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Is there some new saber hack utility out or something?(Modder/Admin Alert!)

Lathain Valtiel

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I just took a peek into Chop Shop FFA, and almost gagged. I checked gamename, it was basejka_pushfix, OK there.


But inside it looked awfully ridiculous. I'm pretty sure this can't be done by screwing with hilts either.


One old regular, Jen, had a staff. She was doing spontaneous pullstabs (Without the pull), canceling it into some spin, cancelling that into red kata , then canceling the red kata IN MID SPIN into another pullstab or some other screwed up move. Oh, and she could do the dual saber barrier, again with a staff. I'm fairly certain that can't be a hilt, as no hilt can make you do specials in the middle of a kata...


Some singler also did a spin, but nothing beyond that.


P.S>: i kicked their asses left, right, and sideways despite all of this bull.


As far as I know basejka_pushfix only does something to Push, and none of this has happened at CS before to my knowledge.


Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?

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Should ask Amidala what else (if anything) is running on her server...



Perhaps there is some exploit out there, who knows?


But if it's another one of these admin mod backdoors, that would explain it.



I use pushfix too, and I've never seen anything like that, BUT, that doesn't rule out the possibility...


More info is needed.

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It is a kind of exploit, it has something to do with entering numbers in the console, as they were throwing chats around about numbers and saber attacks. There's also another trick, that they walk on their head, and another where they permenantly leave saber trails in a map. I've heard putting to many permenant saber trails could crash the server.


I'm not sure if I've seen it in any server other in Chop Shop, I think I did though.


I've asked around, and the responses I got were:

  • I did it with magic.
  • 'Cuz I'm special.
  • Go away.


I hope I can find out what's going on here...

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Unfortunately, a few members of a clan that frequent my CTF server have been reading the source code and discovered a bunch of debug moves, exploits, and hacks and have been "sharing" their information. It allows them to make huge saber trails that cause the server to grind to a halt or crash, they can do Alora spin moves, staff butterfly with dual sabers, very strange saber throws, and a weird move where they go upside down and hit people on the feet but with very high damage. This broke out a couple of days ago and the hacks will soon be common knowledge. Here is a related thread with screenshots (they are not censored for language on that board, as a warning to the sensitive):




I have been spending all weekend dealing with this, but it is only the beginning. I banned all of the members of that clan temporarily and they have promised to stop using the hacks, but it is too late, Pandora's box has been opened. They were telling other people about them and it will spread like a virus. In addition, they are doing a lot of debug moves similar to debugthrow, but I don't want to give away some of the commands.


This happened on what was essentially a basejka server (basejka_pushfix) and it is all client-side. I have been forced to install an admin mod (first JA Reloaded, next JA Plus Mod because it disabled some of the debug moves) and recruit subadmins (yes, an admin mod and admins on Chop Shop, that's how bad it is) to try and control it, but it probably won't be enough.


Here is some of the email I've been getting:


I am writing you to ask you to put an end to all the exploits that are

currently being used on the CTF server you have. I love this server, my

absolute favorite of the bunch, but it is growing very annoying and tiresome

to have other players that are out seeking to destroy the enjoyment of the

game for others, using exploits to give them an advantage, and in some

cases, just simply to annoy the players. I would like to have all the saber

exploits be removed (or prevented) and any other exploit including the

hold-and-throw move. People are using these moves to ruin the other players

gaming experience, and to just increase their own ego. If it is no possible

to remove these exploits from the server, or at least prevent them, I am

asking you to make a rule of no exploits allowed. Thank you for taking the

time to read this.


...I think you have a real problem on your hands with this server at this time. I log on now and no matter when it is someone is using some type of saber exploit or doing some toss that kills people.


...I am mad cause people just sit on the server trying to ruin others fun with their cheats. it makes me sick to no end is there a way to stop this??????!!!


...You have people that come to your server with the idea that it is okay to do these saber exploits etc. there reasoning is it is "Fun". To me anything that causes lag intentionally is detrimental to your server in the end. The thing these guys forget is that there is other folks to consider here they are not the only ones to consider here.


Unless the mod makers or Raven deals with this it will kill or disfigure this game for good.


Yet another reason to not release the source code.

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A few questions....


Amidala, does having your server "pure" block any of these exploits?


Also, have you sent this information to the Raven guys that view this forum (emorog, ChangKhan[RAVEN], KISS Army)? At least they will be made aware of the problem, and maybe they can ask LucasArts to let them do another patch... (if the bugs are that serious, who knows) or post work-around or something.



Finally, would turning off debugmelee (or any other cvar) stop these exploits from being used on a server?



As far as using admin mods, I have no wish to start using them if I can help it, but if this info is sent to (or already being used by) Xmod2 or OJP, then I wouldn't mind using those if it meant safety from such exploits.


Time is of the essence... good luck!


PS: PM me with anything that might help out a fellow admin...

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Originally posted by Kurgan

A few questions....


Amidala, does having your server "pure" block any of these exploits?


Also, have you sent this information to the Raven guys that view this forum (emorog, ChangKhan[RAVEN], KISS Army)? At least they will be made aware of the problem, and maybe they can ask LucasArts to let them do another patch... (if the bugs are that serious, who knows) or post work-around or something.



Finally, would turning off debugmelee (or any other cvar) stop these exploits from being used on a server?



As far as using admin mods, I have no wish to start using them if I can help it, but if this info is sent to (or already being used by) Xmod2 or OJP, then I wouldn't mind using those if it meant safety from such exploits.


