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JK Honerz crap in DOOM 3!!!

Cosmos Jack

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Believe me every game has it's whinners... take something that happened to me on America's Army a few weeks ago.


To anyone that doesn't know:


America's Army needs a login in order to play... it keeps tabs on your score and HONOR (dont stop reading... it's not the same thing as in JK)... Honor in America's army is more like a rank (that can also be exploited mind you) basically for every round you play you earn points, and when your total points reaches a certain number... you are promoted. This obviously isn't the fairest way to do since some gamers has jobs and other RL commitments as oppsoed to younger crowds that have tons of free time. So it's normal that certain people have more honor than other without necessarilly playing better.


Honor starts out as 10 and can go as high as 100 or so im told... my current honor is 21... not cuz i suck at it (im no pro either that's for sure) but cuz i dont spend alot of time on it to build up my points.


On one of the rounds... I killed an enemy player and he was pretty pissed at me and I STILL dunno why. AFAIK i didn't even kill him in any sort of impossible or unlikely way... it's not like he had only an inch exposed and covered in smoke and my only shot hit him... no... i just saw him and killed him. His honor was like 50 or so and he was acusing me of using cheats and hacks (punkbuster was on as it was an officical server).


First... I'm a 3d modeler and animator... im no coder... i know NOTHING about hacks... i dunno where to get them... i dunno how to use them...and i will must surelly not risk cheats or hackseven if i knew them on a punkbuster using official server, risking loosing all my account info and facing ban... no way.. no how... i enjoy playing that game too much thank you.


Still he went on... no insisting i was using hacks cuz... (get this)... there was no way i could be better than him since my honor was so low compared to his.


Somehow he "liked" me to acuse me of that... cuz he died every round and always cursed his fate. always a line upon his death... like "NO WAY!!!" or "Goddamn Lag (this one is typical...even when it's true)!!!"


Whinners are everywhere... and to be honest... the only thing you can do about it is keep on fragging that guy until A: he quits, B: is kicked/Banned cuz of the whinning swearing... or C: keeps it up but really accomplishes nothing.


AA does have a voting system... but he did not make use of it... either way i think most people on that server didn't like his attitude.


They are everywhere.... and I mean EVERYWHERE... my bro is kind of a UT pro... he get's this sort of thing everyday... the sore loser.


But i also MUST admit... JK games take this CR@P to a whole new dimension. I can't believe I was away from these forums for mounths... and I find that things just didn't change. Honor freaks are still rampant... and serious players.. good or not... suffer from it. It's sad... really sad. Like i said..they are everywhere... but on most games they are bearable and dont have tools that support them.


I think serious players really owe something to people like the Kurgan and Amidala for their great servers where people can play the game as it was meant to be played.


Sorry for the novel i jsut rote here.. but it's been a while since i was here so i had to catch up :D


Cheers everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember in ForceMod3 someone was like "HEY FA TRY A NEW WEAPONZ NOOB" after I was winning the round. I said no, and the insults were pooring in. Yet he was still on a jetpack using pistols (not that I care). He said I needed more "variety." Please.



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You're right, true honour is dieing on the field of battle. I admit, there are always certain rules you must follow, but this is pretty rediculous.


For example, in real life, it's stupid to kill someone. In, say, Doom 3, it's the entire point of the game, so if you make rules wich state that people aren't allowed to kill 75% of the time, you are being stupid, trying to bring real life over to the game, so to speak. If you just walk around, hide, kill and walk around some more, you'll have more fun then when you start whining over rules. They want to play a fun game? Then play it the way it's meant to be played!

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Originally posted by Doomgiver

For example, in real life, it's stupid to kill someone.


It is?

*drops guns*


Also, this is a game, not a typing ground. If those suckers like typing, they can chat rather than play or talk over mics. In a game, the chief idea is to have fun, by obeying the rules. If you go about making rules of your own, you may not have the fun as was intended. (Doesn't apply for mods and add-ons)

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Originally posted by TK-8252

Just hope that they don't start making admin mods for Doom 3. It'll be Doom+ with the amAbuse commands before you know it.


Let's just hope it doesn't carry into Star Wars Battlefront too. *Sigh* :(


Thats exactly what I'm fearing.


But I was on some server where there were 4 members of the Npo Clan. They were just chatting with each other most of the time and if you killed them they weren't gonna get all pissed. It was an easy way to rack up points I'll admit but if you wanna chat do it in a chat room not a game where you're sucking Server Resources.

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There are whiners everywhere. I kill them. I laugh. I kill them again. I play HALO with my friends all the time. We were like that for a (very) little period in time. Then we realized it was stupid to whine. Now, we all just say, "Crap! Dude, that was an awesome shot!" But you don't see a lot of that. People would rather say that you're cheating or something than just honestly admit that you got the best of them. Which is kind of funny... the way you improve the most in these games is by getting your butt kicked until you figure out how to stop getting your butt kicked.


Play the games on the hardest settings, find the hardest servers, etc. and get good enough to win. Don't whine in the meantime. And definitely don't tell everyone else that they have to abide by your own foolish conception of "honor" - they're FPS's for Pete's sake, not some real life situation. You want that kind of a thing, go play a MMORPG, where the rules are more the way they want.



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Originally posted by Sabretooth

It is?

*drops guns*


Also, this is a game, not a typing ground. If those suckers like typing, they can chat rather than play or talk over mics. In a game, the chief idea is to have fun, by obeying the rules. If you go about making rules of your own, you may not have the fun as was intended. (Doesn't apply for mods and add-ons)


I remember slicing off our very own Tyrion's head in such a situation on a JA game. I got alot of backlash for that, but yeah.....it twas fun! :p


It's all good though, because I got mine when acdcfanbill carved me a new one in the next game. You don't wanna mess with that guy....he be dangerous! We always have an understanding that it is JUST a game, meant for fun, and we've always been good freinds for it.


acdcfanbill also owned my ass in AVP2....lol!

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