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Chat bubble stuck: HELP


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Yo, guys, I'm having a BIG problem here. My friend told me that to grip while you're in chat mode, you press +button1 in the console. In the end, my chat bubble got stuck, so did my friend's. I tried every +button command I could, but then I also started draining non-stop while in chat-mode. Anyone knows how to remove the chat bubble and the non-stop draining? I don't wish to reinstall the game all because of a +button command. Thanks.

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Hmm, All this about "gamerz" and "honourz" I think I may make a post of the side no one has talked about yet, as there are a lot of us, yet people have never really aknowledged us as a true groups as "gamerz" and "honourz" are.

It's probably because we don't even have an "official" name for ourselves.

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EDIT: This post is a seperate announcement, which was edited into a thread by misconception (I think)



*message to my own kind*

Sorry, guys, but "smacktardz was the closest thing I could find to what "honourz" called us that would be publicaly postable.

*end message*


Now, I'm not of gamers or honors, so I will try to describe those as accuratley as possible.


Gamerz: They are the arer of the JA community, they play the game as it was meant to be played, fast gamplay ala FFA, CTF, and usually tactics and teamwork in siege, CTF, and TFFA. They don't like honourz, cause they tend to force their rules upon others.


Honourz: They are the most abundant of the JA community, through mods such as JA+, they bring it down to almost always, dueling with emotes and gadgets. Some people say they don't play the game as it was meant to be played, but that's there choice. They sometimes try to force their rules on others, but that's not any worse than the Gamerz and Smacktardz going to their servers and disrupting their rules there.


Smacktardz: The problem is, as we are loosley associated at best, and not even a true "group" it's hard to tell how many of us there are. I freely link myself with this group. We play the game to our own enjoyment, sometimes honourz, sometimes gamerz, but what we are most famous for, is when we spend a period of time getting our kicks by disrupting play, getting people foaming at the mouth in a debate, or have five people screaming "LAMER******WTFNOOB***SMACKTARD!" while you're happily cutting away at their ranks. We're not always like this, and since there's such a wide range betwen gamer and honor, it's hard to tell if we even qualify as a group, though I think we do. We sometimes play normal games, following the rules, yet I haven't met a single person of the "neutral" range, that hasn't gotten an adreniline rush from disrupting everything they can in the server, before an admin finally has to resort to /kick, /bans, or the saddest defense any admin has ever had, /amlaming.



I'm no true advocate of honour and gamer, so if you feel I described either innacuratley, please tell me so. And if you're of "smacktard" and you feel I got something incorrect, then please look back on my post. There are so many different types, that it would be impossible to describe us all equally.


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Agreed, Rumor, wtf is this?


Please, we have enough flamewars around here, last thing we need is another "h0n0rz" thread. Sorry.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I merged this "reply topic" back into this topic where it looks like it should have been posted in the first place.


Anyway, carry on or quit, I don't care. If it gets out of hand it'll be locked...


No, the post you edited in was an announcement, not really a reply, that's why I gave it it's own topic.

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