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An Idea! May Be Bad!

smokes o' pot

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Could adventure games be resurrected by adding more action to it (ala Windwaker, but not on the same scale)


Real-time sword fighting and ship fighting, mini-games, the questions you ask people actually having an impact on the unrolling story of the game (Which would add replay value), Slow motion action bits (Can't go wrong), puzzles that arn't obtuse (Simple but effective) and I am sure you could mix the whole thing up in a big pot and throw it online.


Please don't bother telling me how these ideas wouldn't work, I would prefere it if you shared your ideas with me.

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So basically, an adventure game that's more like a movie. In my opinion, that's exactly what we need, nice camera angles, a story with good bpacing and so on and so fourth. And no crate pushing!


I'm not fully against action elements in an adventure game, I quite enjoyed the ending of Broken Sword 3 (I think I'm one of the very few who did)


In the end, what I'm looking for is a good story with gameplay that doesn't get in the way, but nicely compliments it.


Oh, and Psychonaughts is being created by tim Schafer, one of the ones responisble for the first 2 MI's, Full Throttle, Grim Fandango and others. So it should be good.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by JawaJoey

I'd like this kind of game. I don't want to see a decrease in the difficulty of puzzles, puzzles are what drive good adventure games.


I also don't want to see a Monkey Island game like this. That would be horrible.


Familiarity breeds contempt, I think that adventure games will have to change to survive. I don't have a problem with hard puzzles, I welcome them, my problem is with obtuse puzzles that you eventually solve by trying everything with everything. I think it was joshi that said he'd like to see adventure games like movies. Thats kinda what I want.

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Originally posted by smokes o' pot

I think it was joshi that said he'd like to see adventure games like movies. Thats kinda what I want.


Taking my cue from there, I'd like to introduce an old but relevent article.


But I can't because I can't find it (that wasn't meant to be a joke of any kind, it just happened).


But that is what I'd like, obviously a lot of movie elements can't be put into an adventure game, like pacing (a game can't keep pacing when someones stuck on a particular puzzle, of course this is where non-linearity comes in) but The secret of Monkey island was the first game I played where the camera angle changed when you spoke to someone like Mancomb seepgood or Elaine and we need more of these. Also, the way the camera follows you should be dynamic, like in prince of Persia, the Sands of time, the camera was constantly changing to give you the best view of what you were doing, be it running along walls or vaulting over enemies and that should be done a lot more (although in fighting games as apose to adventures, but constantly changing camera angles should stuill be there)


Once concept i would be excited about should people do it would be interactive cutscenes. And example would be that no matter how long you take doing a puzzel, things happen around you on cue to what you do, so say you appraoch a door and start hearing voices, you'll always hear the relevent part of the conversation and only that part, no matter if you take longer to get there the next time. But a game where everything still happens around you and you can be late for a conversation so you have to get information in a different way. This adds more gameplay and makes the game more real which would be great.


Also, maybe in the finale cutscene, someone is just about to do something catastrophic and you're being held captive. It wuould be great if you actually had the choice of watching what happens and then do something, or do something there and then when it's happening and stop it there.


I'm basically talking about more choice and less linearity.

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Indeed. A good idea but I can only imagine how hard it would be to implement. I think Broken Sword 3 has already shown the gaming industry one option where adventure games could go. I found the game to be a breath of fresh air. I look forward to Beneath a Steel Sky 2, I think they will do great and interesting things with it.


The dynamic camera thing should really be a standard for adventure games now I think. I think the Half-life 2 engine could be used to great effect in adventure games. So much could be done with it.


Less linearity will give a higher replay value, a very simple idea that would give gamers so much. I would also like to see a mod kit released with adventure games. It would strech its longevity to no end. Loads of F.P.S's do this, but lucasarts always stopped fangames. Mods never affected the sales off Max Payne 2, Half-life or Red Faction.



Also, Can anyone tell me how I can edit my profile please?

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click on user control panel (userCP, top of page) and then beneath the top graphic is a row of link, user profile, user options and so on. Click on both of those to edit stuff.


And I agree, Broken sword 3 was great as the camera moved with you and gave you the best view of thiungs, not always being centered on you and then again, having nothing obstructing your view of things.

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