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Sig Pic Requests/Discussion


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Originally posted by MysticSpade

ok here's those sigs for ya Katarn


one without the writing



one with all the writing



Holy $hitake mushrooms, you do nice work!


Thankls alot man. I will be sure to give them to him Also, if you want to free up web space, I have hosted my own sig in the time being and saved Taters's sigs on my PC. Of course, RpTheHotrod showed me a site you had sigs on to host or show off your work...


Thanks again. (You guys should make this an organization like LFJA or FTF!)

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InsaneSith i honestly like the blue one (cuz my fav color is blue).


and Eyecandy 4000 is free on the official website as long as you have your serial #. but i got all my stuff for free.


so people out of those 3 that i posted earlier which one should i use for myself?


and Katarn yeah if you got those saved it's cool, but i'll leave em up just so ppl can see em. and thx i'm glad you like my work.

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Err, I mean, that is some nice work there Mystic. Taters thanks you for the sigs you made him. Tootles.

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

thanks. hey i just made a cover for my bands cd. as soon as we get a chance to rent a studio i can share some mp3's with yall.

heres what i got so far for the cover


thats the name of the cd. my band is called abandoned hope


Hmm, looks nice! I guess its a rockband then..! It looks like it, from the name and so on!

So have fun with the band, and yeah, lest hear some of it!



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