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CMI sound problems on Xp! PLz Help!!


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Yesyerday I installed Curse of monkey island, and installation and so is okay.. but when playing after like 60 seconds the sound just freezes and just plays like 1 second over and over again sound like an alarm :) And i have no idea how to get the Sound to work? any one? Im running WIndows Xp pro, with 5.1 audiogalaxy sound card..

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  • 1 month later...

I downloaded the new ScummVM q+e (v 1.3.5) but when I click on its logo that error message appears.


The CMI launcher doesnt help the problem - it still happens playing windowed or full screen and also whether direct sound acceleration is full or basic.


I have downloaded the old ScummVM q+e (v1.3.2) which does open. I have clicked "auto update" as well. However I sill cant get it to run CMI, although I'm not sure I'm using it right - for path I put:


C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Curse\


Is that right or should therre be more on the end?

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Wahey!!!! Its working!!!


It turns out my problem was the same as that of NFS_Rogue which was being discussed in "Curse of Monkey Island won't run properly"


In fact he had the same problem with scumm VM too:


" I downloaded the scummvm thing but when trying to get it to work windonws xp home ed. wouldn't let me open it and get the daily build thing. It just gave me the small windows error screen saying do you want to send a report to microsoft.."


His suggestion of using Abandon Loader 0.8 worked for me too!




Hopefully this will be useful for others too.

Thanks for your help everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

After several weeks of being at a loss, I was able to easily fix the skipping audio problem with CMI & WinXP by right clicking COMI.EXE and setting the compatibility mode to "Windows 98 / Windows ME". The game ran without an (audio) hitch after that.


Hopefully this will save someone some unnecessary headache. ;-)

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