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The battlefront vehicles thread


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i think we got it the first time.but it would be weird seeing a clone in a jedi star fighter:clone: hahaha or a battle droid in one:bdroid1: but ya um i think alot of peaple will jump inside the Republic gunship for a free ride without getting in normally like with the chinook on BFV

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sorry my computer froze :(


the V-19 torrent fighter

Prototypes of the Slayn and Korpil V-19 Torrent starfighter were first introduced at the Battle of Geonosis. Having proven their worth as an assault fighter with exceptional speed and maneuverability, the Republic quickly produced V-19s to add to the arsenal of the growing clone army. Because of the months of training it took for the Republic's clone trooper pilots to become proficient with the vessel, the fighter was not available in large numbers for some of the early engagements of the war, but they made a prominent showing during the Battle of Muunilinst.

Initially designed as a short-range fighter, Republic technicians later added a Class-1 hyperdrive to equip the vessel for escort missions. The ship is unique in that it has two pairs of folding airfoils that give the ship added maneuverability and provides pilots with easy access to the ship's sliding canopy. The lower split airfoils coupled with enhanced repulsorlift engines make the ship an exceptional vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) fighter.

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I Think you will be able to use the jedi starfighter and droid starfighter on Bespin. We already know its one of the "double maps" because it was in OPM and there was a super battle droid blasting away in the picture under Bespin. So why wouldn't you be able to use it, its wide open fighting.

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I just want to play out ech faction in it's perspective period. I don't want to fight a clone war on Endor or Hoth. Vice Versa! Keep the empire/rebel fighting on Tatoonie, Hoth, Endor, Bespin and Yavin 4 maybe Kashyyyk. The Republic/Separtist fighting on Geonosis, Naboo, Kamino, Tatoonie, Kashyyyk, and Rhen Var.

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Yeah then recap from the gaming perspective, How dull would that be!


There's 4 factions and you could only fight vs the same faction all the time, furthermore some maps would be pre-destined. Come on people, diversity is more important than some "Star Wars elitisting", sure if you want you can recreate all of the star wars battles like they were, but that shouldn't mean taking away the possibility to play any way you like. Even if Rebels and Battle Droids aren't from the same Era, I certainly would like to do that kind of battle just for the fun of it. I would hate to have a game where you would always do Rebels vs Imperials, Clones vs Seperatists, it would get boring pretty fast, especially if the map options would limit the selection aswell. Hello how can we have clan battles if we cant choose our faction freely??? :cool:

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I'd prefer to stick to how the movies were. It would just kind of bother me if it wasn't somewhat historically correct. But if it were to be like that, how would you decide what team would be against eachother. Would it be a server option? Would there be some sort of voting system? Or what?

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Originally posted by Dragnarr

Yeah then recap from the gaming perspective, How dull would that be!


There's 4 factions and you could only fight vs the same faction all the time, furthermore some maps would be pre-destined. Come on people, diversity is more important than some "Star Wars elitisting", sure if you want you can recreate all of the star wars battles like they were, but that shouldn't mean taking away the possibility to play any way you like. Even if Rebels and Battle Droids aren't from the same Era, I certainly would like to do that kind of battle just for the fun of it. I would hate to have a game where you would always do Rebels vs Imperials, Clones vs Seperatists, it would get boring pretty fast, especially if the map options would limit the selection aswell. Hello how can we have clan battles if we cant choose our faction freely??? :cool:

Now that you put it this way... That was what I liked in SWGB. Probably the only thing mind you, wasn't exactly a superb game...
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Originally posted by Dragnarr

Yeah then recap from the gaming perspective, How dull would that be!


There's 4 factions and you could only fight vs the same faction all the time, furthermore some maps would be pre-destined. Come on people, diversity is more important than some "Star Wars elitisting", sure if you want you can recreate all of the star wars battles like they were, but that shouldn't mean taking away the possibility to play any way you like. Even if Rebels and Battle Droids aren't from the same Era, I certainly would like to do that kind of battle just for the fun of it. I would hate to have a game where you would always do Rebels vs Imperials, Clones vs Seperatists, it would get boring pretty fast, especially if the map options would limit the selection aswell. Hello how can we have clan battles if we cant choose our faction freely??? :cool:


The game quality would get worse, as Pandemic would have much more to balance if all factions could fight eachother.

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Playing the AT-AT and AT-ST is so fun, and they are by far, my favorite vehicles in the game so far.


Some maps are faction specific, and thus vehicle specific. Others are not, but are era specific. In other words, you can choose either a Republic vs Seperatist faction battle or a Rebel vs Empire faction battle all on the same map, but not at the same time.

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Ermm try to be more open minded, and mountain forest, what balance? All the unit types are basically the same, only the vehicles are a bit different, and I bet every faction will have 1 fighter, 1 tank type atleast, so I cannot see why is that a balance problem. And yes we all know Republic will evolve to Empire, so what? Can't you guys just let loose for a while and not nag about every detail in the movies :p . And how am I supposed to play a clan game if I can't choose the faction???


And yes I would prefer voting system, nothing stops you from playing it the "right way", it's just that there needs to be an option to play otherwise aswell

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Vehicles Wishlist ( Vehicles that aren't in the game or atleast not revealed ). Maybe for an expansion pack which hopefully expands the game to space aswell!


- Trade Federation MTT ( Would work exactly like AT-AT )

- STAP ( those things where the droids flied around with, sort of like speeders only smaller )

- Droid Fighters in walker position

- Trade Federation Battleship ( those big things in space, if space battles included )


- Self propelled Heavy Artillery TurboLaser ( those damn big things that shot down the droid space ships in Episode II )

- Republic Assault ship ( big things that the Clone troopers walk into at the end of Episode II )


- A-wing

- B-wing

- Rebel Blockade Runner ( if space battles included )


- Imperial Lambda-class shuttle

- Imperial Star Destroyer ( if space battles included )

- Tie Interceptor

- Dewback ( I know it's not a vehicle but that creature is basically a transport device for Imperials )


- Naboo Starfighter

- That big creature carrying the Gungan Shield Generator And Turret

- Millenium Falcon

- Slave I

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Originally posted by joesdomain

I could of sworn I saw a screenshot of a landed Trade Federation Battleship on Geonosis and a flying star destroyer in the upper atmosphere of Tatoonie.


I saw the last one two. You can see stardestroyers in both screenshots and trailers. It would be nice if they put something on the ground instead of only flying around , but I wouldn't count on that.


Maybe they provide the orbital bombardement.

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