Time is of the essence... good luck!


PS: PM me with anything that might help out a fellow admin...

Pure servers only prevent clients using .pk3 files that are not on the server or identical to the ones on the server from connecting, so that should not make any difference. These are console commands that have been bound to keys, no .pk3 files have been altered.


I haven't contacted Mike Gummelt but I will when I have time (maybe you could direct him to this thread). I think this is a very serious issue because these exploits are so easy to do and so radically alter saber combat. Remember all those single-player moves that Alora and Tavion and Reborn Masters did, as well as every multiplayer stance, style, kata, and special attack? And maybe also some things that are in the game (like the saber-staff in JK2) but were not made available because they were too buggy, powerful, or unfinished. Now imagine ALL of them are available to any player ALL of the time, whether they have single, dual, or staff sabers. Oh, and they don't use any Force either, so you can spam them non-stop.


debugmelee is off on my CTF server, but it still happened. This stuff makes debugmelee look like child's play.


I know slider disabled debugthrow, debugknockmedown, and maybe some others in JA Plus Mod, hopefully including these. These are also debug commands.


Now the only thing that is a ray of hope is that it doesn't appear to work on every server. Is it only Linux servers? I saw the source code for basejka_pushfix, it is very simple and I can't believe it enabled this stuff, but maybe truly basejka is immune (probably not). JA Reloaded Mod 1.2 is not immune because it has continued with that.


I actually totally shut down the server, "reset" it, and did a restart to see if that would stop it but it didn't. I have the server closed right now until I can get the new mod online and get my subadmins up to speed.


I am pretty sure this is just the beginning of something big. I don't think it will stay limited to my servers because of the basic nature of it. This information will spread very quickly. I checked my logs a few hours ago and saw that someone entered the command in the console but forgot the "/", so it was broadcast as chat.


Remember, you saw it here first. The end is near.

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Originally posted by [nWo] Filth

whine whine whine. let the noobs have their fun 2. you aren't the only people with the right to play.


Her server her rules.


I to play there and noticed the expliots but I simply thought that the players were using custom hilts since it is possible to use them on Chopshop.(models dont show but custom moves/stats still work). As for the the perminant trails I have never seen these ingame before.

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Originally posted by [nWo] Filth

whine whine whine. let the noobs have their fun 2. you aren't the only people with the right to play. This is not good christian behaviour!


dude shut up if you don't have anything positive to say about the situation.

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I ran into that myself on the first night I played (last thursday). since it appears that Amidala doesnt want the actual coding to be posted i wont, but I can say it really knocked me down a few levels as I thought it was a commonly accepted practice and was the norm. Im glad to see it isnt.


what I do remember is that one player in particular "binded" this particular command to particular keys and, when it was said in chat, the discusion turned into people giving the command out and many people trying it out...including myself. I had also made the comment about how this was really kinda pathetic that anyone can own another player simply by binding a series of keys (with attack numbers) that seemed virtually undefeatable.


anyway, reading this thread has encouraged me to head over to chop shop again to find some enjoyment. btw, amidala, on Thursday night I was in your FFA when I recieved a connection problem. when I logged back in the FFA server was no longer in my list. was I banned from that server for some reason or was it due to server problems?



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Originally posted by Cercueil

anyway, reading this thread has encouraged me to head over to chop shop again to find some enjoyment. btw, amidala, on Thursday night I was in your FFA when I recieved a connection problem. when I logged back in the FFA server was no longer in my list. was I banned from that server for some reason or was it due to server problems?




It probably just crashed. Both servers are currently closed until I can get the new mods installed.

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Could you tell us just HOW they did this, as to the console commands? We might be able to figure out an easy way to stop it if we knew just what they were doing.






(That, and I've always wanted aloras spin move, despite how underpowered it is.)

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Originally posted by AIVAS

Could you tell us just HOW they did this, as to the console commands? We might be able to figure out an easy way to stop it if we knew just what they were doing.






(That, and I've always wanted aloras spin move, despite how underpowered it is.)


Open your console (shift and ~) and type /disco or /qui for cool saber hacks.

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

Open your console (shift and ~) and type /disco or /qui for cool saber hacks.


Very funny. I'm serious about stopping them though. If we knew what the commands were, it would probably be a lot easier. As for the people you tell abusing them, the only one I'd probably use would be Aloras, just for the look of it, despite the fact that you can't move several seconds after doing it.

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

Spend time on any busy server and keep your eyes and ears open. I expect 99% of the players in this game will be doing these hacks by the end of the week, but I'm certainly not going to help spread this disease. The more noobish someone is, the more they think they are "cool". Who cares if the server crashes?


*sigh* You could have pmed me, but ok, I'll see if I can find anything on the official ja+ server, if that ain't busy, nothing is. If I want to find a way to stop it, I need to find out how they're doing it.

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Originally posted by [nWo] Filth

whine whine whine. let the noobs have their fun 2. you aren't the only people with the right to play. This is not good christian behaviour!


N00b, shut the **** up. This is a certified exploit/hack that can ruin gameplay and ultimately the game, and you're telling them to just play it as it is? Again, I repeat my advice: shut the **** up, asshat.

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until I read this thread I was contemplating just not worrying about MP games as I thought it was the norm. It does screw up gameplay and leads to a crappy environment to play in.


granted, i think i died due to falling more than strange saber strikes, but still....

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