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Questions from a perspective SWG buyer....


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Guest DarthMaulUK

Best thing to do is download the free trial.


Having a 56k will depend on where you live I guess. I played it on 1 meg broadband, which was the best the UK had last year and the game lagged big time when in cities.



In most cases, if you let your account expire, your character details will probably be stored until the world ends because they need players badly, and are trying everything to get those who left the game (like me and thousands of others) did.


There is a huge cue for the download, but give it ago. Or if you live in the UK, the game is around £20 with 1 month subscription. So you dont really lose too much.



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1. As far as I've heard, it runs fine on a 56k modem. But no matter what, it always slows down in major cities.


2. Your character stays saved for quite a while after you've cancelled, so you don't have to worry.


And yeah, try the trial, to see how it works on you machine. The thing is, I don't know if you'll be able to downlaod it with only a 56k :D

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Yeah,I have a 56k and I hear the trial is a rather large download. Hmmmm.....


DarthMaulUK, what prompted you to quit the game?


Also, what is the largest city in SWG?


I'm a little behind the times. I followed this game pretty regularly before it came out, but I eventually lost interest because there was no way the comp I had at the time could play SWG. Well, I have a new one and I'm mildly interested again. However, I've missed a lot of info. I don't even know what planets are in the game. When I last checked, the full planet list was still secret. I think they had just announced Endor before I quit keeping up.....:eek:

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Guest DarthMaulUK

If your computer can handle it now, be prepared to maybe shell out more cash when the space expansion comes out. The game does clearly say that the game might require upgrades/ new computer! But you do have to expect that...i think.


The reason why I quit is a long story, almost as long as the Star Wars saga itself! But basically, the game has NO content, is too buggy and the so called creative team behind the game havent a clue. If people are happy paying £10 a month to play simple run to point A and kill, return to point B and pick up item missions - fine.


Im not.


The game is about to hit one year old and I have lost count at the major revamps for various parts of the game. There is no Star Wars content at all. And running silly missions for Han, Luke etc dont count.


The game still is in beta and they are making people pay to play it. I had dozens of issues with crashing, down to poor programming.


The fact that thousands left the game so quickly, made Sony/LA bring in the buddy program, then also invite those that left to come back. Frankly, the game is like a second job, all the fun element dried up so quickly.


People say you make your own content. But running around killing rats bores me to tears. There should be more spy missions, and as for the big Imperial let down (Imperial Crack down) just made Galaxies even more of a farce.


I ran one of the busiest stores on tatooine on Eclispe, despite all the bugs and problems i had, i made an effort to like Galaxies but it is rubbish.


people will start to flame again but I am STILL waiting for anyone to put up a valid arguement why people should play this game. The only thing I liked was the community. But you can get that free on other gaming sites.


With World of Warcraft coming and The Saga Of Ryzom, these might shake up the market that has been dominated by SOE and its useless effort in actually making a game for people to play, rather than using people as cosmic cash machines (ATM machines).



If you are gonna download the trial, dont do it on a 56k!



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Hmmm, I had no idea SWG was having such problems. I don't really play MMORPGs, but every since I was little I thought it'd be cool to romp around in the SW universe, hence my interest in SWG. However,judging by your comments, perhaps I should reconsider buying it.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

give the trial ago, if you can. I was like you. I even took the week off work to play the game when it was released... i even imported it!


At work, it was a running joke about galaxies until 7 months later, i finally gave it up.



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

People say you make your own content. But running around killing rats bores me to tears. There should be more spy missions, and as for the big Imperial let down (Imperial Crack down) just made Galaxies even more of a farce.




Other improvements, you try to slap a stormtrooper or another Imperial officer or personell, you will be shot if you're a rebel, or recieve a hefty fine if you're neutral or too low ranked officer. :)

If you're high enough in rank, slapping a stormtrooper will make him scared and plee for his life. :D




With so much else wrong in the game - it warms my heart that they focus on this kind of thing. *zzzzzzzzz


Oops. Pressed edit instead of quote. Sorry Jan! **


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Originally posted by Necrobaron

Hmmm, I had no idea SWG was having such problems. I don't really play MMORPGs, but every since I was little I thought it'd be cool to romp around in the SW universe, hence my interest in SWG. However,judging by your comments, perhaps I should reconsider buying it.


thats exactly why i want to get the game also ,im not into mmorpgs either.necro yu have to form your own opinion ,thats what im doing about it ,no one can tell me what swg is like i just have to try it for myself and form my opinion.

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Originally posted by Pal™

I just wish there was another place to download this free trial. I've waited 50 minutes and now I have to wait nine minutes.. It's said that for like 10 minutes now. :|


Heck, I'm 54% done with D'loading the Trial.

Some 2 hours and I should be able to try it out. Hope it doesnt dissappoint me that much, and if I really like it, I'm gonna wait until "Jump to Lightspace" is released, and I can buy both games as one.



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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Other improvements, you try to slap a stormtrooper or another Imperial officer or personell, you will be shot if you're a rebel, or recieve a hefty fine if you're neutral or too low ranked officer. :)


I got fined for poking and flailing at one :(

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