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The battlefront vehicles thread


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You would of thought dewbacks, luke's landspeeder, naboo starfighters, tie interceptor, moveable sandcrawler, slave I, Millenium Falcon, wampas, Jabba's Sail Barge, and Dwarf Spider Droid would been in the game. Pandemic really sold out to put there MAF, Republic Fighter Tank, and that terrible looking Imperial Fighter Tanks. None of that was in the films. Don't get me started on Darktroopers!

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new vehicle list...


1. 74-Z Speeder Bike

Crew: Pilot

Faction: Republic, Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance



Crew: Pilot

Faction: Separatists


3. Combat Landspeeder

Crew: Pilot, Gunner

Faction: Rebel Alliance


4. TX-130S Fighter Tank

Crew: Pilot, Gunner

Faction: Republic


5. TX-130T Fighter Tank

Crew: Pilot, Gunner

Faction: Galactic Empire


6. AAT

Crew: Pilot, Gunner

Faction: Separatists


7. Hailfire Droid

Crew: Pilot

Faction: Separatists


8. Spider Walker

Crew: Pilot

Faction: Separatists


9. AT-ST

Crew: Pilot, Gunner

Faction: Galactic Empire


10. AT-TE

Crew: Pilot, 2 Gunners, Transport Troops

Faction: Republic


11. AT-AT

Crew: Pilot, 1 Gunner, Transport Troops

Faction: Galactic Empire


12. MTT

Crew: Pilot, Transport Troops

Faction: Separatists


13. Sand Skiff

Crew: Pilot, 3 Gunners

Faction: All


14. Gian Speeder

Crew: Pilot, Gunner

Faction: Rebel Alliance


15. Tauntaun



16. Kaadu



17. Jedi Starfighter

Crew: Pilot

Faction: Republic


18. Droid Starfighter

Crew: Pilot

Faction: Separatists


19. X-wing

Crew: Pilot

Faction: Rebel Alliance


20. TIE Fighter

Crew: Pilot

Faction: Galactic Empire


21. Geonosian Starfighter

Crew: Pilot

Faction: Separatists


22. Republic Gunship

Crew: Pilot, 3 Gunners, 1 Transport Position

Faction: Republic


23. MAF

Crew: Pilot, 2 Gunners

Faction: CIS


24. Y-wing

Crew: Pilot, Gunner

Faction: Rebel Alliance


25. TIE Bomber

Crew: Pilot, Gunner

Faction: Galactic Empire


26. T-47 Airspeeder “Snowspeeder”

Crew: Pilot, Gunner

Faction: Rebel Alliance


27. Cloud Car

Crew: Pilot, Gunner

Faction: All


28, 29, 30 usable vehicles ?


vehicles seen in game...

sandcrawler, millenium falcon.

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You know, people can just do mods and insert some of these vehicles into the game aong with new maps and stuff. I would also like to see some of these vehicles made as well but i think they would have to fit into the context of the game. I didn't see any tie interceptors on hoth or any at-pt's either but if Pandemic decides to really work with the community i'm pretty sure we will indeed see a lot of these vehicles in the near future. Personally i can't wait to get my hands on ths game.

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Ok I for one am happy with the vehicles we have on this. Some of you are all bumbed out about not getting some of the vehicles. For the b-wing as someone mentioned earlier it really just wouldnt make sense. Anyone who says it would make perfect sense to have a b-wing doing battles above the ground doesn't really no the info on star wars ships. B-wings are simply high powerd assault ships that disable and take down big ships. a-wings sure they would have been fun but we have the x-wing the only difference would be in speed so whats the point. same with the tie interceptor. We already ahev the tie fighter so no point. As for a lot of these other minor things such as medium transport and lambda class shuttle and jabba's sail barge. True they would be cool but also completly useless. I would rather have a game that runs smooth and having necesary vehicles then a game that runs somewhat rough because there are to many vehicles in the game. And as for those imperial tanks I for one like them.

