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Please lighten up, people!

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For goodness sakes, that JP-30 comment was a JOKE. I'm a stupidly huge geek, but I found it funny that someone took exception to X-Wing Alliance database entry (a database that it is widely known that no-one looks in, I might add) being described as an "Action/Sim" game and suggested it be changed to "Sim/Action".


Surely I'm not alone here?


BTW - I'm the guy who spent hours of his life figuring out how many "IQ" points each puzzle was worth in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade! I can see the utter pointlessness in spending my time doing it, but I don't care because I enjoyed myself!


If such a thing as a "Space Combat Simulator" can possibly exist, then yes, I suppose X-Wing Alliance must fall into that catagory.


Here, I'll even join in: X-Wing Alliance is listed in the data as X-Wing Alliance when it's actual title was Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance.


I'm sorry I laughed when you got SO upset over a little joke, but it was hard to not to imagine steam coming out of your ears! :)


Cheer up, it was simply a friendly jab from one geek to another.



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> I'm sorry I laughed when you got SO upset over a little joke, but it was hard to not to imagine steam coming out of your ears!


Umm. I wasn't upset in the least. I was trying to have a discussion. You're the person who through out the insults and appeared to take major exception to someone challenging what you'd written.


It's no bother to me one way or the other, I was merely trying to get a thread going, and you went on a major defensive. Simply put, you ought not to be so rude, especially in your position on staff.


> Friends?


Sure, but don't throw your toys if I decide to, y'know, discuss another LucasArts game here and perhaps dispute some claim you've made in the database.



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Umm. I wasn't upset in the least.
That's funny, I thought you sounded upset.


What the **** is that for? I provide feedback on a database entry, and you insult me personally?




If you don't want feedback on your database entries, fair enough. I wasn't aware that other's opinions, thoughts, contributions and ideas were not wanted.

My mistake.


Sure, but don't throw your toys if I decide to, y'know, discuss another LucasArts game here and perhaps dispute some claim you've made in the database.


Aha! I see the slight misunderstanding here:

1) I'm NOT a mojo staffer, nor have I ever been. Not sure where you got this idea from.

2) I have NOTHING to do with the database, nor have I ever had anything to do with it, let alone write the X-Wing Alliance entry, what made you think that??


Does that help you understand things any better?


I've apologised and explained myself, if you want to continue this we may as well do it in PM's and spare everyone else, ok?


- Johnny

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