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Reign Of The Sith Mod Is Out

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Originally posted by Master Bobo

in the near future will there be a cont. to this? kinda was short but supa fun i gotta tell u that. but you could have a war with that high council god i hated them. lol


hehe tho great work!

Im glad you would like a continuation:D Hopefully, if things go the right way, I will make it in episodes, kind of like a trillogy.


As for the counsil lol, im glad you hate them! That is what i was shooting for. It isnt done just yet. Maybe when kotor 2 comes out I will have more stuff to work with, but what did you guys think about Biff Strife and Darth Malign?

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Biff was sweet, i used him in the big er big factory place lol. btw does that door just for looks? lol i tried opening it hehe


the darth guy, i took bastila's *The Missus* advice and didnt take him on as an apprentice. btw is that the Star Forge Symbol on his forehead? lol

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Originally posted by Master Bobo

Biff was sweet, i used him in the big er big factory place lol. btw does that door just for looks? lol i tried opening it hehe


the darth guy, i took bastila's *The Missus* advice and didnt take him on as an apprentice. btw is that the Star Forge Symbol on his forehead? lol

Lol you noticed the symbol!! good your the first one, it took me for ever to do that!:p

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Ok it seems that not everyone knows how i am going to play this out. If it seemed that ROTS ended quite abruptly it's because there are going to be two more episodes. The next one is A New Foe. HK 47 plays a pretty big role in that one, but that is all i am telling you this time. I unleashed too much last time. I will tell you that this episode is about a new enemy to the empire that rises after Carth's defeat.


I am not quite sure when i will be releasing this or even starting on it seeing how i just finished episode 1. I will post updates. However you wont see me as much here anymore. I will still check the forums every day to answer questions if you have them.





EDIT: Darth333 I found the edit button!!!! Yipeeeee!

Anyways now would be the time to post your thoughts on me doing this continuation. Well should I?

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First, I can see that a lot of work went into this mod -- Good Job. Of course, it needs yet more work, thus why it's a Beta, right? :cool:


Okay. Comments.


1) Where did my force powers go? poor, poor Revan! I could swear I had a lot more than that....


2) It's very strange to be talking to a second Bastilla when you have Bastilla in your party.


3) Your dialog needs some serious proofreading. Misspelling is rampant, and gramatical errors are only somewhat less so. If you need a copy-editor, I might volunteer.


4) The difficulty seemed -- weird. Later fights were easy (including the last fight vs Carth,) but I found the first three Jedi I encountered almost impossible, even with Darth Revan, Bastilla, and Canderous bending their full skills to the fight. I actually had to reload from save!


5)Too many Jedi! Not enough troopers.


The Leviathan seemed particularly empty without its corridors lined with my troops.


6) Carth-as-Jedi seems a little incredible from a fluff standpoint. If he were strong enough in the force, he probably would have recieved Jedi training before now. As a mature adult there is almost no chance of him being trained. He's not a "Special Case" like Luke Skywalker or brainwashed Revan.


I would suggest you consider Carth coming up with some other, more wiley, way of fighting back against Revan.


7) Bastilla-as-wife also seems a little incredible. I don't really see Dark Lords of the Sith getting married except as a way of asserting posession. I also don't see them being monogamous. (the way Revan talks about Bastilla, she is clearly Revan's only wife.)


There's also the fact that some of us play female Revans, and while I didn't mind my Darth Revan being bi/lesbian, some people might.


8) The plot was linear, rushed, disjointed, and more than a little incredible. Not sure what to do about that. Maybe find a writer?


9) If it's going to be an after-ending-mod, there needs to be some way to start it after the ending, rather than warp-cheating into it.


10) The airlock on the Leviathan doesn't work right even if you have a space-suit. I checked. Also, that's a pretty lousy way of getting onto one's own bridge. I feel I should be coming in at the Hangar Deck and riding an elevator to the Command Deck at which point I walk in the Bridge area's front door. Far more dignified.


Especially if my troops fill the corridors and stand at attention as I walk by.


11) I know you probably can't do professional transitions like the Bioware people did, and that's a pity, but just suddenly appearing wherever I'm going seems wrong somehow. Maybe there's some way to make those transitions feel more natural?


12) I miss the Ebon Hawk. I know. I know. Dark Lords of the Sith aren't supposed to get sentimental, but that ship and I have been through a lot together.


13) There wasn't really anything to do in your mod except fight. The loot was unimpressive/useless, the conversations were linear, and what little XP you gain doesn't do a thing. Maybe you could come up with some way to dump the non-Jedi levels (while retaining their bonuses?) to give us some levelling to work with?


14) Try to avoid including other mods along with it. If it isn't strictly necessary to the story you're telling, it doesn't need to be there. Actually, I'm not too sure you did this (the modifications I noticed might have been from other things I already had installed, I suppose) but it's good advice generally, so I'm tossing it out there.


