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A New School Pledge


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I went to what was technically an anglican church school...though I'd say over 50% of the kids at my high school came from catholic or orthodox christian families, with a sizeable number of islamic and buddhist students as well. We had 'religious instruction'(RI) from yrs 7-9. I really enjoyed this class, and had an essay published in a state student journal comparing my experiences growing up in an islamic community, to going to school and having many friends from a catholic/christian heritage. I was glad the school respected our beliefs and never expected us to attend church service days, though many of us went because it meant we spent the day with the girls, from the girls schools affiliated with us(my high school was 'boyz only' for four years :( ) ....


I was always very grateful I never had any form of religion 'rammed down my throat', neither by my parents, nor by my school. I have mentioned before, I consider myself Islamic by heritage moreso by practise, and this is something I think about often...some may argue it is inappropriate, but it is my decision to make.


Our RI teacher was a reverend, and I enjoyed discussing the origins and commonalities of the 'persian' religions with him, namely christianity, islam and judaism.... So I moreso consider the bible, the koran and the torah for that matter, as historical textbooks. They give an insight into belief systems that were generated millenia ago. Im not sure if this will make some people angry(be they christian, moslem or jew) - this is not my intention, but it is the only view of this issue I am comfortable with at this point in life....


*rubs eyes - is this the senate or the swamp* :p



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Here it is again with all the religious nonsense taken out.


"Now I sit me down in school

Where praying is against the rule

For this great nation


It violates the Bill of Rights.

And anytime my head I bow

Japanese I look like now.


Our hair can be purple, orange or green,

That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.

The law is specific, the law is precise.


In silence alone


We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,

And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.

They've outlawed guns.


We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,

And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.


We can get our condoms and birth controls,

Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.


It's scary here I must confess,

When chaos reigns the school's a mess.

So, this silent plea I make:

Should I be shot;


the end"


I'm being sarcastic and funny (there's a difference?) to be sure.... but It's just simpler to take out the two words ("under god") that weren't originally a part of the pledge and let school children decide their faiths or lack thereof themselves.


And to point out a common fallacy among the so-called religious right: christianity and/or religion is not banned from public schools. What is banned, and rightfully so, is the school's ability to impose religion or religious practice upon students.

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Originally posted by SkinWalker

....What is banned, and rightfully so, is the school's ability to impose religion or religious practice upon students.


That I wholeheartedly agree with, and I am glad that although I am from a muslim family and went to an anglican school religion was more about history and learning, than an imposition of faith, for which I am very grateful....



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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

In our schools, you can't even pray.


What is banned is far more than school-side.


Untrue. You just cannot organize a prayer session. I'd be willing to bet that there are many superstitious students that pray before every test. In fact, in the city I worked in until my company moved (Mesquite, Texas), I've heard anecdotal accounts of a High School coach that led his players in prayer before every game.


That guy should be fired... but the players should feel free to engage in whatever magical thinking they believe will assist their game.

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Originally posted by RoxStar

Bull. My school has a "Fellowship of Christian Students club" and yes it is a public school.


My point exactly. Thank you. Membership is, of course, voluntary.


There you have it. A prime example that prayer is allowed in schools, although I'm only assuming that a bunch of christians will pray at their club meetings. That or they stand around measuring each others bibles. Either way, it's a religious organization that isn't forced upon the rest of the students and isn't harassed by the so-called secular government.


Organizations like this should be encouraged and similar organizations should be allowed to develop to service significant populations of other ethnic and religious groups: American Indian, Muslim, Hindi, Wiccan, Buddhist, humanists, etc.

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Sounds like another Christian cry-baby fest. I have a teacher who's alot like the Christian masses, if you disagree you gotta go. He was a dick, and his name was Dick(Richard).


Now that whole poem offended me. Why? you may ask. 'Oh, its Kain. He's a anti-Christian facist prick who hates organized religion and all the members of said religions'. Bull****. It offended me because my sophomore year of highschool (2000-2001 school year), a ban was put on 'band shirts(rock bands) and gang related memorbilia'. What the **** does that hafta do with ANYTHING Kain?! you ask yourself. Bloodz use a red 5 point star. 5 pointed star = pentagram = Wiccan, which at the time I was a pratictioner of. So I wore my pentagram. And I got suspended, EVEN THOUGH I told my CHRISTIAN dean that it wasn't gang related, it was a symbol of strength and protection from MY RELIGION! And I still got suspended. Of course, it was repealed a day later when I sent a friend to school with a signed document stating if I wasn't allowed back in school that I would sue the board and the dean and the teacher who sent me to the dean, but thats a different story. Now, I'm not allowed to where my necklace, and I asked if Jews could where their Star of David, at which point my teacher DODGED THE ****ING QUESTION!! Then when I told my dean that most gang members where crosses because they are 'Christians', he changed the subject and wanted to suspend me for my KoRn shirt that I refused to take off.


Besides, SkinWalker's right. Its illegal to force prayer, not to engage in it.


And its illegal because they're PUBLIC SCHOOLS with all kindsa different religions. Seriously, how would you feel if you were Jewish and where forced to recite a prayer thanking Jesus for the glorious day, and if you refused, you faced expulsion.


So I say screw organized religion and anyone who wants to force their religion on others.


Oppresive facism.


And no, I don't mean to offend anyone here.



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