like Thief I and II or Splinter Cell.


Or maybe something else ...



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Originally posted by txa1265

Does game length matter?


Let me quote one of a thousand mails in bulk mail:


"length does matter!"


For me the ideal game is one which does take long to complete, but in a steady move. I don't like playing for example 3 hours on 3 levels and then 3 hours on the 4th level because some parts are just too chaotic.. CoD was awesome as SP but there i felt everything went too fast, but was long enough. (try to understand me there...fast as in moving from location to location) But Ja was good. Ja went in a steady line and i immediately played it again cause I enjoyed it so much..There i don't think it went too fast in a level since it was more like "small level with lots objectives" and cod was "one big landscape where you run trough"

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There are times when gamelength really matters to me.


The best example I have of this is 'Way of the Samurai' on the PS2. It was a really fun game, had some nifty ideas, and there were like, 6 different endings you could get. But it took me LESS THAN ONE HOUR to beat it the very first time I ever played it. Thank God it was just a rental.


So, if you go for ALL of the endings, it would take less than 6 hours. NOT even reasonable for a game with 6 endings.


However, I'm a sucker for repetition. I can read a good book 10 times and enjoy it as much as I did the first time, I watch movies over and over again, so if I enjoy a video game, there is a really good chance of me playing through it again, and so short games don't bother me that much.


Hell, I play through PUZZLE games a lot of times. I lost count of the number of times I played through Zork: Grand Inquisitor, and that game is as linear as they come. I also played through Kings Quest 5 & 6 a lot.

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I like an immersive single player experience, story wise and gameplay wise. Most of these types of games are over 10 hours long, which is fine with me, but if a game is short but does a great job puting me INTO the game, I'd play it.

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