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Vampire Role Play Proposal

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As I've made Helios half Angel I'll post species stats here.


Half angels are essentially anti vampires. They have the power to heal other people at the cost of their own health.

Pro: Their blood contains a compund that is so toxic to vampires it will instantly kill them

Con: Vampire saliva contains a compound that is poisonous to them, so being bitten will instantly kill both the vampire and the half-angel.


Sound ok?

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Hiroki, and Captain Wilson, it's not too late to join. Ya the stories been going on for a while but not much in game time has acctually past. Infact, not even a whole day. Just fill out the profile in the first post.


Deac, your half angel's all good.




On another note, I'm wondering if Scar is going to continue. He hasn't posted so I duno if he's away or what but he's got some of my people captured so I'm relying on him. His lack of posting will delay the story. So Scar if your not going to or not continue please let me know by posting.

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Race: Acurade

Faction: Acurade Hive

Concentration: Quantity

Goal: Power, expansion, glory for the hive.

Pros: ( And prepare for a read. :p ) WORKER: Strength equell to that of a human. Rarely seen outside of the hive. Can fight, but not any better than a human could be expected too. One advantage is there ant-like mouths, which are capable of biting through a solid block of bronze.

SOLDIER: Increased physical strength, though less than even a turned Vampire. Sharp ant-like mouths, capable of biting through solid iron. Claws capable of shreading enemies easily. Hardened carpases, letting them take up to three direct bullet shots to anywhere but the head. Able to stick and crawl on nearly any surface, setting up perfect ambushes. A 20 foot leap, making them capable of getting close to there mostly ranged concentrated foes.

BATTLE SOLDIER: A higher cast of Acurade Soldiers, for heavy combat in dangerous areas. Have enhanced physical strength equell to that of a turned Vampire. Sharp Ant-like mouths, capable of biting through steel, though somewhat stronger than a soldiers bite. Fly-like wings that allow them sustained flight. Able to stick and crawl on nearly any surface, same as the soldiers. Claws that can shread even a transformed Lycan, if given the chance. Hardened Carpases, even more so than the soldiers. Only a direct head shot can quickly end a battle soldiers life, or perhaps an automatic weapon... A 20 foot leap, same as the soldiers. They have a limited free will, making them capable of adapting to there situation. (( You won't see these guys till later, as they are for threats the hive considers serious. :) ))


ELITE WARRIORS: A rare cast of soldiers, rarely ever called apon. Despite the hives Quantity over quality concentration, these highly trained soldiers are a rare sight, only a few being born every decade. Enhanced Physical Strength equell to that of a pure blood Vampire, Sharp ant-like mouths, capable of biting through steel like a knife through hot butter. Fly-like wings capable of rapid sustained flight. Able to stick and crawl on nearly any surface. Same 20 foot leap as the others. Extreamly durable carpases, able to shrug off small arms fire, even to the head. White acid-like vomit ( think of 'The Fly' movies ) capable of eating away flesh in seconds. Claws that can rip through virtually anything, given the chance. Screeching voices, able to rupture the hearing of humans, and cause migrains for Vampires, Lycan, and there ilk.

They are full individuals, as much as any Human, Vampire, or Lycan. They can make complexed choices for themselves, and think on there own, however, they are Loyal to the Hive, so despite this, the chance of them turning is slim to none. (( Yeah, they are bad ass. But I promise, I mean it when I say they are rare. The Hive only deploys them if it feels that it is under the threat of destruction. ;) ))


ROYAL ACURADE: Only three of this extreamly rare cast currently exist. Waiting to take the throne when the current Hive Mind expires. Every capability of the Elite Warrior, though some have been enhanced, the following being: Physical strength equell to that of a transformed Lycan. Sharp ant-like mouths which can even shread through Titanium. Claws which could tear apart a Lycan in a second. Extreamly hardened carpases which can sustain multiple hits from even high powered bullets. One unique capability is that they can control other Acurade, though there abilities have not grown to the level of the Hive Mind. ( These are extreamly powerful, but there are only three of them in the entire world. Also, it is very possible that you will never even see them, as they all live very deep in the Hive - which would be a fight like no other getting too - so, I wouldn't worry about these too much. ;) ) These three of course have complete free wills, and of course they are Loyal - they are waiting to become the Hive Mind themselves, after all.