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Not all vehicles are available to use in each map! That is what I am hearing! You can't use X-wing, Tie Fighters or AT-AT Walkers on Endor. There is plenty of room to add more vehicles per faction and to include useful vehicles like Imperial Lamdba Class Shuttle and Tie Interceptor for Empire. Get rid of Empire Tank! Add A-wing for Rebels. Add Gian Speeder to republic for naboo map! Get Rid of MAF from the Separtist and add Dwarf Spider Droid. Take out Republic Tank and put in Naboo Starfighter. That way you have speeder bike, naboo starfighter, gian speeder, at-te walker, republic gunship and jedi starfighter if you choose. All of them are from the films. You cut out the EU! Still play the classic battles of that particular period.

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I hope they add at least three more vehicles to the list. I thought we were getting a minimum of 30. That was counting both air and ground vehicles. I thought we were getting the Imperial Lamdba Class Shuttle also. Someone at swbattlefront.net has that listed on a tenative vehicle list. The dwarf Spider droid, flash speeder, and naboo starfighter are missing. Don't forget rideable animals like dewbacks, etc.

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Not all vehicles are available to use in each map! That is what I am hearing! You can't use X-wing, Tie Fighters or AT-AT Walkers on Endor.

Dude obviosly you have not played the demo. There is not room on the endor map for a AT-AT. Each map will allow different things. PLAY THE DEMO, then comment on how the game sucks.

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I dont really care about what vehicles are in what levels or there should be these vehicles and ot these vehicles.All I want is for the game to be good.I do care about vehicles in general.The dwarf spider droid is a spider droid but smaller so whats the use?The tie interceptor should'nt be in it because it is basically the tie fighter but faster.The a-wing should be in because it is completly different to the x-wing in many ways such as the x-wing has shields and the a-wing doesnt because the a-wing uses its speed to get through battles.Dewbacks I agree with joesdomain on this one.Though they could have it in there but no one knows about it.Jabbas's ship is completly useless as someone said.If it is in the game it should have a ramp that makes it accesible and you could fight on it but there is no NPC's.




As for the website nice.Cant wait to drive the STAP.

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They could use them to travel across the map. Just more star wars realism in the game. Sounds like they made planet maps with cities or whatever but no animals, no people, and no citizens whatsoever except the tusken, ewoks, geonosians, gungans, and wookiees. Very boring game to me!


If Jabba's Sail Barge is useless to most people! Then so would the desert skiff that is available. I don't get some of the people's logic or reasoning for having desert skiff in the game but not the sail barge. The same came be said of A-wing and Tie Interceptor. Both good aircraft and should be useful in the game. The Dwarf Spider Droid were apart of Attack of the Clones. Why leave them out? The same could be said for the Battle of Naboo! Why leave out Flash Speeder or Naboo Starfighter? Just gives Pandemic an excuse to make a new vehicle/starship that isn't in the film. This is suppose to be the Utlimate Star Wars video game to be able to play classic star wars battles in prequel trilogy and original trilogy from the MOVIES!

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joesdomain, you don't know how ignorant you're sounding right now. The Dewbacks are slow and pointless, they would get you nowhere. You're better off walking to the destination. And please tell me what why there should be NPC everywhere? If you've played the demo, you'd know that there are so many bots that non-combat NPC would get in the way. Please play the game before passing complete judgment.


