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Should a person buy adventure games from LEC still?


Support LEC Adventure games or not at all  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Support LEC Adventure games or not at all

    • Adventure & Classic Games
    • None at all!

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Here's the deal. In light of the recent developements with Sam&Max2 I've thought about getting into that one adventure game LEC did that always sounded great but never tried... Monkey Island. LucasArts offers the whole shebang on their website... So here's the quandary: Should a person still support the adventure games that LEC has made and boycott the "non-creative" i.e. star wars games or simply boycott everything and buy the stuff on ebay?

That's the deal

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That's it! LucasFarts are pathetically and utterly hopeless! I tried odering Adventure Pack III, got a confirmation email, and have been waiting over week now! I just got off the phone with a customer support person saying that my order was cancelled! THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW. Apparently there are currently no more and there will BE NO MORE SHIPMENTS! !@#%

"Is there anything else I can order for you." "Yeah, that Monkey Island Compelation... sure." NOPE "Out of stock - Do not backorder!" her computer says, WHY? BECAUSE WE'RE NOT ORDERING ANY MORE OF THAT EITHER.

Bunch of pathetic, mindless, coporate, materlist, unimaginitive, uncreative, facist, pigish, nialist, communist, utilitarianist, communist MISANTHROPES! ... at least the customer support lady was nice... she had a strange deeep voice, hmm...



Lady in Distress: <Do we have your word?>

Max : <<Sure but my word's unctious so you won't get to use it very often!>>

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Makaio50

That's it! LucasFarts are pathetically and utterly hopeless! I tried odering Adventure Pack III, got a confirmation email, and have been waiting over week now! I just got off the phone with a customer support person saying that my order was cancelled! THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW. Apparently there are currently no more and there will BE NO MORE SHIPMENTS! !@#%

"Is there anything else I can order for you." "Yeah, that Monkey Island Compelation... sure." NOPE "Out of stock - Do not backorder!" her computer says, WHY? BECAUSE WE'RE NOT ORDERING ANY MORE OF THAT EITHER.

Bunch of pathetic, mindless, coporate, materlist, unimaginitive, uncreative, facist, pigish, nialist, communist, utilitarianist, communist MISANTHROPES! ... at least the customer support lady was nice... she had a strange deeep voice, hmm...



Lady in Distress: <Do we have your word?>

Max : <<Sure but my word's unctious so you won't get to use it very often!>>


I know how you feel.


I ordered the "LucasArts Classic Collection" (it had their first five adventures) only to find out they cancelled it after a week of anxious waiting.

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Meh. Lucasarts continues to produce the kind of games which really matter.




I have no problem finding Rogue Leader, Rebel Strike, Clone Wars...take your pick. :D Let's face it--Lucasarts is a company with a financial basis on the success of the Star Wars movies, which are of course the greatest films ever released. Naturally, they might choose to focus on bread and butter rather than compete with all the other little gaming labels out there.




:biggs: This is Red Five--I'm going in!

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