HIVE MIND: ??? The chances are you will only hear of this creature. The Hive Mind lives deep in the Acurade Hive, guarded by the best of the Elite Warrior cast, and by the Royal Acurade themselves. If you are unfortunate enough to meet Augenstein, I have one little bit of advice for you: RUN. As fast as you can. ;)


Cons: Workers/Soldiers: There mind is linked completly with the Hive Mind. They can not think, make choices, decisions, or act on there own. Without the hive mind they are practicaly vegetables. Though this insures complete and utter loyalty, they also are unable to quickly adapt to a change in tactical situations.


Battle Soldiers: Though they have limited free will, it is not like a Human or other sentient beings. Though they are capable of adapting to there situation, without the Hive Mind they would be confused and as innocent as infants. Deadly Infants, but infants none the less.


Elite Soldiers: Though they are extreamly formidable warriors, there free will works againts them sometimes. They think of themselves as above the lower Acurade, of more value. And there Arrogancy twords other species is there biggest flaw. They taunt, and mock as they fight, rarely going all out. This has proven to be the downfall of several Elites.


All Acurade: They have no ranged weapons, other than the Elite+'s acid vomit. But even that lacks the range of a gun. They rely on other beings to feed there young. They capture, or kill them, and then take them back to the hive, where the newly born larva feast on them to grow. Without doing this, they would eventually starve.


Also, Acurade have a lack of information on there enemies layout. And because of there constant chittering, and clacking, they do not make good spys...


Ideas: The Hive is ruled by the Hive Mind, and the Hive Mind says that we must expand. So we must expand. Our creators...the Humans only invisioned us as tools to be used by them. A weapon to defete there enemies. But it is they who are our tool...our tool to feed our young, our tool to use as slaves. We desire nothing more than to rule this single, small world. But to do this, we must subdue our former Masters, and all of there ilk. Only one species can rule, and it shall be the Acurade.


HQ: The center of the Great Hive which expands below the surface of the entire Earth. The center of the Hive, where the Hive Mind lays, is deep under the earth, directly below the equator.


Territory: The Hive, which expand throught the Earths crust. They have decided to begain there assault quitely, by taking the city of York, a practical breeding ground for some of the Earths most deadly species...but also seporated from the Human Empires, which dominate the Earth. This way, they hope to weaken them before they realise that they are even there.


Technolagy: Biotech. The workers create the hives that they live in using a natural secreation. They do not need communicaters, or the like, as what one Acurade sees, they all see. What one hears, they all hear. What one smells they all smell...they have a much better way of communicating, you could say. They have no weapons specificly deadly to any one race. There natural weapons are decent againts any species, after all.


Equipment: In general the soldiers only carry what they where born with. Some of the higher ranking casts may on ocasion carry bio-spears.




Augenstein: Hive mind: Leader : ***

Hazurad: Royal Acurade and first in line Hive mind : ***

Nakatsu: Royal Acurade and second in line Hive mind: ***

Taskuran: Royal Acurade and thired in line Hive Mind: ***

( Yes, all Elite Warriors names end in 'Aka'. It is sort of a symbol of there Rank. They are, other than the Royals of course, the only ones who get names. )

Akulaka: Elite Warrior cast commander: **

Sedaka: Elite Warrior: *

Baduaka: Elite Warrior: *

Etaka: Elite Warrior: *

Mitaka: Elite Warrior: *

Kudaka: Elite Warrior: *

Futaka: Elite Warrior: *

Emotaka: Elite Warrior: *

Xedraka: Elite Warrior: *

Amunaka: Elite Warrior: *

Zukata(=P): Elite Warrior: *

Tetaka: Elite Warrior: *

Okata: Elite Warrior: *


Backstory: Ablert Einstein, nearly 50 years ago, created what the world thought was the worst creation mankind could ever imagen. The Atom Bomb. The missile capable of leveling entire cities. The missile that left deadly Radiation in its wake. However, the Japanese where not the first forien Country to know of this weapon. No...there is much more to the story...


