DK_Viceroy Posted August 4, 2004 Share Posted August 4, 2004 Yes propably using spedcial organs or glands it as of yet unclear since i've mentioed the unreliabilty of delivery of my information. FOr Ysalmiri it's evloution on how it got like that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted August 4, 2004 Share Posted August 4, 2004 Okay, I may have to admit defeat on the part of the ysalamiri. Though still feel incredibly wrong for how the Force works, but I can't prove it. Let's discuss the Yuuzhan Vong. Admittedly I know even less about them than I do about ysalamiri, as I've read the Thrawn books but not the NJO ones. So please, someone explain to me their exact relationship with the Force before I start pointing out how wrong they are. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted August 4, 2004 Share Posted August 4, 2004 OK i shall On their ancient homeworld {Yuuzhan'tar} they lived with a group mind where the barriers between their minds really didn't exist they lived in harmony with their homeworld which was alive and had sentience. then a spacefaring race attacked Yuzhan'tar and the living world gave the Ur-Yuuzhan Vong technology to fight them which ignited in them a need for conquest which saw many wolrds destroyed along with many latent planatery conciusonouses, at the same time they raised barriers around thier minds and Yuuzhan'tar appaled at the bloodshed cast them out of their homeworld and stripped them off the force and was subsequentyl attacked by the Yuuzhan vong Before Yuuzhan'tar died it sent forth a Seed that would travel between the galxies to the star wars galaxy which eventually became Zonama Sekot. The yuuzhan vong in need of something to ascribe the powers of Yuuzhan'tar created a Pantheon of gods and since they were stripped of the force and symbiosis they adopted the mantle of pain and cruel sacrifice thinking they were worshiping life they were really worshipping the last way to symbiosis. Through death. eventually through constant warring among themselves since they had already deafted all other species on their home galaxy eventually made most worlds uninhabbitable. set on a great pilgramage across the void to our galaxy follwing the same interstellarwinds as Zonama Sekot did. They could not advance beyond the bio-technology they were given so the Shapers accepted they shouldn't create new biots when really they couldn't. They eventually get the force back when they realise Zonama Sekot is the child of their long lost homeworld and they discover how their gods were really a planet a living planet at that by working with Zonnamas Boras Sekot will get to know them better and in time they will regain the force thus saving a species once doomed to self extinction. A breif history of the yuuzhan vong One other note The Chiss knew of their existance and through them the emporer learned because the Chiss had began fortifying their territory and this sparked Emporer Palpatine to try and crush the rebels more quickly so he could marhsall his forces in preparation for this new threat. which was rerally at least 50 years old because some years prior to the battle of naboo a reconaisance force led by Commander Zho Krazhmir attacked and tried to claim zonama but sekot resisted and eventually Vergere went to try to mediate with them while zonama prepared but the battle Awakened the previuosly Dormant consciuonous that became Sekot Zoname being the body Sekot being the mind. Zonama had huge hyperspace engines implanted on it's surface and used these to look for a sanctuary after the yuuzhan vong force returned to the worldship convoy to report. Zho Krazmhir got a new leg implant and died in his sleep some time later his implant not haviong gone well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted August 4, 2004 Share Posted August 4, 2004 Well there sure are a lot of unpronouncable words in that. "Stripped of the Force" - does this mean what I think it does? They were somehow living without the Force? Or am I misinterpreting what you're saying? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted August 4, 2004 Share Posted August 4, 2004 The force can affect them they are just blind to it. However one yuuzhan Vong Biot is not outside of the force The Yammosk war co-ordinator Major NJO SPoiler Read AT Your Peril Supreme Overlord Onimi Grafted Yammosk Cells To his own Nueral Tissue ANd Regained The Force so you see the yuuzhan vong can get the force back in several ways but Zonama sekot will gradually restore it to them What it's parent has done can only be undone by it the child. really i would advise getting up to date on the NJO series since it does say extensively that the yuuzhan vong can be affected by it. you can choke them by raising air pressure using the force. you can lift them by defining where they are. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted August 4, 2004 Share Posted August 4, 2004 SO no answer eh it looks like NJO has been so well crafted storyline wise to make sure it's all explained. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted August 4, 2004 Share Posted August 4, 2004 Well what exactly does "stripped of the Force" mean if they are still affected by it? Plenty of people are "blind" to the Force, take Han Solo for example. I distinctly remember some immunity to Force powers being mentioned on the Databank entry, though now it mysteriously mentions nothing about the Yuuzhan Vong relationship to the Force. Could it be the authors realised their mistakes and corrected them by concocting a bizarre back story? