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AOTC:TC - Demo Released


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Over a year and a half in the making, the Attack of the Clones: Total Conversion mod has finally made its way to the public. With over 100 modifcations to the basejk install, AOTC: TC is designed as a Total Conversion mod; changing almost everything that was in the release version of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Key features include new User Interface and Music from the Attack of the Clones Saga. It's loaded with Admin Commands, Client Commands, Emotes, Options, cVars, New Graphics, Several Bug Fixes. This package also includes never-seen-before maps and models. This mod is the wave of the future for the Jedi Knight Series. Extremely modified to meet anyones expectations, this is truly the only mod you will ever need to get for your server.


Please visit us at http://www.aotctc.com or on IRC at #aotctc, irc.quakenet.org.



The mod has been primarily tested in all modes and gameplay on Win32 servers, however use at your own risk.




You do not have permission to decompile or modify this mod in any form or you will be immediatly reported to authorities and brought to justice. The source code will NOT be released for download. This mod may not be re-distributed.



Get ready for Friday/Saterday Morning

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YEA!!!!!!! Ive been waiting for it to come!!!!!!!!!



:guitar2 *plays starwars theme


:vsd: *gos to holo port in Star Destroyer


:holosid: "You have pleased me my padawan...now the AOTC mod is complete."


:speeder: "Sir, its only a demo."


:forkyou: "What did you say?? that its only a DEMO???"


"Guards use him as target practise now!"




:uzi2::atpilot: "ut ohh"




in the end..the pilot payed for his lack of beleaf


:lurkblast bye bye imperial spock.....may scooty be better than u

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Can't wait for the models and maps :D


Originally posted by Anakin


You do not have permission to decompile or modify this mod in any form or you will be immediatly reported to authorities and brought to justice. The source code will NOT be released for download. This mod may not be re-distributed.


Well isn't that just a tad hostile. Considering you dont actually OWN anything that you make for this game.. hmm..


Good Job anyway, been waiting for this FOREVER, i thought the next dawing of Kyle Katarn might have come sooner...

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<shrugs> well.. i guess i'm wrong, i tend not to read posts that contain exorbant amount of complaining or whining, just figured thats how it went in JKA aswell.. anyway i wont take back my remark about that disclaimer being hostile




well looks like i was wrong, after reading the EULA (wich i should have done first) it looks like the following is the only thing that affects that statement..


(7) By distributing or permitting the distribution of any New Levels, all creators or

owners of any trademark, copyright, or other right, title or interest therein grant to

LucasArts an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, sublicensable right to distribute or

exploit the New Level by any means or media (whether now known or hereafter

invented), and to create and distribute by any means or media (whether now known or

hereafter invented) derivative works thereof, and to charge for the distribution of such

New Level or such derivative work, with no obligation to account to any creators or

owners of the New Level in any manner.


sorry for bringing this up, lets not make this a flame about it. i should have just left it to saying it sounds hostile... I appologise ANAKIN for saying that it was against the EULA, and the terms and such.

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Originally posted by Xemoka

sorry for bringing this up, lets not make this a flame about it. i should have just left it to saying it sounds hostile... I appologise ANAKIN for saying that it was against the EULA, and the terms and such.

Even though you were initially incorrect, at least you actually made the effort to go and find out what the real answer was. Then you admited you made a mistake. That's a hell of a lot more than many people do around here...
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Originally posted by Prime

Even though you were initially incorrect, at least you actually made the effort to go and find out what the real answer was. Then you admited you made a mistake. That's a hell of a lot more than many people do around here...


Actually, I think this is the first time anyone on the internet has admited they were wrong...ever! Congratulations!


Prime, I just noticed you've become a moderator. The World shall end, and this is proof.


I think a demo release is a great idea, I hope it goes well.

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Originally posted by Anakin





Over a year and a half in the making, the Attack of the Clones: Total Conversion mod has finally made its way to the public. With over 100 modifcations to the basejk install, AOTC: TC is designed as a Total Conversion mod; changing almost everything that was in the release version of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Key features include new User Interface and Music from the Attack of the Clones Saga. It's loaded with Admin Commands, Client Commands, Emotes, Options, cVars, New Graphics, Several Bug Fixes. This package also includes never-seen-before maps and models. This mod is the wave of the future for the Jedi Knight Series. Extremely modified to meet anyones expectations, this is truly the only mod you will ever need to get for your server.


Please visit us at http://www.aotctc.com or on IRC at #aotctc, irc.quakenet.org.



The mod has been primarily tested in all modes and gameplay on Win32 servers, however use at your own risk.




You do not have permission to decompile or modify this mod in any form or you will be immediatly reported to authorities and brought to justice. The source code will NOT be released for download. This mod may not be re-distributed.



Get ready for Friday/Saterday Morning



I mean hes right about the mod rights but i dont think u need to bring the "or you will be immediatly reported to authorities and brought to justice" part...anyways....ill be running a server for the mod

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Originally posted by Kengo

Prime, I just noticed you've become a moderator. The World shall end, and this is proof.

Yep, for the KOTOR modding forum.


My journey towards the Dark Side will be complete. :vadar:

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This game just doesn't end does it?


But where is the link to see what's coming on the ATOC site?


I also see we can donate. It's a shame a group goes to all the trouble to make a big conversion and non one could fork over a measly $15.


Now that I see we can donate I'll be hooking up an account just for that.


If someone is willing to contribute as much as these guys are then I feel it's honorable to contibute back.

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