APRIL 1940 - the US, and Britain stablishes the Muad commitee to oversee Nuclear Research

SEPTEMBER 1940 - Germany, Italy and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact in Berlin on the 27th. They agree to jointly oppose any country joining the Allies at war - by which they mean the United States

JUNE 1941 - Atomic Bomb - The report on nuclear research by the Maud Committee leads to the setting up of a development programme by Imperial Chemical Industries. Code named 'Tube Alloys', it will oversee both atomic bomb and reactor work.

DECEMBER 1942 - Atomic Bomb - The world's first atomic reactor goes critical at Chicago University. By now problems have arisen over the sharing of the US work with Britain.

JULY 1945 - Atomic Bomb - The world's first A-bomb is successfully exploded at Alamogordo, New Mexico on the 16th July in Operation 'Trinity'.


That is what the public knows of the events, however, Nazi Germeny was no ones fool. A mole had been implanted into the Allies Atomic Bom devision. Transmitting information about the deadly weapon to germany. They where shocked at this news...and in 1943, the Acurade project begain. Germany sought to create a race of soldiers that where imune to the radiation affect...however, there were complications. Though they spliced human and insect DNA together, the insect DNA ate away at its human side, creating a much more insectoid creature. Looking nothing like a human - A head almost ant like, a body covered in a thick carpase, and insect in shape and appearance. It could in no way be past a human. They debated on if the project should continue...and in the end they decided yes.


It lasted till 1952, even though the war was over, they continued to work into the long bitter nights. But they finally decided it was not worth it, by the time they had finally completed there project, the glory of there countries army had been crushed.


They decided it was best if they destroy there research...if they destroy Augenstein, the Acurade they created to rule over the rest. However, there creation had grown sentient itself...it could hear them, its parents, outside of its confines, plotting its destruction. It was confused, it was scaired, it was angry...and it broke free. It, and the workers that had been created to serve it, captured the sciantists, and carried them deep underground. The workers there, begain creating a hive to house there new family. The larva slowly feasting on the sciantists over the many years. The Acurade capturing new humans, and even Vampires and Lycan, to feed on, as there hive grew, Augenstein expanding the hive throughout the earths crust.


To protect this hive, Augenstein used the soldier cast, which had been programmed within its mind by the men who created it. However, Augenstein begain making improvments to the soldiers, first creating Battle Soldiers, a special heavy cast of Acurade, made for especially dangerous areas and the Elite Warrior cast, a deadly strand created to deal with threats that put the Hives very existance at risk. And finally, from Augensteins very own DNA, it created three direct offspring: Hazurad, Nakatsu and Taskuran. For decades the Hive expanded, untill now. Now Augenstein feels that the Hive is ready to strike at the Humans, and there ilk, and finally secure the Hive from its most dangerous of enemies. Once this is done, they will be nothing more than cattle for there young.


There we go. I hope you like it. :)

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Originally posted by Hiroki

Race: Acurade

Faction: Acurade Hive

Concentration: Quantity

Goal: Power, expansion, glory for the hive.

Pros: ( And prepare for a read. :p ) WORKER: Strength equell to that of a human. Rarely seen outside of the hive. Can fight, but not any better than a human could be expected too. One advantage is there ant-like mouths, which are capable of biting through a solid block of bronze.

SOLDIER: Increased physical strength, though less than even a turned Vampire. Sharp ant-like mouths, capable of biting through solid iron. Claws capable of shreading enemies easily. Hardened carpases, letting them take up to three direct bullet shots to anywhere but the head. Able to stick and crawl on nearly any surface, setting up perfect ambushes. A 20 foot leap, making them capable of getting close to there mostly ranged concentrated foes.