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swphreak Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 I just think the Databank people are idiots. Especially the webmaster. C'mon, the site looks like crap, how much more can you expect from the people that write the databank entries? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Windu Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 Vostok - basically, with the YV, the storyline goes that a living planet removed the ability of the VY to exist inside the force, and for them to touch the force. Because of this, the Jedi were unable to sence the VY and had huge problems in fighting them. This was all part of the desire by the EU writers to produce a 'super-enemy' with their ability to be 'force-stealthy', having living organisms as weapons that lightsabre's cant cut (yeah...right), and the ability of their starships to produce miniture black holes that would absorb weapons fired at them. All of these are, in my mind, completely and utterly against the entire SW universe and are extremely unrealistic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lukeiamyourdad Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 Amen. The YV belong in Star Trek. I'm gone and you guys have yet again(for the frigging twentieth time or something) another EU vs Movie debate?! Oy I'm gonna be sick... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 Ok the toilet's down the hall 6th turn on the right Windu there is no reason to repeat what i've already said it's no attempt to create a super enemy you just cannot accept truth when it's been explained. I agree about the database it is extremely unreliable. Though i hardly think they had problems fighting the vong sure these advantages took a little while to be nullified but were nullified. Everyweapon had it's disadvantage like the Dovin basal's inability to protect the entire ship thus needing many of them. The dovin basal also attracted meteor's to them while sheilds would repulse them. I could go on and on and on and propably will until you accept the facts and understand the truth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FroZticles Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 I don't see the big deal about EU, I like finding out what happens beyond the movies even if some of it conflicts its just interesting. End all the debates because you will never get everyone to accept or reject EU as Star Wars. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonball Fan Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 *cough* Another way of putting all of this: Pure ****. You people are fighting over stuff that's never even happened. Also, Lukeiamyourdad, can I kill you? Becuase you're as close-minded as Hitler. The Yuuzhan Vong are perhaps the most original villains to ever be in a book series. They have a strongly molded history, unlike the Sith... Heh. I love the movies, the EU, and the Sith... If you hate EU and only like the movies, you're not a true fan. Unless the books really sucked... But that's another story. That's my ½ cent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 Once again the cause of truth shows it's righteousnous as we welcome someone into the Federation Of Truth Bearers who accepts EU and the movies as one and them same As Star Wars Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 If you hate EU and only like the movies, you're not a true fan.This is the second biggest untruth that really gets on my nerves. No-one could ever question my devotion to the movies, and indeed I love the movies so much I hate how EU has made a mockery of them. I've never questioned anyone's fandom as a result of their love for EU, I'd like to think most EUFans would do me the same courtesy and realise there is more than one way to be a Star Wars fan. And if you think Yuuzhan Vong are original, you are gravely mistaken. They are remarkably similar to a number of other sci-fi bad-guys. While we're killing people for their closed-minds, we may as well start with XBebop. EDIT: I forgot to progress the argument further than just negating XBebop. Here's a quote I found from a review of Vector Prime on Many people accuse them of being rip offs of other sci-fi aliens. But you know what? The Star Wars films ripped off Buck Rodgers, Flash Gordon, Wizard of Oz, Dune, and countless other stories. The Yuuzhan Vong rip off Alien, the Abyss, Independence Day, Jim Shooter's Warriors of Plasm comic, and tons of other recent sci-fi. I just recently thought that the Yuuzhan Vong seem to represent 90's-like grim, gritty, and bleak sci-fi while the Star Wars Universe characters seem to represent the golden age of sci-fi. This book seems to almost be a battle between the two outlooks at sci-fi. I loved the Yuuzhan Vong technology and totally alien weaponry.Although the reviewer sees this juxtaposition of sci-fi themes as a good thing, the fact that the Yuuzhan Vong and the proper Star Wars represent "two [different] outlooks at sci-fi" is precisely why the Vong don't fit into the Star Wars Universe. Star Wars is about the "golden age of sci-fi", it is not supposed to be about the "grim, gritty and bleak sci-fi". It's as out of place as if you had Buck Rogers fighting the Independence Day aliens. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 RIIIIIIGGGGHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTT the golden age was 40 years ago this is the age of truth Old fossils get out In case anyone hasn't noticed the 2 latest star wars used more CGG than Toy Story 2 ANd the legend of Zelda WIn Waker put together that's hardly harking back to the golden age espoecially since if I had asked you sveral ytears ago before episode one was released that a book about epsisode one was EU you'd say it was EU incidently would you COnsdier Geroge Lucas's OFFICIAL screenplay illustrated by the g man himself EU? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lukeiamyourdad Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 XBebop- I suggest you use other comparison then close-minded ones yourself. Viceroy-Using CG technology has nothing to do with Golden Age or your "Age of Truth". Vostok is talking about this story-wise. The Star Wars STORY was inspired from Buck Rodgers, Flash Gordon, Dune, etc. while the Yuuzhan Vong is based from more modern sci-fi. I've always looked at the YV as the Aliens from Mars invading the Earth. OOOO Original... See? Now you've dragged me in this... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 I think you misunderstand... I'm not talking about production elements, which is what CGI is, I'm talking about stylistic representations, story themes and general plot devices. As to your question: I'm not exactly sure what an "official" screenplay is, but if you're referring to Lucas' final draft of the screenplay, it is one of those things that falls into the gap between the Movies and EU. It doesn't always agree with the final versions of the films, but it is far from being part of the Expanded Universe. It's the same as asking whether the first draft Tim Zahn wrote of Heir to the Empire is continuous with the final published version. EDIT: Hey Luke'sDad, you posted at the same time as me. Are you back from your Vietnamese trek? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lukeiamyourdad Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 Off-topic: Yup, back home! That's why I'm back as a regular poster and I'll maybe play this weekend if I'm free. There is a game this weekend right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 [OFF TOPIC] Yep, every weekend same time so far. Hope to see you there! [/OFF TOPIC] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 Considering since the only few discrepancies are the fact that he's done the droids ships from pre naboo federation where they were piloted by droids instead of the starfight ebing the actuialt droid, and of course how he originally wanted the nomodians to look like but unfortunatly couldn't for some reaons, i believ it was costuming ir it being a little too fiddly i never did find out. ANd believe me this is the OFFICIAL one that was created before the film was made so the actors would have a visual thing to look at it even says that before it launches in it has the scripts and everything beleive me this thing is PURE GOSPHEL OF TRUTH i'd scan some tuff up but i don't have the time or the inclination to scan up all 156 pages. It looks like your "definition" falls short of reality this has the script storyboards everything you can cealerly see how it devloped from sketches to reality. Welcome back luke have you been to the toilet to be sick yet:p btw is the next game sunday same time same place? the droids are ready to hunt:bdroid2: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 Well since all the drafts of every screenplay George Lucas has written could be termed "Official", I'll continue in assuming you mean the final draft, which I do have a copy of. What I said previously still holds true. It falls into the gap between Movies and EU. I also place deleted scenes in this gap, but things like the novelisations and radio dramas I would class as EU. I need a name for this "gap"... maybe Almost-Movie? But then again there are different kinds of EU, which of course I've discussed at length before. Extrapolated Expanded Universe and Pure Expanded Universe; the former (EEU) including the novelisations and things like the name "All Terrain Armoured Transport", while the latter (PEU) is made up of the Yuuzhan Vong and Darktroopers and what have you. So in summary, the order of canon is: MOVIES -> ALMOST-MOVIE -> EEU -> PEU Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 you need another name for that if you say it out loud it stinks and i mean litteraly peeuu stinky Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral Vostok Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 Well PEU does stink. Seriously though I agree, if only to avoid confusion between Pure Expanded Universe and Star Wars Purism, which are complete opposites. Perhaps Totally Expanded Universe (TEU)? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DK_Viceroy Posted August 5, 2004 Share Posted August 5, 2004 Maybe but TEU is a clan and not a particularly pleasent one you wou;ldn't want to name the truth after a bunch of rapists theives and jedi starfighter loachers would you? EVn you are not as heinous to defile the truth surely?:confused: :confused: :confused: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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