15) I probably forgot something or even several somethings. Maybe I'll play through again with a notepad this time.


Final thought: Again, I can see that this mod took hard work and dedication, and I thank you for having the courage to attempt it. I hope these comments help in working towards your final version.

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Originally posted by Glamador

some of the comments u made are impossible to do...you cannot warp directly to the leviathan bridge b/c it is not the beginning of hte map and thus not hte spawn point for ur PC and co...

Hehehe the magic of scripting: it is possible: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=132045&highlight=warping ;)


Of course it depends on what gsccc wants to do :)

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Mr. Ritcher, I realize your critisism. And as i said i will be releasing patches but as Glamador said. Many of the things you ask for are impossible or very hard and complicated to do. I am a one man team with Yoko proofreading my scripts. I am not a pro and I should hope no one expects me to come out with an entirely new game. I made things easyer because people were complaining my butt off about it being "too hard". You cant have both. As for carth he stays a jedi and he stays dead. As for Bastilla, I believe you misinterprit the dark side. Though this is not your fault because so did bioware. They interperated it as evil and nothing but. But in reality it is freedom. You dont have to be evil devil muhaha on the darkside. So that rules out polygamy. Bastilla wouldnt have it.:D As for the femail, that requres tokens, which are scripts that do checks very small scripts that were in nwn. Ex: Hellow [ma'am/sir]. And depending on your person it would use the correct one. The dlg edit doesnt have that. And i am not about to wast HOURS of my day when i pull a fulltime job, making every single dialogue that way. As for leveling, you should already be level 20, because this is an AFTER GAME MOD i cant tell you how many times i have stressed that. My mod was supposed to bring more action to the game, less walking around, because I got a complaint on that too. As for my plot, well I happen to like it. There was not really alot to go on if you ask me. Being an after game mod and just Episode 1 the plot is just coming out. Your not going to learn everything in the first episode. Luke didnt find vader out until the episode 5. So im not sure what you mean by that. Kind of insulting. Most things you meantioned will be fixed in later versions. Thank you for the "comments";)

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Bob I think you expected too much out of Gsccc and mine's mod. Yea it wasnt perfect. And it still needs some work and we are working on it. But settle down, calling the plot linear, rushed, disjointed, and more than a little incredible is a little harsh, not enough compliments in there. I know where you are coming from believe me but, a good way to give critisism is to work a little compliment into each one. The way you gave it, you didnt like the mod at all.


Just saying.

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I completely agree with yoko, Bob's critisism was a little overbearing and might have come out a little hard. Knowing military type things, it is code to have all crew member's present as the High Chief or emperor in this case walks in. I thought it was good. Real fun too, I love the scene on coruscant, how did you get that old lady voice???


Its ok, Gsccc, every now and then you get guys like this, "neat freaks" who find ever little thing wrong about your mod. Lack of immagination.

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Hard day for a mod (those who have been there this morning - Eastern Time - know hat I am talking about :rolleyes: - nothing to see with this thread for those who were not present...)


Anyways, I want both sides to take into consideration that this forum unites people of many cultures, different ages and countries. What mat seem offensive to some people may not be for other people. I am used to the type of critiscm BobRichter made (I've been a pianist attending master classes - where every one would give his critism after you played :rolleyes: ) and I see noting wronwith it. You can disagree or agree: it is called an opinion.


Learn that people can like or dislike your mods, as everything else. If someone dislike it use it to do even better next time or ignore it if you don't like the idea. There are 6 billion people on this planet and no one can agree with each other (other thig: there are more than enough wars onthis planet so don't start another one here - even if it is just words).


As I said to Gsccc earlier today, I have not tried the mod yet due to a low quality DSL connection. I will do it sometime this week if it is not too crazy at work.

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Originally posted by Gsccc

Mr. Ritcher, I realize your critisism.




And as i said i will be releasing patches but as Glamador said. Many of the things you ask for are impossible or very hard and complicated to do. I am a one man team with Yoko proofreading my scripts. I am not a pro and I should hope no one expects me to come out with an entirely new game.


No, I realize that there are a number of restrictions on you -- availability of tools, availability of talent (just so we're clear, talent in this case means artists and the like,) availability of time...


I left out all the things I was sure were impossible. If I suggested anything impossible, please forgive me and blame my noobism.


If I suggested anything that was simply very difficult, consider it part of a long-term wishlist.


I made things easyer because people were complaining my butt off about it being "too hard".


I don't have any problem with it being "too easy." I just found it kinda odd that those first three jedi on Manaan seemed so much harder than the rest. The difficulty seemed fine otherwise.


Maybe you missed converting their stats over? Heh. Maybe it's all in my head. Anyway, give it a look.


You cant have both. As for carth he stays a jedi and he stays dead.