BATTLE SOLDIER: A higher cast of Acurade Soldiers, for heavy combat in dangerous areas. Have enhanced physical strength equell to that of a turned Vampire. Sharp Ant-like mouths, capable of biting through steel, though somewhat stronger than a soldiers bite. Fly-like wings that allow them sustained flight. Able to stick and crawl on nearly any surface, same as the soldiers. Claws that can shread even a transformed Lycan, if given the chance. Hardened Carpases, even more so than the soldiers. Only a direct head shot can quickly end a battle soldiers life, or perhaps an automatic weapon... A 20 foot leap, same as the soldiers. They have a limited free will, making them capable of adapting to there situation. (( You won't see these guys till later, as they are for threats the hive considers serious. :) ))


ELITE WARRIORS: A rare cast of soldiers, rarely ever called apon. Despite the hives Quantity over quality concentration, these highly trained soldiers are a rare sight, only a few being born every decade. Enhanced Physical Strength equell to that of a pure blood Vampire, Sharp ant-like mouths, capable of biting through steel like a knife through hot butter. Fly-like wings capable of rapid sustained flight. Able to stick and crawl on nearly any surface. Same 20 foot leap as the others. Extreamly durable carpases, able to shrug off small arms fire, even to the head. White acid-like vomit ( think of 'The Fly' movies ) capable of eating away flesh in seconds. Claws that can rip through virtually anything, given the chance. Screeching voices, able to rupture the hearing of humans, and cause migrains for Vampires, Lycan, and there ilk.

They are full individuals, as much as any Human, Vampire, or Lycan. They can make complexed choices for themselves, and think on there own, however, they are Loyal to the Hive, so despite this, the chance of them turning is slim to none. (( Yeah, they are bad ass. But I promise, I mean it when I say they are rare. The Hive only deploys them if it feels that it is under the threat of destruction. ;) ))


ROYAL ACURADE: Only three of this extreamly rare cast currently exist. Waiting to take the throne when the current Hive Mind expires. Every capability of the Elite Warrior, though some have been enhanced, the following being: Physical strength equell to that of a transformed Lycan. Sharp ant-like mouths which can even shread through Titanium. Claws which could tear apart a Lycan in a second. Extreamly hardened carpases which can sustain multiple hits from even high powered bullets. One unique capability is that they can control other Acurade, though there abilities have not grown to the level of the Hive Mind. ( These are extreamly powerful, but there are only three of them in the entire world. Also, it is very possible that you will never even see them, as they all live very deep in the Hive - which would be a fight like no other getting too - so, I wouldn't worry about these too much. ;) ) These three of course have complete free wills, and of course they are Loyal - they are waiting to become the Hive Mind themselves, after all.


HIVE MIND: ??? The chances are you will only hear of this creature. The Hive Mind lives deep in the Acurade Hive, guarded by the best of the Elite Warrior cast, and by the Royal Acurade themselves. If you are unfortunate enough to meet Augenstein, I have one little bit of advice for you: RUN. As fast as you can. ;)


Cons: Workers/Soldiers: There mind is linked completly with the Hive Mind. They can not think, make choices, decisions, or act on there own. Without the hive mind they are practicaly vegetables. Though this insures complete and utter loyalty, they also are unable to quickly adapt to a change in tactical situations.


Battle Soldiers: Though they have limited free will, it is not like a Human or other sentient beings. Though they are capable of adapting to there situation, without the Hive Mind they would be confused and as innocent as infants. Deadly Infants, but infants none the less.


Elite Soldiers: Though they are extreamly formidable warriors, there free will works againts them sometimes. They think of themselves as above the lower Acurade, of more value. And there Arrogancy twords other species is there biggest flaw. They taunt, and mock as they fight, rarely going all out. This has proven to be the downfall of several Elites.