Why have the Sail Barge when you already have the skiff? Wouldn't they both be the same, except the Barge would be slow and point less. The skiff can carry you and several people across the map quickly while having a good defense. Its your logic I don't understand. This game has no place for multiple fighter types. The incercepter would be almost a copy of the TIE and same could be said for the A-wing and X-wing. And who ever said Dwarf droids are out? Flash Speeder are basicley the same thing as the GAIN speeder, cept for no weapons, making it pointless. There is no room for you to fly the Naboo Starfighter (note the name Starfighter). If you heard, Pandemic couldn't make the vehicles because of time and MEMORY, meaning that there is no plausble way they could of just added another vehicle. You think that they left them out just to point at you and laugh? If you can do a better game, I would love to see what you would come up with. I say concentrate your work and time on something more useful then spending it on extra models and coding you don't need (A-wing). Bells and wistles are great and all, but you know that they are there to distract you from what is in reality junk? The less the game has of them the better, I'd rather walk and not have vehicles, then fly with vehicles and die because of some horrible glitch.

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By my count we know of 27 of the 30 driveable vechs. Anyone know what the other 3 are ??

Tie fighter AT-AT MTT

Tie bomber AT-ST republic tank

X-wing AT-TE imperial tank

Y-wing AAT armed speeder

droid fighter taun taun kaadu

jedi fighter skift MAF

gunship Hailfire geo.fighter

snowspeeder spider drone speederbike cloud car

gian speeder STAP

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I have seen many games in my day! There is still plenty of technology to add more vehicles and starships to a game. I mean what is the point of riding a tauntaun on Hoth if they have no weapons on the creature. To me it is to look for star wars realism. The same can be said for stormtroopers on dewbacks on Tatoonie. They are useful in close quarters against other infantry. The X-box gamesite put up all the ground vehicles for the game and the dwarf spider droid is not in it. I would of thought that site would of put every vehicle on it's site when they do an update. You can do anything you put your mind too! This is 21st century gaming not 1970's or 1980's gaming. You can have a massive game with lots of vehicles and units and still battle without the glitches.

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Quoted from an interview


Greg Borrud & Andrew Goldman LiveWire Interview (07/29/04) - Pandemic's Greg Borrud (production) and Andrew Goldman (CEO) talk Star Wars Battlefront.


Greg Borrud: Oh man! There's so many vehicles in this game. I think there's a total of over 30 vehicles which are side specific. You know, you got an AT-AT, AT-ST, speeder bikes, X-Wings, TIE fighters -- you name it. If you saw it in a movie, it's in there. Plus, I think there are another 20 or 30 planet-specific vehicles like the Tonton on Hoth or Luke's landspeeder on Tattoine. There's just a whole host of vehicles -- everything from a small speeder bike to the giant AT-AT.



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Originally posted by joesdomain

I have seen many games in my day! There is still plenty of technology to add more vehicles and starships to a game. I mean what is the point of riding a tauntaun on Hoth if they have no weapons on the creature. To me it is to look for star wars realism. The same can be said for stormtroopers on dewbacks on Tatoonie. They are useful in close quarters against other infantry. The X-box gamesite put up all the ground vehicles for the game and the dwarf spider droid is not in it. I would of thought that site would of put every vehicle on it's site when they do an update. You can do anything you put your mind too! This is 21st century gaming not 1970's or 1980's gaming. You can have a massive game with lots of vehicles and units and still battle without the glitches.


They could of course epent time on making all those animals at Endor, and maybe they can even do that without creating a game with glitches. Fact remains: This is an action game. With all the extra's you want it looks more like some kind of advanture game.

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Originally posted by Evil Dark Jedi

The a-wing should be in because it is completly different to the x-wing in many ways such as the x-wing has shields and the a-wing doesnt because the a-wing uses its speed to get through battles.


A-WINGS HAVE SHIELDS. Just weaker ones than those of the X-wing. Name some of these "many ways" that the A-wing is "completely different" from the X-wing, besides shielding and speed.

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Is it just me or does the AT-AT on the Xbox site seem a little small at only 15 metres high and 20 metres long ? I mean come on look at the Empire Strikes Back film the Snowspeeders look tiny compared to an AT-AT. Infact I'd estimate a size nearing 40 Metres tall and maybe 50 Metres long.


Heres one for scale :atat: Ok maybe not but you get my driffed right ?



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