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USA Successor


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It is a fact that America is the most powerful country. It is the strongest and really new. Thats pretty impressive. I'm sorry if I offended you by calling it the best. I forget that there are other coutnries here. But face it, we are startistically the best.

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Hmmm well I guess u can't trust what you hear on the news at all but I would atleast think it was somewhere around 1/3 and you have to remember, there are a boat load of people who live in America and there are also a boatload of fast food restraunts that are trying to make some money off these people and so far Mcdonald is not gonna be working in a farm for much longer if he keeps making this money in America (scuse my punn)

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America has a higher crime rate than any other European country, more gun crimes than all of Europe combined and an ever-worsening racial poverty situation.


I'd think the obesity is probably more than 2/3. It's just that you're used to seeing fat people, and so fat is normal.


America has a government controlled by companies and corporations, with a chimp as President. America has a laughable democracy, without a single realistic left-wing party, with only backwards conservatives. America runs by the same constitution has it did 200 years ago, completely ignoring what values and norms are applicable today (the best example being the 'right to bear arms', a constitutional right that serves no purpose today). In fact, the concept of a constitution is highly undemocratic.


America still has the death penalty, with no signs of abolishing it in the forseeable future, and is one of the very few countries in the world that executes children (together with Pakistan and Nigeria. Even China don't execute minors).


America is ridiculously individualistic and does little to help its citizens, without any form of national health care and a highly class divided education system.


But America will fall, if things don't change radically, because the American economy is based on oil. And oil is running out, quickly. Without oil, America (and Europe) would collapse.

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for starters, Bush isnt a chimp. He may resemble a monkey in some physical features, but he is an itelligent leader. The constitution is still the same because it works. why change what was good? second ammenedment is fine. and why should america bow to other beliefs? Homsexuality? Never! We arent like Europe or any of those other countries. We are different. Bush is against abortion (the killing of children) but the death penalty is good. It keeps criminals from coming back and killing more. The death penalty is good. It does help its citizens and we're all doing fine. Where, I ask, are you from? If from America, then you're pretty screwed up and obviously dislike your country and want it to be like the others overseas.

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Yes, I'm sure Bush can't spell "intelligent" either.


Right. So you're saying American society is exactly the same as it was 200 years ago. Why give those women the right to vote? Why give them equality in the work place? Why ensure that ethnic minorities aren't discriminated against?

They never had any of that 200 years ago, and they were fine!


Wake up. They were not fine. It is not good. Society changes, people change, values change. The only thing that doesn't change is the constitution, forcing way outdated values onto the country.


The arguments against homosexuality are entirely religious. The state should be totally separate from the church, and so there is no reason why the state should have any opinion on homosexuality at all. You don't even have to get into 'moral' arguments, even though they are pretty ridiculous, to realise that there is no reason why there should be any legal discrimination against homosexuals.


Yes, America is 'different'. America is several decades in the past. American conservatives want to pretend that this is still the 1950s.


The aim of every civilised country is to reach a state where they can abolish the death penalty. Even China have been reducing their executions.

The death penalty simply doesn't work.

If the death penalty is supposed to 'frighten' criminals away, why does America still have such a high murder rate? Why does America have more murders than any European country, countries that have long since abolished the death penalty?

Perhaps it is because they have realised that 'frightening' criminals away simply doesn't work, and that they have combatted the causes of crime. Providing help and support and welfare for its citizens, so they don't feel the need to commit crimes.


Being a blind flag-waving patriot does nothing but irritate people. It is not useful. America has problems, serious problems, and countries overseas have solved those problems in their countries. Looking to them is the way forward. The world is moving on, and America is being left behind.

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actually, there is a system set up so that you can ammend the constitution. so its still all good. Alot of the reason against gay marriage is religious, but its also for some others. Such as health. Gays are a large spreader of STDs. And you still havent answered what country you're from. Embarrassed? Think that I'll find way more things wrojng with your country than you can against mine? Death Penalty isnt to scare away murderers, its to eliminate them.

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Originally posted by yaebginn

but its also for some others. Such as health. Gays are a large spreader of STDs. Death Penalty isnt to scare away murderers, its to eliminate them.


Heterosexuals are ALSO a large spreader of STD's. Heteros pass on std's when they have unprotected sex just as often as gays do. So that argument is invalid.


Yes, it eliminates them, and what a good job it does helping with things. I mean, it's totally reduced the murder rates in the US. Except it hasn't.

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Yes, it kills individual criminals, but what exactly is the point?


The crime has already been comitted and the victim is dead. Nothing you can do can change that. The individual criminal is irrelevant, it is the system that is important.

You are doing nothing to prevent crimes being committed in the future. You are doing nothing to stop people becoming criminals in the first place. If people don't have the reason or the means to kill, they won't kill.


The way to combat crime is to look at why and how people commit crimes and by making/changing laws to affect that. There is a well documented link between crime and poverty. Or perhaps we need to look at America's ridiculus gun laws.


But wait! that's a constitutional right, that is!

How easy exactly is it to change the constitution? It isn't. And sometimes that's a good thing, as curious George wants to make homosexual marriage illegal.

But if you can change it, why not abolish it?


I propose that instead of having a universal 'constitution', each party has their own 'constitution' and outlines what they will and will not do (of course, first you'd have to have parties that aren't exactly the same). That way, when you vote, you vote in a 'constitution' and that Government has to follow their constitution.

This way, voters know exactly what they're voting for and what that party is likely to do if elected.

And also, that way, voting is far more important. A new party will be a completely different system and the country will be run in a completely different way. The way the country is run is decided by the people.

That is democracy, is it not?

Having a constitution, forcing a party to do something or rather, even though it might go against party policy, that is not democracy. The people have no control over the constitution.


A 'constitution' does make sense, though, in a union of different countries, as in the EU, so that Europe is all run the same way. The EU isn't run by winner-takes-all like in the US, but rather the number of votes decides how much power a certain party has.

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Also, what difference does it make what country I live in?


I am not a patriot, I do not blindly 'love' whichever landmass I happened to be born on.


You were saying that America is better than every other country in the world. I am saying that it isn't.

Now I could go through every single country and express how it is "better" than America, but that is tedious.


For sake of argument, you can assume that I am from... Bulgaria. Yes.


I'll pick another once you've exhausted that one.

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Er... Is bulgaria a communist land? Cause when i look at your avatar... Anyway, mort-hog says exactly what i want to say only he does it better so i'll leave it to him :D


I think this thread is ready to move to the senate chambers on JK2.net...

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