All Acurade: They have no ranged weapons, other than the Elite+'s acid vomit. But even that lacks the range of a gun. They rely on other beings to feed there young. They capture, or kill them, and then take them back to the hive, where the newly born larva feast on them to grow. Without doing this, they would eventually starve.


Ideas: The Hive is ruled by the Hive Mind, and the Hive Mind says that we must expand. So we must expand. Our creators...the Humans only invisioned us as tools to be used by them. A weapon to defete there enemies. But it is they who are our tool...our tool to feed our young, our tool to use as slaves. We desire nothing more than to rule this single, small world. But to do this, we must subdue our former Masters, and all of there ilk. Only one species can rule, and it shall be the Acurade.


HQ: The center of the Great Hive which expands below the surface of the entire Earth. The center of the Hive, where the Hive Mind lays, is deep under the earth, directly below the equator.


Territory: The Hive, which expand throught the Earths crust. They have decided to begain there assault quitely, by taking the city of York, a practical breeding ground for some of the Earths most deadly species...but also seporated from the Human Empires, which dominate the Earth. This way, they hope to weaken them before they realise that they are even there.


Technolagy: Biotech. The workers create the hives that they live in using a natural secreation. They do not need communicaters, or the like, as what one Acurade sees, they all see. What one hears, they all hear. What one smells they all smell...they have a much better way of communicating, you could say. They have no weapons specificly deadly to any one race. There natural weapons are decent againts any species, after all.


Equipment: In general the soldiers only carry what they where born with. Some of the higher ranking casts may on ocasion carry bio-spears.




Augenstein: Hive mind: Leader : ***

Hazurad: Royal Acurade and first in line Hive mind : ***

Nakatsu: Royal Acurade and second in line Hive mind: ***

Taskuran: Royal Acurade and thired in line Hive Mind: ***

( Yes, all Elite Warriors names end in 'Aka'. It is sort of a symbol of there Rank. They are, other than the Royals of course, the only ones who get names. )

Akulaka: Elite Warrior cast commander: **

Sedaka: Elite Warrior: *

Baduaka: Elite Warrior: *

Etaka: Elite Warrior: *

Mitaka: Elite Warrior: *

Kudaka: Elite Warrior: *

Futaka: Elite Warrior: *

Emotaka: Elite Warrior: *

Xedraka: Elite Warrior: *

Amunaka: Elite Warrior: *

Zukata(=P): Elite Warrior: *

Tetaka: Elite Warrior: *

Okata: Elite Warrior: *


Backstory: Ablert Einstein, nearly 50 years ago, created what the world thought was the worst creation mankind could ever imagen. The Atom Bomb. The missile capable of leveling entire cities. The missile that left deadly Radiation in its wake. However, the Japanese where not the first forien Country to know of this weapon. No...there is much more to the story...


APRIL 1940 - the US, and Britain stablishes the Muad commitee to oversee Nuclear Research

SEPTEMBER 1940 - Germany, Italy and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact in Berlin on the 27th. They agree to jointly oppose any country joining the Allies at war - by which they mean the United States

JUNE 1941 - Atomic Bomb - The report on nuclear research by the Maud Committee leads to the setting up of a development programme by Imperial Chemical Industries. Code named 'Tube Alloys', it will oversee both atomic bomb and reactor work.

DECEMBER 1942 - Atomic Bomb - The world's first atomic reactor goes critical at Chicago University. By now problems have arisen over the sharing of the US work with Britain.

JULY 1945 - Atomic Bomb - The world's first A-bomb is successfully exploded at Alamogordo, New Mexico on the 16th July in Operation 'Trinity'.


That is what the public knows of the events, however, Nazi Germeny was no ones fool. A mole had been implanted into the Allies Atomic Bom devision. Transmitting information about the deadly weapon to germany. They where shocked at this news...and in 1943, the Acurade project begain. Germany sought to create a race of soldiers that where imune to the radiation affect...however, there were complications. Though they spliced human and insect DNA together, the insect DNA ate away at its human side, creating a much more insectoid creature. Looking nothing like a human - A head almost ant like, a body covered in a thick carpase, and insect in shape and appearance. It could in no way be past a human. They debated on if the project should continue...and in the end they decided yes.