An unfortunate decision, but I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. You're the genius, I'm just a player. :cool:


As for Bastilla, I believe you misinterprit the dark side. Though this is not your fault because so did bioware.


I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the nature of the Dark Side, too. That's fine.


So that rules out polygamy. Bastilla wouldnt have it.:D


Who said I was giving her a choice?


As for leveling, you should already be level 20, because this is an AFTER GAME MOD i cant tell you how many times i have stressed that.


Well, I was. I just found that I missed levelling. Everything gets to seeming kinda pointless when your XP doesn't do anything. Probably just me.


But do look into tossing in some quality loot. That's one of the major things in this kind of game.


My mod was supposed to bring more action to the game, less walking around, because I got a complaint on that too.


I find walking around doesn't bug me very much when I use Master Speed. :D


Kind of insulting. Most things you meantioned will be fixed in later versions. Thank you for the "comments";) [/b]


I find misspelling my name to be insulting. So now that we've both been insulted, let's just get along. :D


The thing with writing stories (which is, in part, what you're doing here.) is that not everyone's going to like what you've done.


But let me explain my criticism here. Every word I used was in there for a reason.


linear: a plot that moves in only one direction and does not branch.For example. most (if not all) of your dialogs have only one conversation path.


This kind of plot bugs me, because I feel like I'm only there for the fights, and my character does most of that.


Basically, it's like watching a movie rather than playing a game.


rushed: a plot that moves too fast, concluding in too little time or presenting too much information at once.


Naturally, this is a subjective point, and we may not agree on it, but this was my feeling.


disjointed: a plot that doesn't flow well or make sense. This can be intentional or unintentional and is at least partly subjective.


incredible: unbelievable. Like that bit about Carth being a Jedi. Or the Dark Lord of the Sith moseying on down to take care of a rebel enclave all by his lonesome. Or the attack on Corellia.


Once again, this is a matter of interpretation, and different people have different tolerances for the incredible (for example, we all seem to have accepted the concepts of force-magic and lightsaber-wielding Jedi, which are pretty incredible of themselves.)


That said, I stand by my statement regarding your plot. I realize it's not complete, but what's there already drew this reaction from me. Sorry.

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Originally posted by Yoko

Bob I think you expected too much out of Gsccc and mine's mod.


Entirely possible. I do try not to set the bar too high but... :D


Yea it wasnt perfect. And it still needs some work and we are working on it.


Let me be clear: I didn't expect perfection from anything claiming to be a beta. I was trying to be constructive, pointing out things I saw that could use some work.


If I was told this was the final version, I would never have posted this at all. I would have simply deleted the mod and gone back to what I was doing before.


Without this kind of feedback, truly great things do not happen. It's often hard to see what's wrong with a project when you're so close to it and have invested so much effort into it. I'm sorry if I hit any sore spots: constructive criticism is not a partcular strength of mine.


But settle down, calling the plot linear, rushed, disjointed, and more than a little incredible is a little harsh,


I wouldn't have said it if I didn't think it was justified. Trust me, the plot needs help. I was trying to give a critical review instead of just saying "your plot stinks."


not enough compliments in there. I know where you are coming from believe me but, a good way to give critisism is to work a little compliment into each one.


As I said, I'm not good at constructive criticism. I'm a bit of a boor. It's something I need to work on.


The way you gave it, you didnt like the mod at all.


To be honest, I didn't like it much Everything I mentioned spoiled my enjoyment just a little (as did some things I didn't mention -- some of which I tried not to give too much weight because I figured there wasn't much to be done with them given the tools I'm aware of.)


But the few compliments I did give were sincere. I realize you guys worked your asses off and I appreciate that. I think it's a pity that so much hard work results in such a poor experience.


I think it's a bang-up concept. I just think it needs work. And maybe some help.

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Originally posted by Achilles

I know that you can place individuals on Ignore using the User CP page but is there a similar option for threads?



Exactly what is that supposed to mean???:(


I am starting to see what Darth333 is talking about with off topic stuff, Everyone get off Bob, I simply told him what i was doing/not doing with his unconstructive critisism, this is becoming way off topic so get on now. And bob, you have cluttered the thread with your EXTREMELY long replys and it bothers people you dont have to over analyse EVERYONE's post just because it is against you, if you cant critisise constructively then dont critisise at all, im sure

someone else will come along an give a better reply, I HAVE ABSOLUTELY HAD IT TODAY WITH DISRESPECT, this should be the

LAST post on this subject, get back to what this thread is about.

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i think bob had some legitimate comments...i did too at some points, but i think that only posting criticisms without mentioning all the good stuff and hard work would make ANY mod seem absolutely terrible...and we dont want that do we? i must admit that the only really troubling thing in the mod itself was the mispelling of "soldire"...god that makes me want to claw my own eyes out...idk y its such a big deal to me...

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