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Reign Of The Sith Mod Is Out

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Originally posted by Gsccc

That was very classy Achillies, thank you.




Please dont ban me, i appologized and i thought we could kid around wont do it agian.


You're welcome.


I think you can joke around all you want as long as you aren't so serious when you do it :D


Based on what the majority of the people here seem to think, I hope that it's obvious that your true intentions are not coming through too well. The written word is difficult to interpret sometimes so anything that you can do to help convey a sense of levity will probably go a long way toward clearing things up.


Secondly, CAPS and exclamation points are generally considered SHOUTING!!!

Less SHOUTING!!! and more :D:);) will also help to soften the blow of a hearty joke.


Lastly, people who peg you for being someone that blows up are likely to:


a) avoid you

b) placate you

c) interpret everything you say as a temper tantrum


Adopting the practice of "read twice, send once" will probably help you catch messages that might not say what you really want them to.


And just so that no one thinks I'm a hypocrit, I generally always follow my rule so if something I say seems rude, it was probably intended to be :D (either that or I'm posting late and didn't catch it)


This message is being offered as constructive criticism. It is my sincere hope that it is taken that way and that you find some benefit in it.


Thanks for reading.

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Originally posted by Gsccc

That was very classy Achillies, thank you.




Please dont ban me, i appologized and i thought we could kid around wont do it agian.


They are going to wait till you relese your alpha, then ban you :D:p:angel::laughing::rofl::cheers::jester1:


BTW I love this beta cant wait till the alpha....

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Originally posted by En liten mus

They are going to wait till you relese your alpha, then ban you :D:p:angel::laughing::rofl::cheers::jester1:


BTW I love this beta cant wait till the alpha....



Errr...generally it's the other way around. Devs have an alpha test before a beta test, not vice versa :D


I hope that helps to clarify.

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Ok, it seems that people here either didn't noticed my post yesterday or chose to ignore it: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=1600699#post1600699. It wasn't the first warning.


Sooo, guys, I'll use the lightning button:


When I told you to get back on topic, it means to get back to a discussion about modding kotor. While this thread contains a lot of useful information about various aspects of modding, it is also becoming unreadable. If you want to chat, go on MSN or get an IRC channel.


If people have something relevant to say about the mod and feedback to give it's ok and I encourage this but I don't want to see anymore comments like this one: "{see's a half a bottle of scotch next to gsccc} Uh-oh....." and the series of posts that followed. There is not point in trying to force the discussion with this kind of comments. When a thread gets cluttered with off-topic comments, it annoys other modders and it affects the credibility and the usefullness of the forum. I refer you to Prime's sticky about the rules on this forum: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=127725.


Other thing, instead of making triple and quadruple posts, you can edit your last message. Even if the thread is not at the top of the page all the time, people know it exists and if they have something to post, they will find it.


Now, get back on topic please. This means not discussing the present post but discussing modding Kotor and the Reign of the Sith Mod.

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Darth333 I respect your wishes to keep on topic and all and if you saw, i have been in my last post i said so, but i hardly believe that posts that try to lighten the mood such as what yoko said, are causing this to be unreadable, if you look at Fred Tetra's tread, there is like 100 posts that are stem offs from things talked about before or things that dont really matter. If people worry THAT much on the relevance of their posts and want to get THAT serious then i think it will subtract from the fun we all have when modding. Don't forget we are not ALL adults here, there are some 13, 12 and even 11 year olds posting and reading this forum.


Please forgive me if I have crossed some line here, but as far as I have seen, we have stayed on topic pretty well, had there have been 15 posts on my little joke yea, maybe that should cause worry, but offtopic little things happen once in a while. I dont believe lightening the mood should cause this kind of problem.


Also remember this isnt a buisness office, its a forum. It's not as controllable. Not everyone has MSN or an IRC. Please Darth333 dont take this the wrong way at all, soon we will be not allowing people to make comments like [Go gsccc, keep it up] because it is not "relevant" to feedback or critisism. If Kampher had'nt posted those types as well as everyone else, i probably would'nt be where I am today.