It lasted till 1952, even though the war was over, they continued to work into the long bitter nights. But they finally decided it was not worth it, by the time they had finally completed there project, the glory of there countries army had been crushed.


They decided it was best if they destroy there research...if they destroy Augenstein, the Acurade they created to rule over the rest. However, there creation had grown sentient itself...it could hear them, its parents, outside of its confines, plotting its destruction. It was confused, it was scaired, it was angry...and it broke free. It, and the workers that had been created to serve it, captured the sciantists, and carried them deep underground. The workers there, begain creating a hive to house there new family. The larva slowly feasting on the sciantists over the many years. The Acurade capturing new humans, and even Vampires and Lycan, to feed on, as there hive grew, Augenstein expanding the hive throughout the earths crust.


To protect this hive, Augenstein used the soldier cast, which had been programmed within its mind by the men who created it. However, Augenstein begain making improvments to the soldiers, first creating Battle Soldiers, a special heavy cast of Acurade, made for especially dangerous areas and the Elite Warrior cast, a deadly strand created to deal with threats that put the Hives very existance at risk. And finally, from Augensteins very own DNA, it created three direct offspring: Hazurad, Nakatsu and Taskuran. For decades the Hive expanded, untill now. Now Augenstein feels that the Hive is ready to strike at the Humans, and there ilk, and finally secure the Hive from its most dangerous of enemies. Once this is done, they will be nothing more than cattle for there young.


There we go. I hope you like it. :)

Cliff's notes please.

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Oh, I know. But he said Cliff's notes...I thought he ment some guys notes. I thought I had broke a rule. :p


Anyway, to put it as short as possible: The Acurade where a Nazi experiment ment to counter the Atom bomb in WW2. The first Acurade, and the current Hive Mind, Augenstein, escaped, taking the workers with it. It then has been building the Hive sence then. Hope that helps. Though I sugest reading the post in full, if you plan on progressing at all into my territory. ;)

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If I look correctly at the cliff notes and the chars you now have... You are controlling a super-human race wich has the next chars:


Augenstein: Hive mind: Leader : ***

Hazurad: Royal Acurade and first in line Hive mind : ***

Nakatsu: Royal Acurade and second in line Hive mind: ***

Taskuran: Royal Acurade and thired in line Hive Mind: ***

Akulaka: Elite Warrior cast commander: **

Sedaka: Elite Warrior: *

Baduaka: Elite Warrior: *

Etaka: Elite Warrior: *

Mitaka: Elite Warrior: *

Kudaka: Elite Warrior: *

Futaka: Elite Warrior: *

Emotaka: Elite Warrior: *

Xedraka: Elite Warrior: *

Amunaka: Elite Warrior: *

Zukata: Elite Warrior: *

Tetaka: Elite Warrior: *

Okata: Elite Warrior: *


Notice the *'s, **'s and ***'s in the back of their names, that mean WE CANT KILL THOSE 17 ACURADES! Even the most elite warriors of the elite's CAN BE KILLED...

Sorry for the criticism, but come on. You are going to use those chars inside the story and the elite warriors in combats. We cn't kill them without you giving us tthe permission. So, the battle would like:

2 of my elite warriors that have * so they can't be killed are attacking 60 of your vampires/lycans/lizardmen/etc... warriors...


Come on!! You are better than that!

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No, I didn't read the huge post you wrote. I haven't got the time right now for it. Homework, reading for tests, rading a book, talking a VERY intriquing conversation with a friend on MSN and so on...

And it's OK if they come llater, but still... When they DO come, don't make them ultimate-super-1337-undestroyable-mega-humans... Ok?

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Okay Hiroki your race is good.


And Tepe, the *s don't mean they can't be killed. It just means their important characters that you can't kill without his aproval.


