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something fun to try in MI2


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Another good one - save the game just before you enter the bar after sneaking out of the kitchen. Guybrush's excuse for being out is random, and there are some great lines there. (Personal favorite being something like "I can take breaks! It's the law!" Or something like that.)

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i just found abother cool thing to try in mi2! when you start out on the bridge in MI2, keep looking at all your money (before you get robbed by largo) and guybrush says a BUNCH of different things! they are all pretty funny but some are really hilarious, mostly because of what he's saying is purposely ironic since he's about to get mugged :D


"i'll be traveling first class on this treasure hunt!"


"i wish all the girls that wouldn't date me in high school could see me now"


"Hmm... Maybe I should get a money belt."



joshi: youre totaly right dude. what i just discovered the 'looking at your money over and over again' thing, and ive played this game at LEAST 50 times


words can't even descrive how wonderful of a game MI 1 and 2 are

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try a google on "vdmsound" (enables sound for nt/2k/xp dosbox). bgbennyboy has also done a great job with scummvm (goggilidy or wait until someone jumps in and gives a link or just bother me enough :)), which will enable you to play nearly every scumm based game.


i'd like to play the original exe-files, that's why i stick to vdmsound. it work's great for me.


if you can get a hold of the amiga copies, it's worth a try (assumed a nice amiga emulator)

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Originally posted by Cap'n Bender

I CANT PLAY MONKEY 1 or 2! THEY DONT WORK ON MY COMPUTER with sound . And its not the same without music but perhaps my dad could help with that. can you?:violin::duel: also JOshi are you the same Joshi as Neil Joshi who does fanart on http://www.scummbar.com? are you? ARE YOU?




Download scummvm and then run the game through that and you'll get sound on both games (I'm guessing you're running them on XP, which is the common problem with these games). If you find that a bit hard, or want a cutey GUI system to run scummvm, download ScummVM q+e from http://quick.mixnmojo.com.


And yes, I be Neil Joshi, this used to be my name here up until about a year ago when I changed my name for artistic purposes (or because I realised I was stupid to use my real name on the internet).


For more art by me (or if you just feel like laughing at my feeble attempts at artwork) look here, leave a comment or two and make me slightly happier in my mundane life. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

There's something else you can do in MI2. Go to the shop on Booty Island. Look at everything in the shop and after the shop keeper comments on it, the parrot will say something. Looking at the quill and the bag of parrot chow will get an especially good response from the parrot.

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Another goldmine for jokes in MI2 is the library, or more specifically, the books. annoyingly, you can only take 4 books out at a time (I haven't heard them all) but whatever random ones you take out can be looked at by guybrush and more often than not he'll say something funny about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there! I bet you guys and gals already know about this, but I'll try. At the end of MI2, when you and wally are hanging at the ropes, you can actually die! All you need to do is... um... do nothing and wait for a while. Haven't tried it myself though, so I don't know what happens exactly. Just try!

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Yo. N00bIe, huh? welcomeeeeeee to the madness assylum :joy:


squashed bottoms


Originally posted by Cap'n Bender

also JOshi are you the same Joshi as Neil Joshi who does fanart on http://www.scummbar.com? are you? ARE YOU?

Course, dude*. LOOK AT AVI. NJ. I rrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaallly recognise your name from somewhere apart from here. hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm?????????????








*tis the medical name for camels nikserof (read backwards if you dont mind "blokeey bits"...:naughty:

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