Once again, I appologize if my words are not allowed, for my intentions are not to provoke or be rude, just to point out.

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When will your mod be out since the 6 houer delay?

I cant wait to just stuff all the file in my overrid and be the true dark lord of the sith in action.


Edit: And Achillies i like to think of it as:


Alpha: Primary

Beta: secondary...


Isry i just had to post that Darth333

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Originally posted by Gsccc

...soon we will be not allowing people to make comments like [Go gsccc, keep it up] because it is not "relevant" to feedback or critisism...

On the contrary, I "encourage encouragements" and they are necessary to make people continue modding :) and I don't have anything against a touch of humor: it is a good and necessary thing . But some types of comments simply lead to irrelevant endless chatting and this is what we are trying to avoid ( btw, mirc is easy to get and there is plenty of free IM software).

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Unfortunatelly there is going to be another delay on my mod. Ive been working VERY hard on this and En Liten Mus knows what i am talking about, its not as easy as it looks.


When The release i give comes out. There will not be a whole bunch of voice overs and there will still be things to fix.


Glamador, no i do not have any screenshots on the latest part of my mod but i will be making a video of the mod before I release it, I hope you can all forgive me for the delay.

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Originally posted by Gsccc

Unfortunatelly there is going to be another delay on my mod. Ive been working VERY hard on this and En Liten Mus knows what i am talking about, its not as easy as it looks.


When The release i give comes out. There will not be a whole bunch of voice overs and there will still be things to fix.


Glamador, no i do not have any screenshots on the latest part of my mod but i will be making a video of the mod before I release it, I hope you can all forgive me for the delay.


thats okay bud, im just upset that you didnt include me when you mentioned how hard you worked.........


..... im kiddin, good luck with the mod (how many times have i said that) :confused::p well widh you luck and good comments :D:D



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Err...what do you want to do exactly, add Darth Malin to your party? In this case, I will refer you to the How to recruit an npc in less than 10 steps tutorial: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=131944. If there is anything you need help with, just ask.


If you want Darth Malin just to follow you in there, like the Sacha sidequest, it will have to be a scripted cutscene.

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Here are some possibilities:


I haven't checked but I imagine the leviathan uses this systax:


// RemoveAvailableNPC

// This removes a NPC from the list of available party members

// Returns whether it was successful or not

int RemoveAvailableNPC( int nNPC );


and then


// AddAvailableNPCByObject

// This adds a NPC to the list of available party members using

// a game object as the template

// Returns if true if successful, false if the NPC had already

// been added or the object specified is invalid

int AddAvailableNPCByObject( int nNPC, object oCreature );


The other possibility, for the party selection screen (example: Bastila on Korriban) would be:


// SetNPCSelectability

void SetNPCSelectability(int nNPC, int nSelectability);


// GetNPCSelectability

int GetNPCSelectability(int nNPC);

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Ok, here is the deal. Technically I am done with the mod, but it isnt finished completely. I am going to let you choose right now if you want it released now or when i finish it completely.


Pros for now


-You will get to have the mod in its semi completed state and

you will be able to go through the entire thing.


Cons for now

-There will be very little voice overs

-You will have to make certain changes to your man

-You will not be able to experiance the mod in it's full

-You will have to under go patches that i will make to fix certain things.




Pros for Completed

-You get to see the mod in its fullest

-You get to have all cutscenes then

-You get all the little tid bits

-You dont have to edit your man, well, for the most part

-You dont have to go threw the story agian, for patches


Cons for Completed

-You dont get it right now

-You have to wait like a week

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Since not a hole bunch of people seem to care enough to reply, and I cant make a poll or Darth333 will rip my balls off:D


I desided to make a trailer for my mod, it isnt best quality because when it was, it was half a gig long. So go to my website under projects and you will see it.

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