If you think about it, if you make a character and have some futur goal for him and then someone else comes along and kills him...get it? So basically if he really doesn't want the character killed something else just has to happen, example - capture or escape, something like that.





Okay so, for the purpose of unifying and organizing the story I request that everyone post the time and place of what your writing above your post.


Example: Alley 12:00AM


that way nobody can drive all over the place instantly and do all kinds of stuff while in the meantime two people are fighting. When in reality the fight would take half an hour and all the driving around would take hours.


And what your writing doesn't have to be happening at the same time as everything else.


And please everyone try to post at least once every two days so the story isn't halted by one persons lack of postage.

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Well, I really don't have much work with the lizardmen as the scenario up in the city doesn't work out because allmost everyone else are writing their own thingss, and then comes the other races into the picture by Darth NeoVenom that was/is controlling the Lycans, and if I haven't missed something, he haven't reacted with the Lycans into my post where I commanded one of my men to appoint a meeting between the Lycans and Asshakar.

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Race: EagleMan

Faction: Self

Concentration: Quality

Pros: Can fly, has powerful talons and has eyes that can see in darkness as well as in light

Cons: very weak to a mass mount of water

Goal: Power

Ideas: has wings,has talons for feet and are adept in Kazuo( their self made martial art)

HQ: Abandoned warehouse

Territory: the Abandoned warehouse

Tecknowledgy: any type of weapon, preffered uzis

Eaquipment: uzis, bullet proof vest,tracker devices and a knife about 12 inches long

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Race: EagleMan

Faction: self

Concentration: Quality

Pros: can fly and has powerful talons and has eyes that can see in darkness as well as in light

Cons: is very weak to mass amounts of water

Goal: power

Ideas: works for anyone who pays enough,has wing span about 12 feet long, has powrful talons for feet


HQ: Abandon warehouse

Territory: the abandoned warehouse

Tecknowledgy: anything he can pick up

Eaquipment: duel uzis,bullet proof vest,tracking devices and a knife about 12 inches long




Eric EagleClaw

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Race: Human\Vampire

Faction: Royal knights

Concentration: Quality

Pros: large funding, good weapondary

Cons: Argonent, religous

Goal: Religeous

Ideas: Prdoestent, therefore hate the Neo-Templars


HQ: UnderGround bunker

Territory: None (strike force faction)

Technology: guns mainly, bio engerniering

Equipment: Labs, munation factory in industral quater of city




Sir Harewod ***

Alucard ***

Walter ***

Captian Harris **

soilder1 X

soilder2 X

soilder3 X

soilder4 X

soilder5 X

soilder6 X

soilder7 X

soilder8 X

soilder9 X

soilder10 X

soilder11 X

soilder12 X

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Captain Wilson and Curt Man, your factions are good.


Captain Wilson, if your faction has multiple races in it, (human/vampire) then you should specify beside each character which they are. And theres no need to put Soldier1-12, if they don't even have names then they're NPCs and don't need to be listed. You can keep track of them in game. And don't worry about other people controlling them because they're NPCs because they're your troops.



Darth Tepe, your goal is to destroy the humans right? Don't worry about what everyone else is doing, just do your own thing and eventually others will have to react to your faction, especially if they want to rule the whole city, they'll have to deal with you. You should just focus on ridding the city of people, or your own inter faction conflicts.

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Gyah. My apologies, but I won't be able to rejoin the RP in the near future. Too much stuff going on: RPs that I can't leave, two webcomics, school finals, and jobhunting. XD Maybe in the next thread... The gargoyles are...entrenching themselves, yes, that's it. ^_^;;


(I suspected this would happen, so I never made my characters central to the plot, so as not to screw anyone else up ^^;;)

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Well Redwing, if the story goes at it's current speed...I think It'll still be going on by this time next year. :p So you can always re-join later if you want.


And if people are going to camp and stuff during the summer please let us know so we can play around you. Myself I have a couple one week camps but I won't be doing too much camping because I have work and I only get like two weeks off.

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